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What is the purpose of episode 162?


Upon learning that Hua Xiaomai was heading back to the restaurant to trade so soon, Mother Meng truly nagged for a good half of the day, complaining about her not staying at home and how all the chores in the house then fell on her own head, and also mumbling about how Ha Xiaomai had such fine culinary skills, yet only used them to benefit outsiders.

Hua Xiaomai didn't want to argue about this matter with her and, upon contemplation, simply smiled and said, "Mother, what if we do this? Before I leave the house every morning, I'll prepare the meals and leave them in the pots. When you want to eat, you can just heat it up yourself. I'll make extra, so you also have the evening meal ready, so you won't have to worry about cooking. Isn't that good?"