NinaI woke up the next morning in a daze and not knowing where I was. As I cracked my eyes open against
the light coming in through the window and started to get my bearings, I realized from the smell of the
wood and the forest around me, in combination with the smell of campfire smoke and the sound of
voices outside, that I was in one of the cabins in the forest.But… How did I get here?My head was pounding, making it difficult to remember exactly what had happened last night. I
remembered coming to the party with Lori and Jessica… I remembered seeing Lisa and Justin talking
to one another by the fire, and that they seemed suspicious… I remembered following Justin out into
the woods…Suddenly, my eyes widened and I shot up in bed as I remembered running into Ronan in the woods.
Running into him, and then feeling an impact on the side of my head followed by darkness, was the
only thing that I could remember. Had Enzo come and saved me? Did he bring me into one of the