Chapter 41: Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater

"Come in and have a seat, no need to be polite." The Head's wife was very enthusiastic, and from the glances she occasionally sent over to Chen Han, it wasn't hard to guess the reason for her warmth.

By contrast, Mr. Su was somewhat colder. Although he had also nodded politely since their arrival, the look he gave Chen Han seemed more probing than happy.

However, Chen Han had an exceedingly pleasant appearance: his features were handsome and clean, and despite being an adult, his expression carried a shyness that was not at all out of place, easily making people feel affection for him. Thus, it wasn't long before Mr. Su's stern expression softened.

"Hello, Mr. Su, hello, Head's wife," Chen Han said with an embarrassed face, and his cheeks had already turned red by the time he finished speaking.