Chapter 176 The New Doctor

NinaEnzo held my hand until the last moment, only releasing it just moments before the portal closed. I

wanted to hold onto him and jump through the portal with him, but I knew that it would never work. And

he was right: I needed to stay here. There was still much to do.'Are you gonna be okay?" the Fullmoon girl, Myra, asked.I nodded, blinking back my tears. 'I'll be fine," I said. 'Thank you." I couldn't bear to have anyone look

at me, however, so before anything else was said I quickly turned on my heel and walked away.A mist had settled on the forest that morning. The air was cold and almost damp, and the sound of the

leaves crunching underneath my feet was a comfort. As I painstakingly walked back to campus, I just

kept focusing on that sound to keep my mind off of Enzo.He would be okay. At least, that was what I kept telling myself. But if he wasn't okay… I didn't know

how I would get to him. I knew that he told Myra not to open any portals for me in case I got any grand