Adam and Eve

Anna undid Nikola's shorts and pulled them off him, revealing a huge thick cock, almost as large as Rick's.

"As you can see, we succeeded in raising his breeding capacity..." Anna said showing off his large hanging balls. His scrotum must have been 3 times the size of a normal man.

It looked swollen and red. Anna started stroking Nikola's cock, bringing it to full erection.

"...The problems arose with his potency..." Anna continued becoming more aroused by Nikola's hot organ in her small hand.

"He's shooting blanks." Laura added.

"...yes, and his capacity is not self regulating. He needs...what is the word...release, twice a day." Anna explained, her hands becoming slick with Nikola's rather copious pre-cum.

She bent over to lick some of it from the tip of his engorged cock. "Or he will soon die."

Anna paused her explanation to suck on his huge cock for a few moments eliciting groans of pleasure from Nikola. "Once fully erect he has only 9 minutes to achieve orgasm or his erection will subside for 20 to 30 minutes again. He can cum as often as he is able to during that time, but once it's passed nothing can make him hard again for that length of time."

"The idea was for him to be able to service a number of women all at once, almost like a farm." Laura continued.

"What, like on a conveyor belt?" Rick asked.

"Ja, that was the idea." Anna "We had not decided whether to make the process mandatory, volunteer or through some form of drugging, perhaps in the universities."

"It is coming..." Nikola groaned, stiffening.

Anna pumped hard on his stiff cock with both hands until Nikola literally exploded. A huge gush of cum came from his cock, spewing 3 feet in front of him.

The volume was unbelievable, easily ten times the volume Rick put out. Anna swore as she caught a gush of cum on her leg, covering the leg of her jeans.

After a minute Nikola's fantastic stream subsided to a trickle. Much to Rick's surprise, his cock was still rock hard in Anna's hands.

"So he's ready to continue?" Laura asked, her eyes glassy with desire.

"Ja, for about another 5 minutes I estimate." Anna looked lovingly at Nikola. Obviously there was more than just a professional relationship going on.

"May I?' Laura asked.

"Ja, enjoy yourself." Anna said stepping back.

Laura stripped off her tight top, eliciting a groan of pleasure as the cool evening air caressed her nipples.

She stepped up to Nikola, put one leg up on the bench and guided his hard cock into her aching pussy. Nikola happily grabbed her firm breasts and started pumping the statuesque brunette with his hard organ. Just the feeling of his large hands on her breasts sent Laura into her first orgasm.

After a minute or so of this Nikola groaned and buried his cock into Laura as he came again.

Laura screamed in ecstasy as he filled her pussy with his hot cum until it began to leak out, covering her thighs with his slick juice. Laura slid off his still pumping cock and knelt down sliding it between her already cum slicked breasts.

Nikola kept pumping cum until Laura was literally dripping, her mouth full, her pussy overflowing. After a full three minutes of orgasms Nikola's cock softened and the flow of cum stopped.

"Holy fuck..." Laura exclaimed. "I've never been blasted anything like that before." Laura licked some of his cum from her breast. "His cum has a nice tingle, not the same mind blowing effect of yours...but nice."

Anna was leaning against the table, trying not to touch herself. It was obvious that she was almost uncontrollably horny.

"Are you OK Anna?" Laura asked, concerned.

"I should not have done that..." Anna mumbled, not looking up.

"Why honey? What's the matter?" Laura prodded, putting her hand on Anna's shoulder. This simple touch elicited a shudder from the Russian.

Putting her hand over Laura's she looked over at Rick with fear in her eyes. "I don't want to be...what is the word...breeded..."

"Eve..." Laura said. "You're Eve aren't you?"

Anna nodded slowly, her head bent down.

Laura turned to Rick to explain. "The original code name for Nikola was Adam, after all he was altered to populate the world again. A little while later we developed Eve, Anna."

Anna looked away. "She was designed as a breeding counterpart to Nikola, once she began mating with any other male she spread a substance that would enthrall an entire room of men and women, forcing them to mate with her. Once activated she becomes a mindless sexual animal designed to spread a similar virus to the one you carry to the men, making them immediately impotent, almost asexual, after coupling. She was never tested, so we don't know if she'll revert back to normal."

"But hasn't she been with Nikola?" Rick asked.

"But never after I've been activated, his own genetic programming halts mine." Anna explained solemnly.

"He is my lover, but if I'm activated I may make him impotent too. I can't hold back myself much longer and Nikola is unable to service me..." She looked at Rick with the same look as a drug addict looking for their next fix. She was almost sick with need.

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