A Breeder

Rick was enjoying a very strange dream.

He must have been asleep because next to him sat a beautiful brunette. Her slim form silhouetted against a deep blue light coming from the hall. Her face was turned away and she was sucking on a huge, long cock. Rick could see her tongue working around the massive organ as she sucked on it. Her other hand was slowly stroking Rick's flaccid cock. Not surprisingly Rick's cock started to enlarge. What was surprising was that it seemed to grow far past its normal size. Rick always had a pretty normal sized penis, but currently his erection must have measured 8 or 10 inches. The woman's hand slid up and down its fat length as the cock lolled back and forth in her grip. The girth of his cock was now significantly larger; it seemed to be a wide around as a cucumber. The woman's hand no longer encircled it. By the time it stopped growing is now giant cock must have lain all the way up his stomach, and it was as fat around as a beer can. The organ's heavy weight flattened his cock slightly making it elliptical in shape. Rick watched in fascination as the hard organ pulsed with his own heartbeat and a drool of pre-cum oozed out of the head.

The woman moaned as the other cock began to tense and pulse in orgasm. Rick watched in fascination as the woman greedily swallowed what was obviously a copious volume of cum. Finally, satiated, she turned her attention to Rick. Stroking his absurdly large cock harder she leaned in close. Her hair surrounded his face, wrapping him in her spicy scent. His head spun with desire as she lightly brushed her lips against his cheek.

As if by magic she was gone but her scent still permeating the room. Rick became aware of his surroundings. His bedroom was awash with that deep blue light. His head spun like there were a hundred voices all talking at once.

"Get up."

Rick didn't know if he thought or heard the voice. He had been heading out for an evening with the boys. Funny, he didn't remember anything he actually did while he was out. It must have been a wild night.

"We need you, Rick."

That time Rick was sure. It was his sister Janet. Rick quickly rolled over. This movement elicited a wave of pleasure as his erection was twisted underneath him. He made his way to the door of his room. Rick moved as if in molasses his legs felt heavy and slow. He was dimly aware of others in his room but for some reason it didn't seem to matter. If you were to ask him, Rick would say it was as if someone had a muffler in his head, his mind and body sort of out of sync.

Rick turned the corner into the short hall. In the kitchen stood Janet, technically his cousin, although she was really like his sister in most respects. There she is, thought Rick, now I'll find out what's wrong. Slowly Rick came to stand beside Janet. Whatever it was couldn't have been that important, Janet just stood there ignoring him, staring into the other room.

Janet was younger than Rick, younger by a couple of years. Rick didn't know exactly how old he was. He had shown up on the doorstep eleven years ago. He had very few memories of his past. He was the child of an uncle that nobody in the family seemed to really know. Apparently he and his wife had perished in a terrible incident and their will requested that Janet's mother Laura take him in. She made Rick feel like one of the family. All this was flashing through Rick's mind as he stood looking at Janet.

Janet had grown into a heart stopping beauty. Her long auburn hair framed her beautiful face. She had inherited her mothers startling green eyes. Those eyes stared into the blue light coming from the other room. Her body stood unnaturally still, her only movement a slight tremor. Janet was five foot seven and had the body of an athlete. As with most nights, she slept wearing a school tank top that just barely covered the top of her white cotton panties. As always, Rick admired the way it fit, clinging to her firm breasts. She breathed deeply, each breath pushing her hard nipples against the thin white material. Following the sleek line of her body Rick couldn't help but admire her smooth muscular ass, and the way her trembling thighs left a little heart shaped opening at her pussy. Softly, Janet's fingers brushed across her stomach. If he were thinking straight, Rick would have been alarmed. He would have noticed the look in her eyes the mix of abject terror and deep sexual arousal. But Rick soaked in his stepsister's sexy body, aware only of his cock straining against his pants. He could smell Janet's wet pussy as sexual tension permeated the air. As Rick became more aroused at the sight of her lean body Janet seemed to breathe even deeper, her nipples hardened even more against her top. She began to slowly clench her hands, her fingers dragging across her skin. Something was wrong with this, Rick knew that much. Unfortunately Rick just couldn't seem to work it all out. Rick toyed with the idea of slipping in behind her sleek body and pressing his aching cock against her firm ass. Just then...

"The living room."

There was that one voice, the one just a little bit louder than the rest. What was he doing standing here, gawking at his sister like this? It must be Laura calling him. He had to go see what was the matter. Funny though, it didn't sound like Laura. Rick stepped into the living room. It was fairly large with a huge couch along one wall. Next to the couch, dividing the living area and the dining room was a love seat. Both faced the television sitting against the inside wall. Odd, thought Rick as he walked into the room, the patio doors are ajar. The room was filled with an intense blue light, must be the TV he thought. Rick saw Laura sitting on the couch, by the loveseat.

Laura was a vehicle dynamist for the Air Force Space Command; she was brilliant, to say the least. She must have just gotten home, having gone out with a couple of her friends from work tonight. Laura was almost forty but looked only in her late twenties. She was tall and sleek. Her constant military training gave her a spectacular physique. Laura's broad shoulders accentuated her large round breasts. She had a flat, muscular stomach that widened out to full hips. Her ass and thighs were shapely and strong. Despite her luscious body her face was her best feature. Laura had long brown hair tied up in a neat ponytail. By far her most startling feature was her sensual green eyes. Her full red lips accented her high cheekbones. Tonight, Laura was wearing a mid thigh length black pinstripe skirt and a matching pinstripe jacket. The whole ensemble clung to her body showing off every one of her physical attributes. The jacket opened in such a way as to show off the curve of her impressive breasts. She must have gone out for drinks after work with some high-ranking officials. She always dressed like that when she wanted to impress the brass. On the weekends she pretty much lived in tee shirts, jeans and sweat pants. No matter what she wore, she was stunning.

Rick walked over to the loveseat and sat. It was only then that he noticed something odd. Laura sat upright on the couch but her eyes stared out into space and her head was tilted back. If he didn't know better she appeared to be dreaming. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander down the cleft of Laura's cleavage. Rick pondered the situation for a moment maybe he could ask one of those people over there.

A jolt of realization shot through Rick. Holy Shit! There were other people here! In the room with him! Rick leapt out of the chair. Well, he tried to leap out of it anyway. His body just didn't seem to agree with him. Panic swept across him his heart beat quicker. The voices in his head grew louder, more confusing. His vision began to tunnel, darkness moving in from the edges. His field of view went white. He couldn't see! This scared Rick even more until his eyes re-focused. Before him stood a man. Rather than panic Rick felt calm, warm and relaxed. He felt a little like a fly in the spider's web though, about to be eaten alive. Rick couldn't move, he could just sit and watch. He wondered if this was how the fly felt just before it got eaten.

The stranger was a tall white man with short blond hair. He was skinny and wore white and brown robes. It made him look like a Buddhist monk, or some kind of cleric. Around his neck he wore a small pendant that looked to Rick like it might have be Celtic. His face would be considered anything but handsome. Large eyes dominated above a slim nose and somewhat pointed chin. Considering the circumstance, he was quite unremarkable.

"Hello Richard."

As the man spoke, Rick realized that he recognized him. His head spun as waves of memories and emotions spread across him like a wave over the rocks. If only he could concentrate a little maybe he could make some sense out of this. As if in answer to his plight, the blue light began to lose intensity and the voices in his head seemed to leave one by one.

"I trust that is better. The neural block is uncomfortable for us as well, but it was necessary for everybody's safety." The stranger spoke, his voice both strange and familiar. "Please call me Jon." Rick could begin to make out several figures standing in the shadows behind Jon. They were gray skinned creatures, about four and a half feet tall. The creatures seemed more like insects than human. They had thin bodies, large heads and black eyes, just like in those UFO TV shows. Their eyes were so black Rick was afraid to look directly into them. "Ah, I see you have noticed our benefactors. They aren't what they may appear to be, they're not aliens...exactly." He paused to let their presence sink in. "They have been part of this planet for millennia. They are our fairies, our sylphs, our succubae, our gnomes; they are in every human culture's folklore. They are all that stand between mankind and oblivion." Two creatures moved a little more into the light. Rick could make out very fine features on their faces. A very small, flat nose began well beneath their insect like eyes. Below was a slit of a mouth, Rick would have sworn they were smiling. "They don't have names as you understand, only beings. You'll get used to it."

Rick was able to do nothing but watch. His mind was screaming to run, but his body was unable to comply.

"You already know why we are here, you just do not realize it yet. I'll give you the high points to jog your memory. After all, it has been over a decade." Jon paused as if waiting for a cue. "You, my young friend, are an experiment, or rather the culmination of an experiment." He waited again, letting each word sink in. "About a century ago our friends discovered that the human gene pool was dying as a result of our damage to the environment." As Jon spoke it was as if he was awakening part of Rick's brain "You differ genetically from most humans. This evening we have activated your genetic programming. From now on you are what we call a Breeder." Jon waited as if expecting fanfare.

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