Come on and fuck what’s on the slab...

"C'mon baby..." Rick heard Sarah coax. Looking over he saw the tall red headed transsexual gently stroking Janet's hard cock. A thin drizzle of cum was emanating from the slim cock head and down Sarah's hand. Janet watched Sarah intently, a mixture of trust, love and sexual overload played across her face. Sarah gently guided Janet to the table on which her brother and mother lay intertwined.

Janet turned away from Sarah as the dominant women whispered into her ear. With Sarah still stroking her cock, Janet bent down until Rick lost site of her behind Laura's shapely ass.

He did feel her tongue licking his still hot balls; this caused his semi-flaccid cock to become hard again in Laura's still dripping pussy. He heard Janet moan as she licked some of Rick's cum, his increasing girth forced some of the fluid from Laura tight body.

He felt her tongue leave his cock. Laura, aroused from her the stupor she had slipped into, moaned "No... not my ass... please..." Rick watched as Laura began humping against Janet's probing tongue, causing his hard cock to slide in and out an inch or so each time.

Rick knew there was no way to fight the waves of pleasure coursing from his engorged organ. He wished only that his hands were free to hold and caress the breathtaking body pressed against him.

Laura raised her head to see who was delicately pleasing her tight asshole. From her position she was unable to see who the girl was. She leaned up, supporting herself on her arms looking at Rick.

With every lick and probe Rick watched Laura's eyes close in pleasure, felt her body shiver with delight and her pussy tense in anticipation. "Who's doing this to me?" she asked.

"Janet" was all Rick could say. His own mind was clouding with ecstasy. The urge to fuck was clearing all other thoughts to the side.

As much as it frightened him, he loved to see Laura abandon herself to her body's calling. In answer to his unspoken request Laura leaned forward to allow him to suck on her nipple.

Rick licked and suckled Laura's long hard nipple, teasing a few drops of milk into his mouth. As soon as the liquid touched his tongue he began to suck its arousing essence into his mouth.

Behind Laura, Rick could see Janet climb onto the table to stand above her mother. She stood straight, stroking her hard cock, a thin trickle of milk coming from her left nipple as she watched Laura pumping Rick's thick cock.

Janet shivered as a long drool of white pre-cum fell from her cock onto Laura's exposed asshole. Laura whimpered at the unusual sensation.

"Please no, not my ass, I don't like it that way..." Laura pleaded, unable to uncouple from Rick's hard cock.

Janet ignored her and lowered herself down until her cock rested between Laura's firm round buttocks. Janet slid her cock along the valley, rubbing the pre-cum against Laura's asshole.

"Please don't do it..." Laura begged. But Janet positioned her cock-head against her mother's tight puckered ring. "No, don't, I don't like it..." Laura sobbed, a tear running down her cheek.

Despite her protests Laura felt her asshole relax and the pre-cum lubricate her channel. To her horror Laura found herself unable to resist pushing against the hard cock. Finally her resistance failed and Laura felt Janet's cock slip into her ass. Immediately a flash of ecstasy shot through her body as she slammed into an instant orgasm.

Rick felt the tightness in Laura's pussy increase as he watched his younger sister enter her reluctant mother. Janet's face was one of pure lust and desire.

She held her mother's trim waist as she slowly slid her hard cock in and out. With every movement her stomach tightened as she shuddered with pleasure.

Each insertion drew a sharp gasp of pleasure through her gritted teeth. Rick felt Janet's hard cock sliding against his through Laura's tightly stretched flesh.

While the thought of it repulsed Rick on one level, the sensation and the effects of the pheromones in the air made him push back, fucking Laura even deeper, fucking against Janet's hard cock.

Laura grunted and groaned, straining as the two hard cocks impaled her. She tried to look back at her beautiful, yet strangely altered, daughter as she invaded her ass.

"Fuck me! Both my babies fucking me at the same time!" she groaned. "I never dreamed of anything like this... Ugh... fuck your mother!"

Rick felt his hands being freed. Now was his chance to break free. But the second he could move his left arm though he grabbed Laura by the hair and pulled her close, kissing her hard.

Laura roughly kissed him back while she moved back and forth, lost to the feeling of two straining cocks invading each orifice.

When his other hand became free he grabbed her full breasts, kneading them, pinching the nipples making milk drip down his hands, onto his body.

Janet started to scream as she began to orgasm. It was normal to hear when Rick fucked her, but this scream was different, more guttural, deeper as she drove herself as deep into Laura's tight asshole as she could.

Reacting to her daughter's climax Laura came again and again. The sensation of Janet's hard cock rubbing against his hard cock within his mother's body brought Rick over the edge as he once again filled Laura's clenching pussy with cum.

Laura cried out in pleasure, screaming 'Yes! Yes! Yes!" until she collapsed against Rick, shuddering as her body gave up control.

Finally Janet slowed her fucking, spent. She slowly stood, pulling her semi hard cock from her mother's ass. She stared down at it, slowly stroking it, forcing a drool of cum from the tip.

The other hand played over her sweating body, playing with her dripping breasts, slipping her fingers into her dripping wet pussy. Her head started to clear as she sat down on the edge of the table.

"What's happening to me?" Janet asked, confused, as she looked down at the new appendage between her legs.

"What did you do to me?" She asked as she looked at Sarah. A thin blonde woman came into the room and began helping Laura sit down, her back to Janet.

"Haley? What's going on?" Janet pleaded. Rick wanted to help, to tell her to run, but he was absolutely exhausted. All he could do was lie there, lightly stroking his slick cock, the small implant maintaining his state of arousal and his need for stimulation. If only he could get them to undo his legs too.

"Don't worry Janet my dear..." Sarah said soothingly. Reaching over she began to stroke Janet's cock. As it began to harden again Janet visibly relaxed, her breathing becoming more regular, deeper.

"You just need a little time to get used to things the way they are. Come with me." Janet calmly slid off the table, her eyes lovingly watching Sarah as she guided her, by the cock, over to a chair.

Janet automatically sat down, her eyes never leaving Sarah's lovely face. Sarah attached a small ring to Janet's cock. Janet squirmed in pleasure as her cock stiffened more. Sarah then placed two small cups onto Janet's hard nipples, tubes leading around to a machine in the back.

With the flick of a switch a soft hum started from the machinery in the back. Janet let her head fall back in ecstasy as the small discs began to pump milk from her sensitive nipples.

White streams of semen spurted from her rigid cock, onto her slim torso, until Sarah slipped a device that looked like a short condom like device on Janet's cock head to collect her precious, and mind altering, cum.

Haley came quietly and undid Rick's leg restraints. Rick figure he just had to wait for the right second to make for the door.

He should have moved the second he was free. Quickly Haley stepped from the bottom of the table and began stroking Rick's semi hard cock.

A wash of pleasure spread across Rick like nothing he'd ever felt as his cock hardened in Haley's soft hand. She smiled at him; he smiled back.

This wonderful blonde was stroking his cock, making Rick feel so loved, all his cares slipped away as his cock got hard.

"Would you follow me Rick?" Haley asked in a gentle voice.

"Anywhere..." Rick mumbled, grinning stupidly. He hoped Haley would fuck him, but whatever she wanted was fine with him. Rick slid off the table.

Haley gently guided him by the cock through a door. Rick was vaguely aware of a voice pleading with him not to go. Strange, Rick thought, that sounds like Laura.

Laura was indeed screaming to Rick. "Please help me! Don't go with that woman!" Laura had become aware of her surroundings.

She lay back on the table Rick had just vacated. While her mind had become clear, her body was still under Sarah's dominant sexual control.

Sarah knelt between Laura's shapely thighs, her monster white cock pressed against Laura's sloppy wet pussy. Laura's body, yearning for the cock, pushed against it, forcing it between her wet labia.

Laura's cries devolved into guttural sounds of pleasure as she once again came under the spell of Sarah's cock.

Rick turned away as Haley led him through the door down the hall and into a darkened room.

* * *