Chapter 3: Power Spurts

Everything happened so fast after that.

Some people screamed and clutched their chests, and then they underwent something similar to what the girl did, and now they were superhumans. Someone's body grew as large as an elephant, someone's hair stood up and lightning surrounded them as they shouted like someone who couldn't shoot their loads out.

Another started singing while whisking ice in the air, and another one began running fast or getting stronger.

I watched these unfold right before my eyes. Looking down at my chest, I felt something cool, like the feeling I get whenever I rub some Vicks on my chest. Is this what the girl meant? But I don't feel any pain at all.

"Did you feel it too?"

I looked up at the high schooler who seemed to be back in her senses already.

"I felt so much…lighter! Like something inside me is rushing, circulating my entire body. What is this? It feels so great!" She glanced at her hands like there was something incredible on them, but all I saw were bloodied hands.

"Aren't you scared? It's something unknown after all."

The girl shook her head. "No! I feel like I can do anything. Did you see me? I killed the monster! I'm sure it was because of this! It's a gift! God didn't abandon us; he gave this to me so I can save myself!"

But that power soon became another disaster in itself. Some people began losing control and attacking others. The joy of having a superhuman ability turned to horror. They began acting insane like they lost their reasons, consumed by the strange power that dwelled within them.

It was…another disaster.

The number of these people grew, and each day that passed, many of them lost their lives in that strange power. Even the government was at a loss for what to do. But later on, the Research and Development Center finally found a way to stop those unnecessary deaths.

It took a year, and thousands of lives, including the high schooler I met on the subway, before the situation was controlled. No more sightings of stray winged monsters and the news about a civilian dying lessened.

God might have been merciful to give us hope, yet it seems he only selected a few to grab that rope of light.

I was on the bus when the TV screen attached above the driver's head showed a live broadcast. It was from the official channel of the NSA, short for National Seeker's Association. It was an organization created by the remaining figures in the government, aiming to gather and take charge of the growing number of weird people they later named Awakeners.

"Good afternoon. Today, we will have Dr. Valen Eckles of the Research and Development Center to discuss the nature of Awakeners."

The screen showed a man, probably in his thirties, donning in white lab coat and wearing thick glasses. He began explaining the things people so badly wanted to hear.

"A year has passed already and we lost many due to our lack of knowledge about this phenomenon, so I'd like to repeat, as a reminder to all of you, the symptoms or the indications of those who experience awakenings. To those who are, please, reach out to the NSA as soon as possible to be monitored immediately."

A human anatomy appeared on the screen next to the doctor. He explained one distinguishable symptom—the changes in the irises. Mine did not change though, they remained black, just like the eyes of a normal Asian.

People who awakened slowly had changes in their appearance as if the phenomena included instant plastic surgery or what. It's like the world became an anime, or the anime became a reality. To this day, I still wonder why instead of finding a cure to this abnormality was never an option, but the government was adamant about enhancing these powers.

Do they plan to use these people to war? The world will see another disaster if that happens.

However, my wonder didn't take long to be answered.

Another strange thing happened.

"Reporting live from Global News Headquarters. We interrupt your regular programming for an urgent and unprecedented development that has gripped the entire globe. Governments, scientists, and military forces across the world are grappling with a phenomenon never before witnessed in human history…

"Just over 24 hours ago, mysterious structures appearing like holes or vertical whirlpools began materializing in cities, rural areas, and even deep oceans, around the world. Exactly a year and six months ago, these strange magical portal-like structures appeared in the sky spewing horrifying creatures that wiped out hundreds of thousands of lives…

"Now these structures appeared on land again, and monitoring squads are dispatched along with the soldiers and awakened individuals to guard and engage in battle in case of a breakout. However, it has been a day already, yet these portal-like structures remain clear and closed. The World Research and Development Institute is still observing and studying how these magical portal-like structures work….

"Stay tuned for more updates. If you happen to come across one of these strange otherworldly portals, immediately report it to…blah blah blah…"

I gulped down the cold coffee I'd been drinking to keep me awake from sleeping. I graduated with a BS degree, the day the first of those blasted portals appeared was my last year in college, and once the country adapted and stabilized, schools and universities reopened, and thankfully, I was able to get my diploma.

But because of the human upgrade, job requirements upgraded as well. Why the hell do you even need a strange power to work in an office? It just doesn't make sense and so fucking unfair to those who didn't awaken.

And so, my BS degree was useless, and what I got was just a bullshit job.

"How much is this one?"

I pointed at the price list and the guy frowned.

"Isn't that too expensive for just a packet of cigarettes? Sell it to me half. Here's the payment."

The guy threw me a few bills, exactly half of the price. I immediately snatched the cigarette in his hands and stacked it back on the counter. "You can buy a packet with this money from street vendors outside."

"It's 2 am in the morning, kid. There're no street vendors at this time yet."

I shrugged my shoulders and threw the paper cup of empty coffee in the bin right in the corner of the counter. "Not my problem, man. I can't let you pay half since the other half will be deducted from my wage."

The guy sighed frustratedly. The nerve to. I should be the one getting frustrated here. He slammed his Seeker's ID on the counter and warned me. "Don't be an ass. Half of your wage goes on the tax anyway, then half of it is for Seekers who protect the country. I'm one of them, so just give it to me straight. I've got the privilege to do this since I'm protecting citizens like you, kid."

I'm so tired of these kinds of scenarios. It was 2 am, just five more hours and I'll be done with my shift, can this bastard just return after I leave?

"Really? Can you list what kind of protections have you done since your awakening, then?" I yawned. If I let this guy win, then the next time he wants cigarettes, he'll come here and demand another packet for the same price.

"What the? Are you implying that I'm lying? I already showed you my ID!" The customer shouted.

I sighed. "How would I know if it's real or fake?"

"Why would I fake it?!"

"To abuse the law like these?" I politely answered. The guy fumed and grabbed my collar. Fuck. He hasn't spoken yet but I already can smell his nasty breath.

"You, asshole, do you want to experience my wrath?! Should I show you my awakened powers?!"

I already felt like dying just by listening to you talk, man. "Go ahead," I replied as my hand grabbed at the corner where toothbrushes were hung.

The guy gritted his teeth and shouted as he threw me back. "Watch for yourself!" He positioned his opened palms below his chest as if he were going to catch his bulging tiddies, and stood with his feet separated a bit.

"I'm going to channel my powers in my palms and release a formidable firepower that can burn you alive!"

I shuddered. What if he succeeds and I get roasted? Will the convenience store owner allow me to pass on the afterlife after burning his entire merchandise?

The guy shouted louder, his veins bulged on his neck and temples, and his face turned as red as that napkin's package, but until his color turned to whisper and soon became modess, the firepower he spoke of did not release.

"PWAH! Haaa… haaa…" he looked at his hands with shock and bewilderment. "W-Wha… why couldn't I… what is this?! Let me try again!"

He took position again, and tried his very best—proooot!

but instead of firepower, he just farted… quite loudly. I personally think it wasn't just a… I moved away as the smell wafted. I immediately covered my mouth, but the guy basked in his own achievement.

His mouth was agape, from shock, and his face red from embarrassment. I gathered the money on the counter and replaced it with two tissues, pushing them gently to the guy.

"Here's a few coins, sir. You can turn to the corner and you'll find a public toilet. Please, clean yourself."

The guy snatched the tissues and disappeared quickly. I even wondered if his awakened power was really something about fire or speed.