Sophia was shocked to the core of her being and as a smart person she knows that she is not given an option to object. But wait, Isn't Samantha meant to be getting married to the grandson of the Steele family? Why did it suddenly change and why do they want her? She couldn't seem to wrap her head around what was going on and where did the stranger that took her first time go? Is he scared of taking responsibility so he ran away? I don't even know him so how can I track him down? so many questions were swirling in her head and before she ended up staring at the personal assistant with a blank look on her face. The sound of a clap brought her back to reality and she saw a number of ladies troup in all carrying something. The last lady was rolling in a mannequin wearing the most beautiful wedding dress she has ever seen. If she was someone who believed in love and marriage, she could have pictured her dream wedding dress to be something like this but too bad... Then she thought, what if this sham wedding was a blessing in disguise? Now she doesn't need to lie to send her numerous suitors away and at the same time she and her so called husband would be strangers living under the same roof just like neighbors in the same apartment. She sat there like a doll as the painted her face with all sorts of make up products and creamed her skin with all sorts of moisturizer and perfume oils. after three long hours, she was fully dressed and standing in front of a full body mirror staring at the entirely different person that is staring back at her in the mirror. Sophia felt like she was taking the biggest step of her life. But then she is set on taking revenge and the back bone she needed was the Steele family. Samantha and Evelyn must pay for what they had done to her, it time to resume the investigation on the accident that sent her father into coma. 


 We blinked awake at the same time and stared into each other's eyes and I felt anger rise in my heart. What is a woman doing beside me? All of a sudden memories from last night begin to flash in my mind and at that moment all I felt for myself was disappointment and disgust. But then to my surprise, she wrapped herself in the blanket and ran as fast as possible to the bathroom. Before I could say anything or even comprehend what is going on, I heard a knock on the door and as I opened the door, my grandmother's assistant came in and told me that she wanted to see me in her study right away and for the first time in a long while I really didn't want to see grandma but I guess it isn't up to me. On getting to the house, I met Grandma in the happiest mood that I've seen in a long time and somehow this made me frown but I kept quiet and kept my cool but when grandma started the conversation, my frown deepened with each sentence. "Logan, why did it take you so long to introduce your fiancee to me? Well, it doesn't matter cause it's better late than never I already changed your bride for tonight to her" grandma said excitedly and in a moment of confusion I had to ask " who is her?" grandma's face changed gradually and when she finally calmed down she said "She is the woman you spent the night with yesterday, Sophia Parker. The sister of the bride you were supposed to get married to later today" my face widened in shock at first but then relaxed in realization. She lied to me and pretended to be drugged to get into my bed and then called the Steele family and told them so that my grandmother could force me to get married to her. This woman sure has guts. " Grandma, I am not getting married to that woman" I spat out disgustingly "I didn't give you another option " grandma replied and it was at that moment that I slowly realized that grandma wasn't going to be taking this easy with me but I Logan Steele am not someone that could be controlled at all. So I told grandma "That's it, I'm calling off this whole wedding" and I turned to leave but grandma's next words make me freeze in place. "You can try to call off the wedding if you don't want your inheritance anymore, I am not going to continue going back and forth with you Logan. If you know that you still want your inheritance, you will get married to Sophia Parker tonight but if you don't, then you might as well forget being a member of the Steele family" I was seeing red at this point but I forced myself to calm down and reason with grandma but all my reasoning seemed to fall on deaf ears. She had already set her mind. "I'll get married to her then" I forced out through gritted teeth. I will definitely go down as the most nonchalant wedding groom in history. I left grandma's study in a weak spirits cause for the first time in a very long time I felt weak, powerless and out of control about my own life decisions. I decided to brush my thoughts aside and call David as a drove back to my mansion to get dressed. When David got to my place, he went on and on about what had happened last night and as he continued my face was getting increasingly darker, by the time he finished the story, my fave was so dark that it could drip water cause from what he said, she had entered the room after he left to get the doctor and by the time he got back we were already entangled with each other and he had to leave quietly. I then told him about what grandmother had ordered and the threats she made and what I thought about the girl who's name I can't even remember he frowned and asked that what if things weren't as simple as I thought and what if someone had set up the both of us? but I wasn't ready to listen at all and when grandma's "kind reminder" came in we both got dressed and headed back to the event hall of the hotel where it all started. 45 minutes later, I walked into the hall with David as my best man

and immediately I got to the alter, the wedding began and when the procession began, she came in. The woman that I am supposed to spend the whole of my marital life with. when she walked down the aisle, the priest began to perform the wedding rites and we exchanged vows even though I didn't mean any of the words that I said. 

Finally, the party began and everybody was in high spirits. well everybody except from the bride and groom who were glaring at each other and hating the show that they had to put on for everybody that was around them. At long last, the wedding came to an end and the crowd slowly dispersed and the dreaded moment had come. Margaret Steele came forward to "congratulate" the newly wedded couple and told Sophia "now that you're married to the Steele family, you have to move into Logan's house and you as the wife of the Steele family have to look like it, talk like it, dress like it and act like it. Finally, if Logan maltreat or bullies you, feel free to call me to complain. Goodnight Sophia oh and remember to call me grandma like Logan does. Okay?" Sophia was so overwhelmed but she tried to maintain her smile and bid the old woman goodbye and waited till she left. Finally, The whole hall was empty except for the two people that were shooting daggers at each other's with their eyes. Logan later broke the silence and said "you could only work your way into my bed with sleazy means but forget about me treating you like my wife. if you like, you can go complain to grandma but I promise to break your legs and pluck out one of your eyes the moment grandma reprimands me. You can weigh your pros and cons and choose your path" Sophia glared at him in disgust and angrily retorts "you think too highly of yourself Mr Steele, I don't want anything to do with you and if you want your grandmother to be convinced you can meet me in the car, we are nothing to each other but strangers that have been obliged to live under the same roof." she storms off to the Limousine that was waiting outside the hotel to take the newly wedded couple home and a minute later, Logan snaps out of the shock that her words had sent him into then a sinister smirk appeared on his perfectly carved face and he strides out and sits on the other side of the car. The car ride was quiet and the driver was drenched in cold sweat as at the time that they got to the mansion from the oppressive and deadly aura that the couple behind him was exuding. Finally they arrived at Logan Steele's mansion and Sophia had to look at him again and ask herself, "How rich is this man?" well she doesn't have the time to think cause this is her new home and her new life too. Logan came down from the car and looked at the woman in front of his house and muttered under his breath "welcome to hell".