and it was really starting to feel like autumn now. With the morning fog and the smell of autumn in the
air, I was feeling a lot better now.Before we went into the arena, Tiffany stopped me outside and smiled warmly at me. 'I just want to say
that I'm glad you've stuck around so far," she said. " You're a great worker and I really appreciate your
help."I bit my lip and looked at the ground. I had still been planning on talking to the dean for a reassignment,
but now I was reconsidering that decision.Besides, at this point the dean probably wouldn't even let me pick a new internship since we were
already a quarter of the way through the semester. Maybe things would calm down soon and I could
actually enjoy this internship, because I really did like the work.With another smile, Tiffany opened the door to the arena and we went inside. The team was already
practicing their drills when we entered. Justin was too focused on his form to pay any attention to me