Getting Strapped

Rick awoke to a splitting headache and blinding white light in his eyes. He tried to raise his head but was forced back down by a wave of dizziness.

Rick lay flat with his eyes closed for a minute or two as the pain slowly subsided. He was able to ascertain that he was laying on a hard flat surface, he felt naked, but his body was still humming from whatever it was that had knocked him out.

The room was obviously not dark and it felt pleasantly warm. Rick was pretty sure that he wasn't alone in the room, he didn't actually hear anyone either, but there was the smell of perfume in the air.

Rather than sitting up Rick decided that his best strategy was to roll over only to find that his arms and legs were restrained.

Rick turned his head to the side, hopefully away from the blinding light and slowly opened his eyes. He was confronted with a beautiful feminine face framed by a mane of dark red hair.

"You don't think that I'd just let you walk out of here after I found you, did you my dear?" Sarah said by way of introduction.

"You can't imagine my delight at finding a real live Breeder so quickly." She continued as she ran her fingers gently down Rick's body and picking up his flaccid penis.

"Impressive... Maybe we'll have a pissing contest later, but I think I might win." She taunted. "But right now I need this for more pressing matters."

"I'm not going to do anything for you." Rick answered firmly, tugging at his restraints. "Let me out of this."

"Oh, don't worry sweetheart..." Sarah said gently. "In a few minutes you won't be able to stop from doing exactly what I want."

"What about my sister?" Rick asked, deciding to take a different route as he reached out towards the tall woman's mind. In a few minutes he'd have her pulling off his restraints begging for his cock.

"Janet? Oh, she's doing very well." Sarah paused for a moment, taking a deep breath and looking slightly flush.

"She's proving to be everything I'd hoped she would be, and much, much, more." Sarah became lost in her thoughts, a hand sliding down the front of her lab coat.

Rick started to feel a little more confident as he probed. His body was doing its part by releasing copious amounts of sexually charged pheromones into the air.

Strangely though, Rick usually got some feedback from whomever he was probing, but he felt nothing back from her.

"Is that you?" Sarah suddenly said with a sexy grin. "You almost had me there. I'm completely turned on, look..." Sarah unbuttoned her white lab coat to reveal her large breasts, topped with surprisingly long and hard nipples.

As she continued to reveal herself Rick's eyes roamed down her taut stomach and almost popped out of his head as the tall red head revealed 8 inches of semi hard cock with a drool of pre-cum hanging from the end.

Sarah looked at it and gently slid her fingers along its length, her well manicured nails dragging across the skin. The white cock twitched and hardened as she stroked it several times in apparent self-pleasure. Rick couldn't help but stare at the strange organ with its thick sheath.

Sarah would stroke it, breathing heavily and then let go, watching as her cock would twitch in mid air. She would repeat it several times, almost hypnotized by her hard organ hanging in space. Giving a quick shudder a small stream of cum squirted out onto the floor.

"There, that will keep my mind straight for a while." She said shaking off her arousal.

Leaving her lab coat open Sarah walked to a curtain, her partially engorged organ swinging in front of her. Rick's mind was racing. This woman was obviously a transsexual, probably from the Breeder program.

But his experience with transsexuals was that they were animalistic, single minded towards sex, while this woman was obviously very intelligent and not ruled by her sexual urges.

Only when she was enticing her hard cock did she seem to become lost to pleasure.

Sarah leaned down and pressed a button on the phone sitting on a work desk. "You can come in now dear."

A few moments later the door at one end of the room opened and in walked a beautiful slim young woman dressed in short summer skirt and a light halter-top. She walked gracefully towards Sarah.

"Janet?" Rick asked slowly, a feeling of dread rising within him. This was his sister, and he was closer to her than probably anyone else on the planet. And here she was walking towards this evil creature without a care in the world.

"Janet my pet..." Sarah said, kissing Janet on the cheek. "Do you feel better?"

"Yes Miss Sarah." Janet answered obediently. "My breasts felt very full and I was getting quite uncomfortable." Janet played absently with her hard nipples; Rick could see a small patch of moisture forming around each. Remembering the effects Janet's new found milk had on him his cock gave a little twitch and engorged slightly, despite the situation.

Sarah noticed immediately. "Look Janet. It appears Rick finds you quite attractive." For the first time Janet turned to look at Rick, noticing him for the first time only when Sarah pointed him out.

"Oh, hi Rick. Isn't this wonderful?" Janet asked with a beauty contestant smile, her eyes wide but blank looking. "Miss Sarah is taking care of everything and pretty soon it will all be done." Janet bubbled. It was as if she was talking about getting a new toy.

"OK Janet... We're ready to begin." Sarah said. Immediately the glazed smile left Janet's face, her eyes de-focused to straight ahead. She turned and stepped over to Sarah. "This is the final step dear, so I need to do everything I tell you."

Janet nodded, her eyes locked lovingly on Sarah's face. "Are you going to milk me?" Janet asked expectantly. "They're already getting a little uncomfortable, seeing you like this is making me horny again too." She pouted.

"Of course Janet dear. I'll take care of you." Sarah assuaged the young woman standing before her. "But first I need to restrain you onto this."

Sarah opened a dividing curtain. Behind the curtain was a table, tilted up at about an 80 degree angle. To one side was a rack of equipment with wires and cables leading to the table. Most distressing to Rick, there were restraints for Janet's arms and legs.

Janet looked over at the table. A worried look crept across her face. "Are you sure I have to be tied up to that?" She asked, much like a little girl being ushered into a dentist's chair. Nonetheless Janet walked slowly over to the machine.

"It's for your own safety Janet. I promise. You'll feel wonderful, but we don't want you falling down do we?" Sarah said with an oily smile.

"Janet, don't! Don't let her do this!" Rick called futilely. Janet smiled back at him and waved as she stepped up onto the table, her legs straddling an oblong apparatus.

* * *