Dead End's

Chapter 6

Before The Spire Fell

I was awakened at night by a Spectre full of grim tiding's! - Col. Wilkinson to Johnny Boy the night before he left!

Sam took one drag from his pipe before it lit! "Off the horse, kid!" It was morning and neither one were ready for it! "What's that you say!?" Pardner took off and it was a good-night Irene noggin' pounder the kid had! "POW!" Coulda went through both eye's for attempting to steal a US Army horse! "Penalty was DEATH! But I ain't in it to KILL YOU NOW boy!" Captain Wilkinson walked back to his tent with eyes eyes on fire! He was roused when he heard the penalty alarm 3 in the morning too soon to be up now! It was gravitas layered at him doorstep-style to hear it was Johnny Boy whose name he didn't know attemptin' to steal a horse! They'd let him wander around and go back to bed! Find out why it happened!? They lit up a whole town a few night's ago now! Outlaw's be stealin' our horses, they said!? Rance and Spurgeon were off the case too! Harry lay sputtered out Harold-style on the floor again! Blood played at his fingertip's! "And YOU shall be WAR!" A voice beckoned! Blood souped back into his veins and an unearthly glow radiated from his corpse! The real trigger pulled itself back and the whole scene was replayed! Rance had taken in amongst fellows and lit Harry aplunder! Harry Townsend was livid to say the least! He roused himself from his dead slumber and walked to the window! "And WAR it will be!" He flung it open and jumped out to not rouse Spurgeon the Herokiller who might still lurk around! He walked to the town gate's and stole a horse! Pinkerton agent's left a flag when doing it with a coin tossed into the air and then shot! He did it himself all the time! This time, he just rode off! No hero begin's a journey like that! But he told himself, be worry, be afeared, whatever does it! You're not a'chambered for war right now! He needed heavy barrels, not a cross-holster .99 XCL Spectrumdragooncannon he spoccled off some louseman Max Reinfeld one day! Allan Pinkerton was a dead name to Max Reinfeld now, but he answered to it once long ago! "Sure, how about these?" he gave Harry and Rance one gun each to hold! Both were gold, and Rance needed them now! Rance had spun around to get the gold gun's off Rance Spurgeon's arch-enemy now, Max Reinfeld! Answering the door with a gunshot, Rance was no-more a Pinkerton Agent than before! Hooscaw off his heel's he leaped into action and dialed the safe combo "3, 4, 1, 5, 6, 7!" and Spurgeon'd into action! "Hot damn! I have a whammy of a wildflower now! These will sell for a million easily back home!" Rance turned to leave then it happened! The alarm went off! They were tied to the door with string and it set off buzzer's the Pinkerton men must hear now! Off he cut the string's with his teeth and skedaddled on outta there! He ran from town with his horse he set up by the gate he got off one mean lonesomer on the trail back then when Harry had let him have it and on the ground he was laid! To care for the crow's was not in his style! No way about it, he had high-tailed it back to town on the double! Rance got to town around dawn when he wanted to! They told him no tale's to get him out of it! He had moseyed back there and again shot Rance on the double! I mean, he took the long way around but told him dead to-his-face that Harry Townsend was DEAD! "Allan, I'm saying it was RANCE SPURGEON who did it! I mean, look at my vest all covered in blood!" Allan was pissed off! His best man in Texas was dead! Harry was wiggling his finger in Allan's mean face, but it meant nothing! "So what!? I can't give you RANCE SPURGEON'S paycheck! It's against rules! And you came back to life with or without it! I want Rance dead, but so be it! You're off the case!" Harry was led out in shackles almost! Pissed off and alone, he was PISSED OFF! "What a world!" he threw up to the sky and abouts! Now a lonsomer himself, Rance talked the trail into letting him loose! "There you are!" Harry saw the golden gun's at Rance's sides and spun around to tell Allan! "NOT ONE STEP MORE, HARRY!" Rance sputtered to know about it! He let off two shot's from his derringers in his sleeve's and darted off! Harry was dead twice-over now for punching Rance ONCE! And leaving him to die off in the hills somewhere! Rance had just reminded him! Cool and calm, he got back up! Nothing could kill him now! He was off on a run faster than ever! Killing Rance would end his life to be sure of it! He had to let him live! It was the onus the Devil had placed on his reborn soul! He remembered being told in the Devil's quarter's back in Hell that "no Man must let Rance Spurgeon die if that behoove's you to still live!" and it was signed with him being brought back to life to believe it! "It'll pass, man!" Rance said to Harry as he was run alongside! His mind was aflare with question's! Why wasn't Harry tackling him to the ground at least!? Harry ran ahead and stopped the horse with a hand by killing it with a darkness aura! "Holy shit!" Rance Spurgeon groaned from the ground! "What was it!?" he sputtered and drew both golden gun's to a gatling arm of terror toward's Harry Townsend, now Rance was SURE was NO LONGER A HUMAN! Alive, sure was encroaching towards him a darkness that looked like Ol' Harry Townsend, lonesome as he always was he hoped! Nothing for it but to KEEP FIRING! Rance had used up all 12 of his shot's to a dismayed arrow of a quilt! "Not so fast, Rance! I'm sure we could be good friend's still!" Needing him alive, Harry used his Powers of Darkness to dishevel the man to the ground! He punched the dirt and leapt up into the sky! Rance was admonished to die in the desert again, but Harry had left him some water and not tied him up! He knew, he must've, that Rance could still hock it out there! And would! He hoped. Rance was thrown into the journey gunless and holstered his head as well! "At least leave me my clothe's!" He bemoaned to the sky! Harry wasn't happy with it, but he knowed Rance would spurgeon it back home and be safe and sound! For how much longer? And could the devil be bargained with to leave him alive forever if the boy had died of old sickness or something? Spitting off these chords of bloodshed, he decided he COULD still kill Rance Spurgeon if he had to at the death on his bed he admonished Harry for not having himself! A chord spang of ruptured kill and he remembered, Harry Townsend, that he had dealt with the devil! He could fly now, be faster than any Man, and was immortal and hard to kill! At least 'till Rance died, he was War, Horseman of Death! Unkillable. Wage warable. And totally hotness for it! He cahoot's on home to no-one in particular lest himself be out for it later when he came home to a dead wife or something! Nothing was here. He left soon after gathering his clothes and taking a bath for old Rance Spurgeon!