Restart, Spider-Man! [9]

"Don't shoot, it'll alert Norman," Nick Fury's voice crackled through the earpiece.

"Understood," Barton replied, silently observing the scene.

At the same time, Steve and Natasha leaped from the helicopter, stealthily making their way toward Norman's office.

Meanwhile, Xia Luo swung into the building on his webs.

The building was pitch black, with only the ticking of a clock echoing through the corridors.

Xia Luo carefully crawled along the ceiling of the hallway, making no sound.

However, the armed agents who had infiltrated the building weren't as cautious.


The moment the stairwell trap was triggered, a loud explosion followed, shaking the building. Fiery blasts erupted through the walls, wreaking havoc.

Debris flew through the hallway, dust filling the air.

Inside his office, Norman heard the commotion and peeked out the window.

Seeing the police cars gathering below, he laughed maniacally at the board members. "Hahaha, your saviors have arrived."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you here. We'll play this game slowly, and I'll savor every moment," he sneered.

With that, he casually tossed a pumpkin bomb out the window.


Outside, before Steve could break through the window, a terrible explosion greeted him.

He barely had time to raise his shield, and the blast sent him flying.

Luckily, he managed to grab hold of an exterior wall ledge, avoiding a fatal fall.

"Hahaha, you SHIELD brats are still far from catching up to me."

The arrogant Norman flew out the window on his glider, only to be smacked in the head by Steve's shield, sending him tumbling down into the hallway below.

"Shit, what is this thing?" Norman shook his dizzy head.

As Steve climbed through the broken window, the shield boomeranged back into his hand.

"Mr. Goblin, between us, I think you're the brat with no manners."

After taking a deep breath, Steve sprinted toward Norman. Just as Norman got to his feet, Steve leapt forward, delivering a powerful punch to the goblin mask.


The attack was relentless. Punches and shield strikes rained down like a storm, giving Norman no chance to recover.

Seconds later, Steve grabbed Norman and slammed him into the ground, his head buried in the floor, seemingly signaling the end of the fight.

Seeing Norman stop struggling, Steve exhaled and tapped his earpiece.

"Got him," he said confidently, sure of his combat skills.

Beep, beep, beep.

Unnoticed until now, Norman's glider hovered outside the window, flashing a dangerous red light.

Realizing something was wrong, Steve quickly raised his shield. "Wait, I think I didn't get him after all!"


Another explosion blasted Steve, sending him flying back into the debris.

As the walls crumbled and debris scattered, Norman stood up, cracking his neck, his goblin mask looking even more terrifying.

"Gahahaha, those military combat techniques from decades ago are outdated. This is what's popular now!"

With a cruel glint in his eyes, Norman tossed a handful of pumpkin bombs into the ruins.

Boom, boom, boom!!

The building's exterior erupted in flames. Shielding himself, Steve curled into a ball, using the shield's incredible strength to cushion his fall as he plummeted several stories and crashed onto a car.


The fire burst outward, and the small car was instantly reduced to a pile of scrap. As sirens blared, Steve slowly got up from the car roof, wincing as he retrieved his shield.

"This world sure moves fast." He looked up at the burning building, panting heavily.

The onlookers, shocked by the scene, expressed disbelief.

"Oh my God, did that soldier just fall from up there?"

"And he didn't die."

"That uniform's really something."

"Very tight-fitting."

Barton, still monitoring the building, commented, "You shouldn't have kicked him back into the building. I can't get a clear shot."

"No, I've got a lock—wait, it's not Norman. I see Spider-Man."


As debris continued to fall from the upper floors, Norman was surprised to find that his glider had been destroyed. He couldn't connect with it, and he spotted remnants of webbing.

"What? This webbing... Spider-Man!!"

He was first shocked, then burst into laughter. "Hahaha, you didn't die? Fantastic. No, wait, how are you still alive? This doesn't make sense—I saw you..."

The goblin was both terrifying and cunning.

"Trying that trick again?"

On the ceiling, Xia Luo, who was about to act, shot a web, grabbing the pumpkin bombs and flinging them into the next room.



Screams erupted as the wall collapsed, burying the bloodied and mangled board members.

[You played the role of a friendly neighborhood hero and punished the criminals. Restart opportunity +1.]

The prompt appeared in front of Xia Luo, leaving him momentarily confused.

The villains turned out to be the unlucky ones.

Meanwhile, Norman, unaware of what had happened, clapped his hands gleefully. "It really is you, Xia Luo. Congrats on the new suit.

But you killed people. Still think you're a city hero?"

His tone was full of mockery.

Xia Luo shrugged, unconcerned. "Oh, so you consider me a hero, Uncle Norman? I might have to sue you for slander."

With that, he fired webs from both hands, launching himself like a slingshot.

Before Norman could throw another pumpkin bomb, Xia Luo's high-speed charge crashed him through the wall, sending him flying outside the building.

"I've got him locked," Barton said from the rooftop, narrowing his eyes and releasing an arrow without hesitation.


The alloy arrow struck Norman in the chest, followed by an explosive detonation.


The explosion sent Norman hurtling toward the street below. As pedestrians screamed and ran, George led the officers, surrounding Norman.

Meanwhile, Xia Luo clung to a billboard with his webs, his heart still racing as he glanced toward the rooftop. He had almost been hit by friendly fire.

Hawkeye, huh?

Great, I'll pop your eye out next time!

Then, noticing Norman trying to escape in a car, Xia Luo fired his webs and disappeared into a nearby alley.

If Norman fell into SHIELD's hands, Xia Luo risked his identity being exposed.

He wasn't sure what SHIELD in this world was like, but there was a good chance it was really Hydra.

If Hydra found out his identity, that would be a huge problem.

I have to capture Norman myself!

With that thought, Xia Luo swung between the buildings, avoiding Hawkeye's line of sight. That guy's arrows were dangerous.

Soon, the blare of sirens filled the streets as a high-speed chase unfolded.

"Gahahaha, let's go, let's go!"

Norman recklessly sped through the streets in a car, with police cars in hot pursuit.

Bang, bang, bang.

From the skies, a helicopter flew overhead, with Hawkeye launching arrows that struck Norman's speeding car with pinpoint accuracy.


The arrowhead exploded, and Norman was thrown by the blast.

"Gahahaha, these agents are pretty good these days!"

Norman tumbled to the ground, ignoring the bullets fired at him. His wrist device flickered, and a new glider flew in from the night sky.

"Goodbye, little playthings," Norman said as he jumped onto the glider and sped into the residential area.

Seeing this, Barton wasted no time in readying another arrow.

"Wait, there are too many people," Natasha stopped him.

Barton frowned. "You should trust me."

"I do trust you, but Norman will take out his anger on the civilians," Natasha replied calmly.

"Fine, I get it," Barton reluctantly lowered his bow.

Meanwhile, Steve was watching Spider-Man disappear into the residential buildings, pulling a bill from his pocket.

"Ten bucks says he catches the Goblin."

Barton: "..."

Natasha: "..."


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