
The United States, August 17th

Andrew yawned, still reviewing the documents in front of him. Across the aisle from him was Ambassador Hailey, she'd lost the election to Merida by ninety four votes, and the electorate by three. She 'd been fortunate to be picked up as chairwoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, though currently the office consisted entirely of her and her secretary.

Back in California Merida was busy creating an administration from scratch, no doubt cursing me for all the work the military had dumped on him. Meanwhile I sat on the first flight out of LAX since the apocalypse began with the diplomatic team.

Aircrews had modified one of United's Boeings to have as much communication equipment as they could shove into it, so other than myself, Colonel Ivanov, the ambassador, and the pilots there was a platoon of Spetsnaz crammed into the aircraft, though their chief responsibility was guard detail.

We were currently over the Pacific, nearing the Hawaiian islands, meanwhile as almost everyone else relaxed and enjoyed the flight I was still busy giving out orders.

"Sir, the naval infantry have completed their sweeps of the San Diego military facilities, they've turned their efforts to establishing Firebase Gregory." Ivanov reported, walking in from the communication compartment, formerly known as business class.

"Good, how's operation Silver shield?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"Ahead of schedule, Iron Gauntlet will be ready in a few days, you'll have to summon the next two divisions when we return." Ivanov said quietly, glancing at the sleeping ambassador.

"Colonel, Ambassador Hailey has been cleared by the Premier, she has the same security clearance as him and is allowed to know of Iron Gauntlet." I said with a sigh.

"Sir, we should have neer turned over control to the civilians… we will regret the decision soon enough." he said firmly.

"Be that as it may, they are our equals, and you will treat them as such." I said firmly. Shuffling through a few more documents. Then gestured at a few sheets I'd written the last few new quests the system had given me.

"What do you think of these?" I asked while handing them to Ivanov, pulling them up myself, looking at the whole list. Ivanov hummed softly as he read through everything.

'Quest issued, (series quest). Expand your survivor camp to 64,000 survivors. Reward 75,000xp 22,000 credits. 52,714/64,000'

'Quest issued, (series quest) establish an economy for your camp. Ensure food/water/clothing/housing is available and that a currency system exists. Reward, 50,000 credits.'

'Quest issued, Assert naval dominance. Remove or kill all hostile aquatic undead from within 100 nautical miles of your main base. Reward, 1 Udaloy II Destroyer.'

'Quest issued, Assert Aerial Dominance. Remove or kill all hostile aerial threats within 150 miles of your main base. Reward. 12 Mig-23ML.'

'Quest issued, Assert Ground Dominance. Kill, Remove, or integrate all survivor groups and zombies within 25 miles of your main base. Reward, 1 MP company.'

'Quest issued, Secure Soviet interests in California. Expand the reach and influence of the USSR across at least 45% of California, ensure Soviet control in critical regions is unchallenged. Reward, 30,000xp 20,000 credits.'

'Quest issued, Manage relations with US Military in Hawaii. Meet and establish diplomatic ties with US military and civilian leadership in Hawaii without compromising Soviet interests in California, Discover goals, potential cooperation, and ensure loyalty of soviet citizens after the negotiations. Reward, 25,000xp 15,000 Credits.'

'Quest issued, System Disclosure. (Multi completion option) Maintain operational Security of the system, do not disclose its nature to any non system users, use the system to subtly gain leverage in negotiations without revealing the system or your abilities. Controlled Disclosure, carefully disclose secreted information to the US leadership, ensure they do not view you as a threat to themselves or the US. Full Disclosure, Fully disclose the system to American leadership and explain how it has helped you survive the apocalypse. Reward (Operational Security) 20,000xp 1 VDV Division and 1 Naval Infantry Division, (Controlled Disclosure) 20,000xp access to the production subsystem, (Full Disclosure) 20,000xp access to allied purchase lists.'

"What do you think?" I asked while looking back up at Ivanov.

"Tell them nothing, we are in a good place, our industry will soon begin to kick into gear. We can only continue to grow while the Pacific fleet is currently plateauing, they won't have the ability to face us in a year's time, and if they fight us now we can bloody their nose enough to not make it worth their while." Ivanov said grimly…

"As harsh as it may sound General, we do not need them, they need us."

I nodded, flicking the system away. "Alright, we'll stick with the old cover story then, Legion PMC…"

"Briefly, the men, we'll be landing soon, wouldn't want any hiccups." I said with a dark chuckle, leaving back in the seat and getting little sleep before we landed. So it was thirty minutes later as I was walking into the terminal of the Daneil Inouye international airport to a large gathering of military officers, Soviet and American officers lined the side of the terminal. Soldiers snapped to attention, presenting salutes as a band started playing military marches.

I walked down the little aisle they'd made, walking between soviet sailors on one side and American soldiers, Sailors and Marines on the other. A naval officer with one of the admiral ranks on his shoulder stood with some other guy that reeked of political miasma. Ambassador Hailey walked next to me as we approached the two.

"That's Governor Williams, highest government official in the state." she whispered. We stopped a few feet away from the two men and I exchanged salutes with the Admiral.

"Admiral Reichert."

"General Reichenbacher…" Reichert had an immaculate cleaned uniform, not like Ivanov would have let me step off the plane if my uniform had been less than perfect. But it somehow felt a bit surreal standing before an officer that was treating me like an equal that a few months ago would have never even spoken to me if given the chance.

"Ambassador, General… Welcome to Hawaii. I am Govonver Kelly Williams, We've prepared the finest accommodations in anticipation of your arrival."

"Thank you Governor, we look forward to experiencing the fine hospitality of the Hawaiian people." Hailey replied with a smile.

"General Reichenbacher, I understand you will not be staying with us for very long?" the governor inquired.

"Indeed, there are many matters that require my attention. I am here to ensure there are no miscommunication between my men and the military of the United States, hopefully we can reach an agreement." I said with a sly smile.

I parted ways with Hailey, letting her head off to the hotel that was going to turn into the embassy while Reichert and I entered our respective cars and drove to our own meetings. I met several sailors as I stepped out of the car and into the installation, Hickam Airforce base.

A large hangar was the spot for today's meeting, a couple Spetsnaz fanned out around the building, shadowing the Marines as Ivanov and I walked to the small table in the middle of the room. Commodore Gena stood from the table and introduced me to the other men at the table, Colonel Maithers of the Marine Corps and General Howard of the Army. Admiral Reichert joined the two of them and the six of us sat at the table.

"Where did you fly in from?" Howard asked calmly.

"Los Angeles, but you already knew that General, your radars pinged the aircraft eleven times." I replied.

"Let's not get too hasty with accusations, you must be able to understand our mistrust." Reichert said with a straight face.

I pulled out a small card from my jacket and tossed it on the table, the plastic card clattered across the table. Maithers reached forward and grabbed it, holding it up.

"Specialist Reichenbacher?" he said slowly while looking at the cac before him, he flipped the card to show my face, worn from time.

"I may have served, but I now serve the Union. I am Commander in chief of the Soviet Union, all armed forces report to me directly." I said, the hangar was silent for a moment before Maithers bristled.

"Are you telling me that you turned coat? Defected to some worthless backwater ideology that failed thirty years ago, soldier?" he asked hotly.

I leaned back in the chair, keeping my composure as Gena bristled at the implied insult. "Colonel. I told you who I was, and I declared who I am. I command the Military of the Union, I defend the Survivors of the apocalypse that has ravaged California. The government collapsed, the people panicked, in the absence of leadership I took it, I gave the people what they wanted, protection and security. The world you are clinging to Colonel is gone…"

General Howard's eyes locked onto me. "You expect us to believe that? That you are only providing protection and security?"

"I didn't ask you to believe it, General. I asked that all three of you see reality. Humanity is facing extinction. Zombies and mutants roamed the streets. Ideologies don't matter anymore gentlemen. What matters now is the survival of humanity. Los Angeles, and parts of San Diego and San Francisco are now safe because of what I've done."

My subordinates remained quiet. They knew the precarious nature we stood in better than most. That cooperation, to whatever extent was necessary to preserve the peace if nothing else. We all knew that we could bear the cost of conflict, but it would set us back too far, nearly back to square one. I needed these men to stand with me, or at the least not stand against me.

Admiral Reichert spoke up, his voice calm but firm. "I am not here to debate history and ideology. What I and my sailors want to know is what your plans are General Reichenbacher."

He paused, glancing at his companions, then his eyes flicked briefly between my officers before settling on me again. "How do you want us to work together in this new reality?"

I leaned forward, putting my arms on the table and smiled. "That depends in large part on what the three of you decide. I'd love to work hand in hand with you. My forces have secured large tracts of urban coastal California, I've saved those people, and I intend to work with them to build the Union."

"And what, you expect us to accept this soviet government on American soil? You think we'll let that happen?" Maithers scoffed.

"What you let happen isn't up to you anymore. I've laid out the situation as it is. I've built a functioning government in Los Angeles, turned large portions of it over to the citizens of the Union. We've restored infrastructure, have an organized military that works to protect the people… can you say the same for the rest of the country?"

Howard's eyes narrowed but he didn't say anything. My words held weight and they felt them, outside the island of Honolulu the world had gone to shit in a handbasket. Pockets of order were few and far between and my Soviet Union was likely among the largest in all senses of the word.

Somewhat to my surprise it was Reichert who spoke next. "This isn't about flags or past loyalties, what matters now is stabilizing the Pacific. We need strong allies to do that and you've demonstrated that you can achieve that in California."

"I didn't sign up to bow my head to some soviet flag waving regime admiral." Maithers shot back.

"We are not Colonel, but unless you think we can stabilize the mainland without Reichenbacher you will listen." Reichert replied, nearly growling at the end. Maithers scowled but leaned back in his chair.

"All i want is cooperation between our forces, the number of leviathans roaming the seas only continues to grow, the undead only seem greater in number the more we kill. The United States is in ruins, we have to face that reality. What I've done in california can be replicated

"The people are not oppressed as you think they are, the same liberties, the same rights. I encourage you to visit and confirm that yourselves. You don't have to trust me, but if we do not work together, the chances either of us will get through this will be far less than if we work together."

The three officers shared a look before Howard spoke. "We'll work with you for now… Any word this Union of yours is forced upon anyone and our cooperation will end. Is that understood?"

"Lima Charlie General." I replied sarcastically.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news so soon into our cooperation but I need to know this right now. Have any of you had any contact with Fort Irwin since the apocalypse began?"

The three of them shared confused looks then Reichert spoke. We've had intermittent communications with American and Allied forces across the Pacific, as far as the Philippines, Japan, and Alaska. But we've not heard anything from the continental states…"

"Good. Here is our outline for Operation Stallion." Ivanov dropped a manila folder on the table and slid it across. The details inside the folder contained evidence of a shocking number of atrocities the Black Horse had committed, as well as a draft on how I and my staff planned to deal with them.

The Hangar, already thick with tension before the folder hit the table, now seemed ready to explode. Mentioning fort Irwin and 11th Cav had stirred unease amongst the Americans, now that they were flipping through the folder though…

"My god." Howard whispered. He looked up from the spread of pictures now spread across the table.

"Barstow…" I said quietly. They moved a few photos to a few aerial shots that had been taken from a Mig flying overhead, confirming most of the destruction.

"Black Horse went rouge?" Maithers said quietly, staring at the pictures and witness statements.

"We're months away from Stallion even being launched, 11th Cav is a threat to the whole region, my people, the innocent survivors and possibly whoever of your people are left within the state."

"There was some speculation and rumors of units going rogue, but nothing like this… this is a whole different level…" Howard muttered, his voice low and dark, laced with disbelief.

Maithers, who had been ready to argue the finer points of ideology but a few minutes ago snapped his eyes locking with mine. "What of Camp Pendleton?"

Ivanov placed another folder on the table. "Our recon elements surmised that Pendelton was overwhelmed by the undead… We've not found any sizable military formation within the South West that remains active other than Black Horse."

The hangar fell silent as the gravity of what was happening in California hit them. Howard leaned back in his chair, running his hands through his hair as he mulled it over. "This has gone beyond the pale… We will have to verify this information on our own."

I nodded. "By all means, verify the information, I hope you can prove me wrong and that all of this is some sick lie."

"You've made your point… if this holds up we will do what we can to bring justice to the American people." Admiral Reichert said, his voice somewhat shaky.

"I understand, I'll have the Ambassador pass along updates to Stallion as we near our projected dates. In the meantime however, and in more immediate cooperation my fleet here will assist in clearing the waters, if you are open to having a small station of Soviets here I will assign a few ships, otherwise I will order them back to Los Angeles and our cooperation will be more distant." I said.

"Leave a few of your ships here, I'll detach a squadron to return to San Diego." Reichert said.

"I'll let my men know to expect company then. Gentlemen, it was a pleasure. Hopefully our next meeting will be more cordial." I said while standing, shaking their hands before departing.