In a world ruled by ancient gods and plagued by war, a newborn boy narrowly escapes death when his parents are hunted by a ruthless army. With his mother fatally wounded and his father left behind to fight, the infant is entrusted to Saria, a mysterious sorceress and family friend. Alone and on the run, Saria swears to protect the boy, unaware that he is destined to become the Fire God—a being of unimaginable power and destruction.
Years pass, and the boy grows up without knowing the truth of his origins. But as strange powers begin to awaken within him, he must grapple with the dangerous forces stirring inside. Hunted by the same army that destroyed his family and sought after by those who seek to use his power, he must decide whether to follow the path of revenge or rise beyond it.
Guided by Saria and haunted by memories of the past, the boy embarks on a journey to reclaim his identity. But every step forward brings him closer to the truth: **only by mastering the flames within can he survive and only by becoming the Fire God can he save the world from burning.
In a tale of destiny, sacrifice, and rebirth, the spark of a child will ignite a fire that could change everything... or consume it all.
This is so good.i always wish to read a nice and great book like this.please continue this.i am so excited to see what will happen next.Avoi is a good name for the character.your book has a very nice cover too.