

 Celina had just gotten out of her hotel,it was time to leave yet her heart aches badly.she felt like she was leaving the most important part of her life back here in canada.she had wonderful memories here both bad and good most expecially with her father.

 He usually calls her"his sunshine"and recited a poem to her about it when he first gave her the name at 5.Then all was good between celina and her step-sisters, their hatred towards her started when they were teens,up till now she couldn't put a finger on why they hated her so much.

 As she recalled these memories tears clung her eyes threaten to spill down her face, there was nothing she could do,she couldn't think of even trying to pull up a stunt towards her stepmom because only God knows what harm she would bring to her father if she disobey her.The funny aspect was that her stepmom has full authority for the time being,her savings account was the only thing preventing her from being broke,her step-mom has no access to it,if not she would have been stranded.

 Celina always knew her step mom flawless public facade that entrapped her father and others unknowingly masked her deviousness which she now shows.The tears Celina tried to hold spilled down her face,her cheeks were red from crying,she was Preety sure she would get a migraine sooner from too much crying.she was feeling helpless as she passed by to enter her designated cab waiting for her,it was booked by her favorite maid by name Manny,who was like a sister to her.she felt fresh tears streaming her face she would miss alot of people here.

 Celina was glad that she was wearing a plush bunny ears pink hooded coat.

 The hoodie covered half of her face so she felt relived people won't notice her emotions easily.she held a small luggage containg just few clothes,the rest would be way billed once she get to the States,to start a new life with her friends

 As she moved towards the cab.....

 She noticed a huge chunk of man in the driver seat,celina felt goosebumps all over her skin,her hairs stood on one end in her neck and anytime this happens it's a sign she was scared.

 "Scared of what".she thought in her mind trying to reassure wasn't working she took a glance at the seat and at the man as coldness seep into her,the weather was cold so Celina reassured herself a little"yeah dat's why,no need to fret".she still found herself in that position,staring.

 "Don't be scared little one"the big man at the driver seat said.Giving her a devilish smile.

 Before Celina could process everything on her head,

 this voice it isn't familiar with the one I spoke to an hour she made move to dial maid Manny number...a shadow was at her back, before she could turn all she heard was a loud sound of car door,and then a sharp smell...,as she struggled for consciousness she heard car sounds faded in her ears and then total blackout.


 .... Celina woke up her eyes fluttering,she felt a sharp pain on her hands as she felt like she was being tied with ropes.coldness ran through her body"who are these men!?and what do they want from her!?"...she felt so scared so as not to make a sound so they won't notice she was all these questions came to her heart,she felt more helpless trying to withold tears from streaming down her face.

 "who would do this to me!?what have I done to deserve this" tears clung her eyelids... another muscled man was at her side the car was noisy as they were laughing and discussing she noticed another man again sitting at the front seat...

 There were three huge men if she acts so carelessly she would die in matter of seconds.celina thought In Sadness.she was like a damsel in distress, with no knight in shining armor.

 Their faces signified ruthless ness and screamed deadly,how huge they were made her feel more scared.But one thing was straight.

 "if they wanted to kill me,I would be dead by now...but the car is moving"Celina thought as she was feeling more scared"what would they do to me"she felt anxious as fear seeped more in her heart.

 She heard a loud voice as she felt his eyes on her body,she felt nauseous suddenly as he examined her,Celina tried to maintain one position,so they won't notice her awakening.

 "let's have fun with her, she's freaking hot never have I seen such a curvaceous and Preety lady in my life"the voice uttered in awe.

 "Boss orders! We have to maintain the order!;".the one driving said.

 "Don't even start Akash"the one at the front seat said"at this point I don't believe in boss orders after all we were asked to torture her for a week and let her off with deep one said we can't have our fun"

 "Fun! like seriously"Akash asked as he drives a little bit fast.

 "She's hottttttttttt...let's just sleep with this beauri she wouldn't know.look how hot she is"the guy at the back seat said.

 Akash signed"to be true she's freaking hottt at least we can take one or two liberties with her"he finally agreed with the rest of them as they laughed mockingly...tears slid on Celina face unknown to them.she was done there's no way she could overpower the three of them expecially as huge as they are.celina prayed for strength deeply,she was scared to her bones but she wouldn't let them lay a finger on her even if she would die saving herself.

 Akash mumbled alot of times,as the car became slow.

"Why are we going to stop.hit the brakes Akash,we aren't entirely free from safety".the man at the back seat said.

 Akash mumbled" I can't hold it anymore I need to pee".

 "Same here it's been hours since we drove,the streets are empty and no one visit a grave yard at night we can just pull over,do the needful and continue our journey"he reasoned with the rest as they noded.

 As the car came to a halt,the car door opened as Akash ran out, the one at the front made move to go,

 "keep an eye on her"he Said.

 Then Celina knew this was her chance it was now or never, with a thumbing hear and a mind full of determination,she first accessed the movements of the thugs.

 As the one sitting at the front earlier ran to the bushes towards the grave yard....

 Celina kicked the man at the back....she kicked his intimate part hardddddd as he screamed furiously,as he made move to quickly pin the doors that was opened.celina struggled to roll to the front,as he was about to catch her,she kicked his face and bit his earlobes and nose hard.As blood filled his face,Celina rolled out of the car running,her heart racing praying they won't catch her, either she stay or she escape.


Anytime Leonardo visited his grandpa graveyard,he always felt down.

 Leonardo really loved him,his grandpa always stood by his was a tradition to him that he always visit him once in 2 years.normally the family was supposed to visit him together but work held him back last week so he couldn't follow them, even as his schedule was tight this week,Leon promised himself that he would come this week.Due to late meetings today this was the time available.leonardo could visit his grave as he mourned him,he remembered when his grandpa stood by him when his mom died,he could remember his words clearly.

"My child"tapping his shoulders as at that time"you have to be strong.Alot of things would tamper ur spirit as u grow older,but u must overcome them with a willing heart, determination and wisdom.strong men don't cry"Leon remembered these words bitterly,tears clouding his eyes.

His grandpa had been his moral support even when his father lost himself to his darkness, keeping to himself and welding a mask of unhappiness never letting anyone too close to see how it affected him badly or too far after he lost his dear wife.

These words resurfacing again made his heart weep in sadness.losing his grandpa was like a source of light pulled of above him leaving him in total darkness.yet he had to be strong,to keep his emotions checked,not letting anything break him on the outside even if he's hurting badly in the inside that's choking his walls down.

Leon face sullen.Going down the memory lane on how his grandpa unexpectedly died made him full of rage,his breath in pants,his emotions resurfacing all over,as he fisted and unfisted his palms hard.

Leon heard some weird sounds, very much unusual because coming here before he hadn't heard noises the place was very quiet.

who could break into private grounds without scared of unforseen circumstances,. Upon his grandpa dear that left him shattered his family secured a private ground solely for his grandpa.Did someone follow him from the back till when he opened the gate and entered.Even if dat's was true the person would have strike him since when he was lost in the thoughts of his beloved Grandpa.Even at that could the person easily overthrow him, thinking about that made him grin wickedly as he flexed his muscles.But nothing else happened since then,he didn't even smell anything fishy... until now.

The person truly had some guts!!he heard breathing,torches sounds and the clicks of equipments and then heart welching scream like someone was in panic.

He was for a bit stunned,The voice was sonorous at the same time a little scared.was it a lady?what could she be doing in this kind of place and this kind of time.leon questioned himself quizzicaly.What surprised him was hearing get scream did alot to his senses.wgy did it affect him so much,with his heart thumping wild that something bad that must have happened he felt an unbridled urge to go help her.

Like he couldn't believe his eyes.that someone might actually be in trouble!? expecially why here of all places.It sounded so much like female scream,which still tugs his gear, making him forget how cold and aloof he has always being....why was he do interested in this voice!?what could be happening, it was so was very much curious now.

 "what would someone be doing here by night"Leonardo thought deeply." It wasn't possible,".Leon said calming himself down as he thought of alot of scary things ,as he made move towards my Grand Cherokee Three-row Jeep which was obviously the latest instinct was bothering me that something was wrong somewhere...."it's nothing"Leon reassured himself as he opened the door.....He was know to be a heatless monster, never paying too much attention to anyone, never caring too much to anyone.He knew what it cost him the last time he did it, he's still feeling the pain up till now,it's better to keep ur emotions checked do it would be easily preyed upon by ur rivals.

He wouldn't care about the voice.he shouldn't';it wasn't his concern in any way!yes he should do just that!With that feeling of conclusion,he opened the door settling in the driver seat.

Leon could still hear sounds,moans in pressure, cries and whelps.leon sighed annoyingly,he had to block this voice,the sounds from his head, even doe his heart is racing,his heart had a will of its own not ready to follow his body.For a moment Leon could feel his hand shaking,his fingers unable to start the car sufficiently.

Leon sighed deeply,with a heavy heart he started the car there was nothing like allowing his heart to lead him on again.Maybe if he gave his heart that opportunity again,he might never recover from it.