Snapping Back to Reality

Allen woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing on the nightstand. Groaning, he rolled over and grabbed it, squinting at the screen. It was a message from Benji, his friend who had been one of his few connections in LA when he first arrived. They hadn't hung out in a while, and Allen had been too caught up in his own world recently to realize it.

"Yo! Let's grab some food today. Celebration for your Brightest Star gig! My treat."

Allen sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. It was a nice gesture. Benji always had a way of bringing levity into Allen's life when things got too serious. Maybe a meal out was just what he needed to decompress after everything that had been going on lately. Plus, he hadn't really celebrated his Brightest Star offer yet. Between the preparation, practicing his music, and overthinking everything, he hadn't given himself the chance to just… enjoy it.

"Sounds good, man," Allen replied. "Where we going?"

A response came through almost instantly. "There's this new burger joint that opened up downtown. Meet you there at 1?"

Allen glanced at the clock—10:45. That gave him enough time to get a bit of practice in before heading out. He tossed the covers off and stretched, letting out a long yawn. The apartment was still quiet, a rare moment of peace before the whirlwind of the day began. He grabbed his guitar and strummed a few chords, his mind wandering back to the stats that had been looming over him ever since he unlocked the system.

Vocal Talent: 4/10

Guitar: 3/10

Songwriting: 3/10

Charisma: 4/10

Appearance: 4/10

Intelligence: 5/10

He still had 650 showbiz points. Not much, but maybe it would be enough to get him through until his next performance, whenever that was. He was itching to improve, but for now, the points would have to wait. He needed to focus on honing what he already had and letting his natural talent shine.

After an hour or so of practicing, Allen hopped in the shower, letting the hot water wash away the tension that had been building up over the past few days. The nerves about Brightest Star were starting to settle in, but he tried to push them to the back of his mind. He had time. A month wasn't long, but it was long enough if he played his cards right.

By the time Allen was out the door, the sky had cleared up, a bright blue overhead, with the midday sun filtering through the tall buildings of downtown LA. The city had a way of feeling alive, pulsing with energy, even on a slow day. The streets were bustling, people weaving in and out of shops, food trucks lining the sidewalks. He liked this part of LA—the hum of activity was almost comforting.

He found the burger joint Benji had mentioned, a little hole-in-the-wall place with a red neon sign flashing "Best Burgers in Town!" above the entrance. Benji was already inside, sitting at a booth near the window, his signature baseball cap flipped backward on his head, and a wide grin plastered on his face when he saw Allen walk in.

"There he is! The man, the myth, the future Brightest Star!" Benji stood up and threw his arms wide for a dramatic hug. "How's it feel, man? You ready for the big time?"

Allen laughed, shaking his head as he hugged Benji back. "I'm working on it. Got a lot to do before I'm anywhere near ready."

"Yeah, but you're on your way. That's what matters." Benji slid back into the booth, gesturing to the menu. "Get whatever you want. I've been hyping this place up to everyone I know, so I figured you'd appreciate a real meal after all the busking you've been doing."

Allen glanced at the menu, feeling his stomach growl at the sight of all the greasy options. A real meal did sound good. "You always know where to find the best food," Allen said as he decided on a classic cheeseburger.

"That's my superpower," Benji replied with a wink. "So, tell me everything, dude. How'd they find you? What's the deal with the show? Are you about to become the next viral sensation or what?"

Allen leaned back in his seat, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "Well, you know about the busking thing, right? That video someone posted went viral. Next thing I know, I'm getting a call from a producer of Brightest Star asking if I want to audition for the next season. It was… kind of unreal. I've got about a month to get ready, and I'm trying to figure out how to not totally screw it up."

Benji's eyes lit up. "That's wild, man! I knew you'd blow up eventually. You've been grinding for so long, it's about time the world noticed. But don't worry, you're not gonna screw it up. You've got this."

"Thanks, man. It's just a lot to take in, you know?" Allen admitted. "I've been trying to work on my music, but there's so much pressure now. I feel like I need to be perfect right out of the gate."

"Perfect's overrated," Benji said with a shrug. "You've got talent, and that's what's gonna carry you. Just be yourself, and the rest will follow. Besides, you've got that system thing helping you out, right? Can't go wrong with a little supernatural boost."

Allen chuckled. "Yeah, it helps. But I've still got to put in the work. I can't just rely on it to do everything for me."

Their food arrived shortly after, and they dug in, the conversation flowing easily as they caught up on life. Benji filled Allen in on his latest projects, always hustling between gigs and trying to make his own mark on the city. Allen listened, grateful for the distraction from his own thoughts. He hadn't realized how much he'd needed a break until he was sitting here, laughing with Benji over burgers and fries.

"So, what's your plan?" Benji asked between bites. "How are you gonna prepare for the show?"

Allen wiped his mouth, thinking it over. "I'm going to keep practicing, obviously. Vocals, guitar, songwriting—everything needs to be sharp. But I think the real challenge is going to be standing out. There are so many talented people out there, and Brightest Star is all about the big moments. I've got to figure out how to make people remember me."

Benji nodded. "Yeah, but you've got something a lot of people don't—authenticity. You're not just some guy who can sing. You've got a story, you've got heart. Play to that. And you've got the charisma, man. People like you. Use that."

Allen smiled, appreciating Benji's words. He wasn't sure if it was the encouragement or the food, but he felt a little lighter than he had earlier. "I'll do my best. I guess the next step is to keep grinding, keep practicing."

Benji grinned. "And in the meantime, you let me know when your next performance is. I'll be there, front row, cheering you on."

After lunch, they parted ways, and Allen headed back to his apartment, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. Benji's support had given him the boost he needed, and now it was time to get back to work. There was no time to waste.

As he sat down with his guitar again, strumming through a few new chord progressions, his phone buzzed on the table. He glanced at it and saw another message from Sarah.

"Hey, I was thinking about your Brightest Star audition. We should hang out this weekend and go over some more songs. I've got a few ideas for you."

Allen smiled at the thought. Sarah had been a huge help already, and the idea of spending more time with her, working on music, felt… right. There was something easy and natural about their friendship, something that had always been there but had started to feel a little different lately.

"Sounds good. Let's meet up Saturday," he typed back.

With that, he focused on his music again. The chords flowed easier now, his fingers moving more confidently across the strings. He had work to do, but for the first time in a while, he felt like he was on the right path. He wasn't alone in this—he had Benji, Sarah, and maybe even something more with Sarah down the line. And with Brightest Star looming on the horizon, the future didn't seem so daunting after all.