
Santa Catalina, July 1st

I paced the bridge of the Narodnaya volya… or People's Will in english. The little patrol boat was crammed with soldiers and equipment of an infantry company. Joseph's, meanwhile Junior Lieutenant Petr's platoon had stayed behind, they'd be arriving later via Falcon, the hinds… but at the moment all that planning wasn't what had my attention.

The captain of the ship and myself were currently crowding the sonar screen and looking at a massive object moving slowly towards us.

"No submarine is that large…" Captain Gena murmured softly.

"Is it going to be a threat?" I asked quietly. I was completely out of my depth aboard this ship. A jumped up cannon crewmember a month ago I was now commanding several hundred people and had hundreds more relying upon me.

"It's shadowing us… about ten miles distant…" Gena replied.

I remained silent for a few minutes, but Gena offered nothing, then slowly the massive thing on sonar disappeared as it began moving away. I tried to suppress the sigh of relief that escaped me and Gena shuckled.

"Can't say I blame you sir… I wouldn't want to tango with a beast like that either."

A few chuckles echoed in the bridge. Easing some of the tension. I glanced at the mission timer 30:21:17. Should be plenty of time. I looked ahead at the rising landmass. Another hour and we'd be riding in Avalon's harbor.

Back at Firebase Fyodor Petr should be corralling his troops into the helos about now for their insertion a few minutes ahead of us. I just had to be patient. I could buy a few jeeps once on the island and quickly scour it for these lost sailors.

The island which had been a low lying smear on the horizon when we had cleared the harbor was now more distinct, its rocky heights far more prevalent now. The harbor itself was beginning to come into view.

Suddenly a dolphin jumped clear over the railing, crashing down onto the deck thrashing about. The soldiers scrambled around as it lunged for them, shots going wide as the soldiers on the deck scrambled to shoot the thing. It was joined by several more.

Gena slammed the alarm, the blaring noise cutting through the air. "Repel boarders!" Gena screamed as more sea life started jumping aboard.

Soldiers and sailors scrambled to remove the borders. The ship's weapon systems going into effect, depth charges were fired from the launchers and rolled off the stern. Rifles firing at the hundred creatures swarming the ship.

I walked out onto the port bridgewing and fired my pistol at the crowd. The naval gun swung around, firing a steady stream of high explosive rounds into the sea. The sea behind the ship lurched upwards, a distinct reddish smear coloring the surface. The attack quickly subsided as we neared the harbor. Several soldiers and sailors were sprawled across the deck, some began to stir with wounds beyond what could possibly be expected to survive. They were quickly shot, their bodies rolled off the ship.

"Sir, the ship sustained minor damage, approximately twenty dead…" Gena said quietly as he joined me on the bridgewing. I nodded quietly as I watched the rapidly approaching Hinds.

Falcon buzzed the ship, only a few feet above the mast as they raced to secure the Wharfs and piers for the ship to dock. Several of the Hinds slowed to a stop and began hovering while one quickly set down on the wharf, discouraging its passengers. Even from the half mile or so I could hear the Hind's autocannons beginning to make short work of the horde that was rushing the wharf.

Dozens of small boats littered the harbor, most half sunk or beached. A few of the passenger vessels, the ferries that ran to the mainland seemed in half decent shape, moored as they were along the piers.

Most of the infantry aboard the ship now prepared to disembark as we neared the pier. Falcon had finished dropping off the soldiers they carried split into pairs, they would start a quick search of the island and try to narrow down the search area for the ground teams. As the Volya entered the harbor the Cwis and 76mm naval gun were trained upon the horde rushing the wharf.

A whine of Cwis and a few rounds from the cannon reduced the horde to nothing and the Volya came up against one of the passenger ferries, soldiers jumped across. Streaming to the wharfs. I followed, opening my system shop as soon as my feet hit dry land then stopped and closed it when I saw the parking lots of golf carts.

"Junior Lieutenant Sava, use these carts, get some recon teams spread across this damn island. Lieutenant Pasha, get your platoon to sweep Avalon proper." I shouted over the activity. The two lieutenants saluted and began giving their orders.

"Sir, it looks like there may be survivors in the casino." Joseph said, pointed across the harbor.

"Confirm that suspicion lieutenant… I'll remain here with a radio and coordinate efforts." the lieutenant nodded and took one of Petr's squads before heading around the harbor to the casino. Meanwhile I listened to reports coming in from Falcon.

Likely survivor groups at the catalina airport and maybe another near a cluster of buildings south of two harbors… dozens of golf carts began streaming inland, a few soldiers on each one, heading to search the island and clear it of these detestable undead at the same time.

Reports began to flood in from contact reports all across Avalon as the infantry began clearing it house to house. Occasionally the rare survivor or two was found, but not many. Then Lieutenant Joseph reported.

"Sir, there's a large group at the casino. You'll have to negotiate with them…" I grimaced but replied in the affirmative then commadered one of the golf carts, driving around the harbor, the poor radioman stuck with me clinging to the seat as I raced around abandoned carts and cars. I pulled to a stop beside the three carts my soldiers had been using. A few survivors were aiming weapons at us from behind the casino's barricaded doors. I sighed but slid out of my seat and walked to the casino.

"I am Andrew Reichenbacher, Commander of the Private military corporation Legion. May I have the luxury of speaking to a representative of yours?" I called out. Murmurs reached my ears before I heard a feminine voice reply.

"I am Jessica Alveraz. I speak for the Catalina survivors. What are your people doing here on our island?"

"My troops are here to secure a safe living area outside of Los Angeles for the survivors." I replied, making up some bullshit on the spot. Though now that i was thinking about it… it wasn't that bad of an idea…

"The island is swarming with zombies." Came her reply.

"Far less than the city across the channel. Why don't we speak face to face? Like civilized people do?" There was a bit of arguing from behind the barricade before three people emerged, a woman that was wearing tattered business clothes, some guy that looked like a police officer in swat gear, and some other dude that looked like casino security. Both guys had rifles, Ar15s. The woman seemed unarmed.

"A pleasure to meet you all. I have no intention of forcing anything upon you or your people, but if you wish to join my camp, either the one I'll be establishing on this island or back in Wilmington, I am open to accepting you all." I said calmly.

"We've been doing fine by ourselves." the police guy replied curtly. The woman shot him a glare.

"We appreciate the offer, but we've no feeling of your people. What guarantees can you offer that we won't be taken advantage of?" Jessica replied to me.

"Civilians such as yourselves would be protected under the revised law Legion provides to its citizens." I said with a smile.

"Revised law? The hell is this guy going on about?" the security guard muttered.

"We are American citizens…"

"The government is gone. Don't flatter yourself. You were an American citizen, now that is merely something you claim to be." i replied harshly.

"Look, this is the apocalypse. From what we've gathered so far no government from federal down to local survived in any real capacity. I'll let your people decide on what they wish to do. Tomorrow I'd like an answer if you'll be joining Legion or if I will need to treat you as a neutral party."

"That's not much time." Jessica protested.

"I am a busy man, I have a lot I have to oversee." I replied before turning and heading back to the carts.

"Capitain, a scout team made contact with some survivors at some marine research facility. One of them knows a little Russian but progress is slow…" I nodded to my radioman then turned to Joseph.

"Leave the people alone, we'll get our answer tomorrow. Offer no aid or assistance unless they join us without reservation." he nodded as I hopped into the cart and drove off, about to talk with some other group. As along the coastal road to the research center a notification appeared before me.

'Special Quest issued! Rescue trapped sailors from Santa Catalina island, time limit 36 hours. Reward, Instant free promotion to the next rank, 10,000 credits, 70,000 xp. Warning. Mission must be personally commanded by the user. High chance of fatality. Failure. Removal of asset(s) Pauk class patrol boat and crew. Sailors rescued ⅕, 29:43:48'

Oh… so there are only four more to go… wonderful… like finding four random sailors would be easy on an island this big. Hopefully there was enough time for the infantry to comb every inch of this damn rock.

I stopped next to the cart in the marine center's parking lot. The pair of soldiers were talking with a scientist.

"I am Andrew Reichenbacher, Commander of the Legion. A private military company." I said as the group turned to me.

"Ah, I am Dr Marus Feldman. These are your men?" he gestured at the two soldiers he had been talking with. I nodded and leaned against the steering wheel.

"Will your troops be staying on Santa Catalina?" Feldman asked.

"We will likely maintain a small garrison at Avalon." I replied.

"Ah, good. We don't have much to defend ourselves with. We've not much food left and pitifully few weapons." the doctor sighed with relief.

"If you are willing to join Legion we will ensure you have food and lodging, but you'll have to work… is that clear?" I asked.

"Oh yes, probably the best deal we could make given our circumstances…" he chuckled before continuing.

"We'd like to continue our research if at all possible, this plague, or virus… we found examples of it in different species a few weeks before the outbreak, we even had a few samples of it before the world went to shit in a handbasket."

"You've been researching the… outbreak?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"Indeed, though we've not been able to do much since the power went out last week." he replied

"Tell you what, join Legion. I'll see you can continue that research." I said with a glance at the research team.

"I can't promise the best food. Most of what we have is MREs, but I'll have some sapper set up an independent power grid for your research here. All research will be subject to oversight from Legion… is that acceptable for you?" the scientist murmured to themselves then Feldman turned to me and offered a hand.

"We accept." We shook hands.

"I'll have some people in Avalon in a day or two that will get you up to speed on how we do things. Till the island is properly cleared however I recommend you move your people to Avalon."

We hashed out a few more details but another radio call came in. Apparently there was another group up at the airport, and they weren't playing nice with the contact team sent up there. I vectored a pair of Hinds there and started heading that way myself, stopping briefly to assist a fireteam in eliminating some zombies on the way.

We drove back to the airport, which I'd driven past earlier, as I was pulling up another notification appeared.

'Special Quest issued! Rescue trapped sailors from Santa Catalina island, time limit 36 hours. Reward, Instant free promotion to the next rank, 10,000 credits, 70,000 xp. Warning. Mission must be personally commanded by the user. High chance of fatality. Failure. Removal of asset(s) Pauk class patrol boat and crew. Sailors rescued 3/5, 29:31:07'

I hopped out of the cart and waved the notification away. My soldiers were taking cover behind their carts, weapons trained on the airport building. The Hinds were hovering a few hundred yards away above the runway.

"Corporal, the hell happened here?" I asked.

"We were fired upon sir. Bastards are holed up in the building there." came the terse reply. I looked at the carts and grabbed a megaphone and turned the thing on. I pointed it at the building.

"You can send someone out to explain what's going on or I'll have the building leveled."

After a minute a weathered older man came out, a hunting rifle in his arms. I walked up to him.

"You better fucking explain why you lot fired on my men." I growled.

"They ignored the warning signs, then acted surprised when we started shooting. Can't hold someone to a high civilized standard in this apocalypse…" the man replied evenly.

I forced myself to calm down. Then spoke. "I'll spell this out for you. My men are going to use this airport, and if you have a problem, we will remove you."

The man scoffed while I maintained a calm facade. "Like we can stop you?"

He pointed at the hinds. "You'll aint even US, bastards trying to take advantage of our country."

I stared at the man for a few minutes then sighed. "Let your people know that they have five minutes to surrender if they don't want to get killed." I turned on my heel and stalked back to the soldiers. I grabbed a radio and got Joseph on the radio.

"Get a platoon up to the airport now. Falcon, get your ass up here, in 5 mikes level the buildings.

The two other hinds quickly appeared, and more soldiers from all across the island began appearing all around the airport, taking up firing positions. As the timer began to run out a group, maybe about twenty or so ran out of the building and towards one of the hangars, holding a white cloth over their heads.

I grabbed the radio. "Do not fire upon the surrendering civilians. Falcon, you are clear to engage."

"Good copy 6." came the reply. It was immediately followed by the screaming of rockets, and autocannons roaring. Explosions rattled the building, blowing in walls. Fire immediately came back, the soldiers started returning fire. I watched as the building was reduced to little more than rubble. The infantry began moving forward while the hinds remained on overwatch.

The building was a burning husk of its former self. These assholes had made their decision. A few tried stumbling out of the building, aiming weapons at the approaching soldiers, but they were quickly cut down. As the infantry began to storm the building the amount of gunfire increased dramatically, but it was quickly over. A few short minutes, a few dead and injured and a survivor camp destroyed.

I sighed and directed a few soldiers to secure the other survivors and to clear the wreckage, for now the sailors we were rescuing would be brought here and evaced back to firebase Fyodor. There was too much work to do…

Captain Gena looked at the sonar screen again. The Voyla was currently out patrolling the channel, her depthcharge launchers and racks replenished. The crew continued moving about the ship purposefully. They were all aware of the mission hanging over their heads and none of them wanted to be 'removed' by this system, whatever it was the commander had. But now they were looking for that monster the sonar had picked up earlier…

The Voyla was completing a turn north when it appeared, six miles distant. The Paulk class was inherently an AWS ship, perfect for hunting this beast… well, as good as they were going to get.

Moments after the monster was caught on sonar one of the ship's torpedo tubes flashed, the metallic weapon plunging into the sea. It was like they had stirred the hornet's nest. It was as if the sea came alive. It began frothing with hundreds of undead creatures trying to get at the boat. Fish that rammed it, dolphins and sharks that leapt aboard the vessel. The crew had long cleared the deck and the 30mm autocannons whirled, spitting streams of tracers at the undead. Suddenly a few miles distant that massive sonar contact broached the surface.

A massive glistening leathery hide, patchy and sparking broached the surface. It slithered through the water, rapidly gaining speed as it raced for the boat. The 76mm cannon swung around, firing off a few rounds, the first shots going wide as the fire control struggled with the creature's erratic movement patterns. The boat heeled to port, presenting its starboard side to the approaching monster, a rack of depth charges were launched into the air, falling between the ship and the monster. The rumbling explosion threw a curtain of water before the ship and a splitting roar nearly deafened the crew.

As the water wall fell a massive serpent like head, filled with teeth the size of a man hung in the air above the ship. The main gun and autocannons swung to face the massive serpent. A 76mm round exploding in the creatures maw as 30mm rounds stitched the creatures hide.

The head recoiled back then faced the ship once again, vomiting a vile greenish liquid all over the mast of the ship. Steam quickly rose as the Voyla accelerated away. Its weapons fired continuously as the serpent dove at the ship, missing the stern by inches and sending it careening dangerously.

The Voyla came about again, launching another torpedo, the sonar tracks vanished and the Voyla dropped depth charges off the stern. A series of large explosions from under the ship revealed a growing black cloud. Forming under the ship. Cheers spread then ceased abruptly as the Voyla heeled.

Hundreds of teeth were clamped around the hull, puncturing the steel. The ship was forced out of the water. The hull groaning and straining under the enormous pressure. The propellers spun wildly in the air, sending massive shuddering vibrations about the ship. Suddenly the creature roared in pain as several rockets slammed into it, Hinds streamed past, autocannon blazing as they did.

The monster let go of the Voyla and dove back into the sea. The ship wallowed from side to side like a drunkard, water seeping in through the hundreds of holes now perforating the ship. The crew scrambled to right their stricken vessel, when suddenly a massive pair of plumes rose a few dozen yards off the port side.

The Voyla limped away, unknown to them at the time theri torpedoes, which had missed their target had circled back around, and struck the beast near simultaneously just behind the head. The growing black slick of the monster's blood was easily mistaken for the fuel leaking from the ship's bunkers as it limped its way back to Firebase Fyodor.

Even with the crew's extensive efforts the ship barely made it to the wharf, pumps spewing water over the side, the masts a half melted mess that drooped sadly over the starboard side. The ship was dented by thousands of impacts and still perforated by hundreds of unpatched holes. But they came alongside the wharf. Dozens of engineers streamed aboard with portable pumps, welders and sheet plates to try to save the ship.

Meanwhile Andrew had watched the whole affair from the height of the runway of the Catalina airport. The patrol boat's epic battle with the serpent to watch the ship limp home.

'Killed Zombies 530(walkers), 180(runners) mutants 23(harpies), 8(tank), 1(leviathan eel): rewarded 1,490 Credits, 6,850 xp. Please view the shop to use your credits.'

'You have gained 6,850 xp, 32,390/50,000 xp needed for your next promotion.'