Chapter 14: Somethings Up

Obelia was walking around the corridors, this time alone, It was the afternoon, and after Draco ran off she could no longer find him.

"Ditching me to go find Harry and challenging him to a midnight duel is one thing, but not letting me come along, now that's offensive."

Obelia made her way to the library once again, they had left Hogwarts early in the morning so she still had time to visit again, even if they spent most of the morning running and hiding.

'Now that I'm alone… should I sneak into the restricted area?' Obelia made her way into the library, getting close to the restricted area. 'Not many people go to the library in the afternoon, they are either in the courtyard or common room, should I go now or at night?'

Obelia sat near the restricted area but thought it would be better to wait it out for a few days since they had already caused quite a bit of commotion. 'There is no rush anyways, I'll take it slow, and strike.'

After entering Hogwarts Obelia wanted to avoid danger, and the best way to do that was to either get far away or prevent it from even happening.

'The first thing I need to do is destroy the philosopher's stone, and then….' Obelia suddenly felt dizzy and leaned against the window she was near. 'Then…Then… Then what?'

'What's so good about knowing part of the future! Give me all of it!' Obelia suddenly bit her lip and blood trailed down but she didn't notice as she was still focusing on remembering. Her vision began to cloud and her body began to heat up.

'What was the very first event? Harry with family, Harry meeting Hagrid, Harry in Diagon Alley, Harry in school, Harry running from the troll, Harry receiving the invisibility cloak, Harry looking for the philosopher stone, Harry…'

"Hey, are you ok?"

Obelia looked over to see a familiar face, even though she didn't recognize them immediately. "I'm fine, just tired…" Obelia said wiping away the blood running down her face, noticing her nose also started to bleed.

"What are you doing here Marcus? I don't see you very often here." Obelia asked still holding a handkerchief up to her nose.

"I finished reading all the books I borrowed and came for new ones," Marcus said, looking around the area where they were currently. "Are you interested in alchemy? It isn't something I bother studying but I do think it's quite interesting." Marcus picked up a book and Obelia noticed, they were in the Alchemy section of the library. "Anyways where is Draco? Isn't he always with you?" Marcus pleased the book back and sat next to Obelia who was near the window.

"He went to challenge Harry to a midnight duel," Obelia said pulling out a mirror to fix her current appearance. "Now I can't find him."

"Challenging Harry Potter to a duel? I knew those two were not on the best terms but to go as far as a duel is.. so…childish." Marcus started the frown, to Obelia he felt like a picture-perfect Ravenclaw, smart, mature, and always accompanied by a book.

"Well I'm sure it will turn out fine, now if you'll excuse me, I have a certain Slytherin to find." Obelia quickly walked away after saying goodbye to Marcus and now went to search for Draco once again.

'Mhm, it's strange to see one without the other…' Marcus thought before walking over to the History of Magic section and selecting his new books.


Obelia had a small frown on her face, she was in the great hall having dinner with Pansy and Daphne since she couldn't find Draco, even going so far as to ask his goons where he was.

'Where the hell could he be? Did something happen?' Obelia chewed on her food slowly and looked around, unable to spot Draco's bright blond hair. She took a few more bites and finally got up to leave, she wanted to find Draco before curfew, since she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling she was receiving.

'Since he went to find Harry I'll ask Harry if he's seen him and start from there.' Obelia walked over to the Gryffindor table and could feel the intense glares from the group, especially when she approached Harry, she even felt Headmaster Dumbledores, Snape, and McGonagall staring. 'Wow talk about favoritism, I haven't even done anything yet.'

"Uhm, Harry… I heard Draco went looking for you…, after he did I haven't seen him around and I was wondering if you knew where he is since you might be the last who saw him…" Obelia said in a small and quiet voice it was so low only Harry and Ron who were next to him could hear other than Harry.

"He was looking for me? I'm sorry but I haven't crossed paths with him ever since we met in the hall with you." Harry said, he was also speaking in a quiet voice, he did it unintentionally since Obelia was speaking so low and thought he should do the same.

"Oh…ok" Obelia looked into Harry's eyes for a few seconds before walking out of the Great Hall. Obelia was so focused on finding Draco

She didn't even notice the large amount of people staring at her leave.


"What did she ask you?" Hermione who was on the other side asked, unable to hear the conversation Harry and Obelia had.

"Draco was looking for me and was wondering if I had seen him,"

Harry said, still looking at the doors to exit the Great Hall. "It's strange to see the two apart, she must be worried," Harry said not noticing the confused glances he was receiving.

"…Did you miss the part where she said Draco was looking for you? He is after you!" Hermione said, and Ron nodded in agreement.

"We should prepare!" Ron said looking at his two twin brothers, and the three formed a mischievous smile.

Since most of the students were distracted they didn't notice a tall shadow make its way out of the Great Hall, slowly following Obelia.


"Draco… what the hell is this?!" Obelia shouted, looking at Draco with a frown.

"Why are you in the forbidden forest?! Do you know how much I searched the castle for you?!" Obelia said reaching out her arm to Draco who was in the Devil's Snare.

"I'm just as confused! I-"

"Save the exploration, we gotta go, do you know how hard it was to convince Professor Snape to help find you? Not to mention me trying to convince him to turn a blind eye in letting me go into the forbidden forest and find you!" Before Obelia could complain even more she suddenly heard a branch break behind her and froze.

'Why…did it suddenly turn so cold?'