
"I couldn't believe my luck finding a Breeder female." Sarah explained calmly as she stroked Janet with one hand and undid her restraints with the other.

"They're very rare, but they are always paired with a Breeder male, a genetic sibling." Janet remained in place, her hands running over her body as she watched Sarah's hand on her new organ.

"You see, I have a genetically modified version of the same virus you carry. It's symptoms and effects are similar to yours, only much more so.

After I transfer my sperm to a woman she not only becomes a carrier, but the virus is much stronger and faster acting. The men she infects don't slowly lose their libido, they become impotent within a few days. Plus, the women crave intercourse with both sexes, spreading the virus twice as fast."

"And the women grow cocks too?" Rick asked. He was very aware that Laura was keeping his cock rock hard. In a minute or two she would be unable to resist mounting it.

"That's the interesting side effect." She began to rub her hard cock against Janet's, stroking both organs together. Both she-cocks drooled cum onto the floor and Sarah spread it between the two of them with her hands until both poles were covered with the slippery cream.

"Because she's a Breeder she naturally rejects my genetic information, but if she mates with a male Breeder, like you, she will accept my genetic programming. And with a little drug and physical therapy I can force the tantalizing changes you see."

Sarah let go of both cocks. Hers sank down and hung there, but Janet's popped up, bobbing, and curved. Janet moaned and reached for it, stroking it alternately with both hands. Rick noticed that Laura was frantically playing with her pussy, her eyes locked on his swollen cock head.

Rick knew the signs, Laura couldn't hold back much longer from her growing need.

"And I just need you around to keep her receptive." She said once again stroking herself.

"Well fuck that you freak!" Rick yelled. "I'm not doing anything to help you, nothing!"

"You will." Sarah smiled, looking up. "In a short while you'll be my personal stud, you'll do anything I want and beg for more."

Rick looked at her face for any sign of doubt. Only complete confidence showed on her face. Why else would she tell him so many details if she didn't think she had the upper hand?

Rick decided that she just might be right and that he'd better think of something to get him out of this mess. Suddenly it dawned on him. It was obvious that he couldn't hold back forever.

Laura was so skilled at arousing him, she knew every little thing that made him hard, and what made him cum. Rather than fight it, what if he did the opposite?

"Look at me Laura..." Rick said. Whenever Laura wanted him to fill her with his cum she would gaze deep into his eyes. Her beautiful eyes were able to communicate so much love, sex and need that it was impossible for him to hold back long.

Laura complied, looking deep into his eyes. Her face a mix of love, rapture, lust and slutty desire he felt his balls tightening and his cock stiffening.

Sarah saw what was happening an instant too late. "No! Laura, stop!" But Laura couldn't stop; she was completely enthralled by Rick. She could do nothing else but bring him to a climax. Her mind and body were crying out for the narcotic-like pleasure of his cum.

"Keep stroking..." Rick gasped as he felt his cock tighten and a volcanic rush of cum start up its length. The first gush spurted across his stomach. Laura turned her face and caught the second gush on her face and neck before wrapping her hungry mouth around the pulsing head, swallowing as much cum as she could, the rest drooling out onto Rick's stomach. Laura's eyes closed as waves of pleasure coursed through her body causing her to spontaneously orgasm.

Relieved Rick felt his erection subside and his desire fade. If nothing else he had some time to think. Sarah left Janet's side. Janet immediately began stroking her newly grown cock.

Her head swayed from side to side as she made quite moans of pleasure. Her entire being was wrapped up in the new sensations coming from the stiff organ emanating from her body.

"Nice try Stud Boy." Sarah smirked as she walked up behind Laura. Laura was licking Rick's cum from his belly with a wide smile of contentment. Sarah grabbed Laura's long hair and pulled her up, leaning in to sample the warm spunk.

Laura was completely compliant, not even squirming in the transsexual's grip. Sarah licked along the length of Rick's stomach and into the pool of cum forming underneath his soft penis.

Taking his cock between her dark lips she skillfully sucked another taste of cum from her unwilling captive.

Sarah savored it and swallowed. "Mmmm..." She purred deep in her throat. "What a wonderful warm feeling..." Sarah looked down at Rick, lust in her eyes. Laura moaned in sympathetic reaction. Sarah let her hair go and Janet returned to cleaning cum from Rick's body.

"Laura, do you think you can make stud boy's cock hard again?" Sarah said, reaching under the table. Laura nodded and started sucking on Rick's cock. Despite himself, Rick closed his eye at the sensation of Laura's skilled mouth.

With her hair blocking what was going on, Rick suddenly felt cool metal clamp gently onto the skin just beneath his penis and above his scrotum. He tried to raise his head and look when...SNAP! Rick felt a brief burning pinch that quickly faded into a slight throb.

"I don't see what that's supposed to do." Rick said defiantly. "I'm not doing anything for you bitch!"

But already Rick could feel a slight burning pressure spreading from the piercing and into his balls. They started to feel warm and tight. Then the pressure spread to the base of his cock.

Rick tried to relax and hold back. Sarah leaned close to Laura as she sucked. She slipped one hand behind the older woman, teasing her wet pussy. With the other she gently played with Rick's balls. The sensation seemed to increase the pressure with every touch.

"You might as well let it happen lover boy, you can't stop it." Sarah purred as Rick's cock twitched and slowly fattened.

* * *