The calm before the storm

Seongho's parents, their eyes shimmering with unshed tears, sat side by side in the dimly lit room of their home. The weight of the impending wedding hung heavy in the air, emotions swirling around them like a gentle storm. As they held each other's hands, a lifetime of memories and hopes for their son's future played out in their minds.

With trembling voices, they shared words of wisdom and love with Seongho, urging him to cherish each moment, to be patient and understanding in his union with Junseong. Seongho, his eyes reflecting the mix of emotions within him, nodded in agreement, his heart overflowing with love for his family and the man he was about to marry. His parents couldn't help but smile through their tears at his adorable pout, a mixture of sadness at letting him go and joy for the future that awaited him.

In the midst of this emotional exchange, Seongho's aunts, cousins, grandparents, and uncles gathered around him, their presence a comforting embrace. Laughter and tears mingled in the room, creating a symphony of emotions that filled the space with warmth and love. Stories were shared, old jokes revisited, and hugs exchanged, each moment etching itself into the tapestry of memories that would accompany Seongho into his new chapter of life.

As the night wore on, the room was filled with the soft glow of love and togetherness, a reminder of the bonds that held them all together. In these final hours before the wedding, Seongho was surrounded by the love and support of his family, a reminder of the foundation on which his future would be built.

Seongho's aunts, known for their playful banter, couldn't resist teasing him about his soon-to-be husband, Junseong. With mischievous grins and twinkling eyes, they playfully nudged Seongho, eliciting blushes and laughter from him. Their light-hearted teasing added a touch of levity to the emotional atmosphere, reminding Seongho that amidst the solemnity of the occasion, there was also room for joy and laughter.

Meanwhile, Seongho's cousins, a lively bunch, took the opportunity to reminisce about their own weddings and share amusing anecdotes from past family gatherings. Their stories filled the room with a sense of camaraderie and nostalgia, weaving a tapestry of shared history that bound them all together. Seongho listened with a mix of amusement and fondness, grateful for the bond he shared with his extended family.

As the night progressed, the house echoed with the sounds of love, laughter, and shared memories, creating a sanctuary of warmth and connection for Seongho. Surrounded by the people who knew him best, he felt a sense of belonging and acceptance that fortified him for the journey ahead. In this intimate gathering of family, Seongho found solace, strength, and a deep well of love that would carry him through the challenges and joys of married life.

As I sat surrounded by my family in the cozy room, their laughter and teasing filling the air, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotions. The love and support that enveloped me in that moment were like a warm embrace, reassuring me that no matter what the future held, I had a strong foundation to lean on.

My aunts, with their playful banter and knowing smiles, brought a lightness to the room that eased the tension in my heart. Their teasing about Junseong, my soon-to-be husband, made me blush and laugh, reminding me of the joy and excitement that awaited me in this new chapter of my life.

Listening to my cousins share stories and memories, I felt a deep sense of connection to my family's history and traditions. Their anecdotes painted a vivid picture of our shared past, weaving a tapestry of love and laughter that bound us together in a web of cherished moments.

In that moment, surrounded by the people who knew me best, I felt a profound sense of gratitude and love. The support and acceptance I found in their presence gave me the strength and courage to face the unknown future with a heart full of hope and a spirit ready to embrace whatever lay ahead.

Junseong's pov

In the opulent halls of the Lee mansion, the weight of my parents' expectations hung heavy in the air as they sat me down, their eyes filled with hope and anticipation. Their words of wisdom about caring for Seongho, my soon-to-be bride, felt like a heavy cloak I was forced to wear, suffocating me with their well-intentioned but misguided advice.

As they spoke, urging me to cherish and protect Seongho, I couldn't help but feel a surge of rebellion bubbling within me. The image of Seongho agreeing to this marriage, despite it not being his choice, fueled a fire of resentment and defiance in my heart. While outwardly nodding in agreement, inside, a storm raged, fueled by a mix of anger, frustration, and a desire for revenge.

With each word of advice they offered, I found myself sinking deeper into a pool of conflicting emotions. The facade of compliance I wore masked the turmoil within, the battle between duty and personal desires waging war in the depths of my soul. As I sat in that grand room, surrounded by luxury and tradition, I made a silent vow to myself - to navigate this unwanted union on my terms, to carve out a path that held both truth and freedom, even if it meant challenging the expectations set before me.

Time skip to the bridal shower and bachelor party .

Seongho's bridal shower unfolded in a picturesque garden, with soft music playing in the background and the scent of fresh flowers lingering in the air. Guests arrived with gifts wrapped in elegant paper, ready to celebrate the upcoming union. The evening kicked off with a serene "Tea Ceremony," where guests shared stories and well wishes for the couple, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.

On the other hand, Junseong's bachelor party took a unexpected turn as the planned rooftop bar venue had a mix-up with the reservation, leading to a last-minute change of location to a rowdy sports bar. The atmosphere shifted from sophisticated to rowdy, with loud music blaring and rowdy patrons dominating the scene. Junseong, initially disappointed, found himself trying to salvage the evening by engaging in a series of awkward bar games with his friends, leading to moments of forced laughter and strained camaraderie.

Despite the contrasting vibes of the two parties, the night unfolded with its own unique energy, showcasing the highs and lows of celebration and camaraderie in the midst of unexpected twists and turns.

At Seongho's bridal shower, an unexpected twist occurred when a sudden downpour of rain interrupted the outdoor garden party. Guests scrambled for cover under a nearby gazebo, laughing and huddling together to stay dry. However, this unexpected turn of events brought a sense of spontaneity and fun to the gathering as everyone bonded over the shared experience, turning the shower into a memorable and cozy affair.

Meanwhile, at Junseong's bachelor party, another twist unfolded when the hired karaoke machine malfunctioned, leaving the group without their planned entertainment. To improvise, Junseong's friends decided to showcase their own impromptu talents, resulting in a hilarious and off-key sing-along session that had everyone in stitches. Despite the initial disappointment, this unexpected twist brought an element of spontaneity and laughter to the party, creating a memorable and lighthearted atmosphere.

The air in Korea was abuzz with anticipation as the grand wedding approached, set to be a lavish affair that captured the attention of the press and media. The guest list read like a who's who of the elite, with influential individuals from across the continent, including esteemed Europeans, marking their calendars for the prestigious event. The reputation of Junseong and his family as reputable business people had drawn a distinguished crowd, promising a gathering of notable figures that would add a touch of glamour and sophistication to the celebration. The estate where the wedding was to take place was abuzz with preparations, each detail meticulously planned to ensure a grand and unforgettable experience for all attendees. The whispers of dignitaries and high-profile guests added an air of excitement and exclusivity to the event, setting the stage for a truly remarkable union of two influential families amidst a backdrop of opulence and elegance.

As Junseong's brother let out a cheer that could rival a thunderclap, the guests were caught off guard, their laughter exploding like fireworks in the room. His boisterous display was so over-the-top that even the most serious faces cracked into grins, and the atmosphere buzzed with an infectious energy that seemed to defy the gravity of the moment. The unexpected outburst turned the wedding into a memorable spectacle, leaving everyone in stitches and creating a lasting memory that would be retold for years to come.

With the ceremony coming to a close amidst the echoes of laughter, the transition to the reception was seamless, like a well-choreographed dance. The room hummed with excitement as guests moved from the solemnity of the vows to the jubilant celebration of love. The clinking of glasses marked the beginning of a night filled with toasts, laughter, and the promise of a future brimming with happiness and love for Junseong. The parents urged them both to take pictures together making Seongho very happy while Junseong rolled his eyes internally but nonetheless he agreed and played along.