NinaAs I watched Enzo storm off into the party, I felt my heart sink. The screen door slammed shut behind
him and wobbled a bit on its frame, leaving me alone and shaking in the cold. Up until five seconds
earlier, I was certain that our plan was going to work.But maybe I was too confident in that assumption, because it turned out that Enzo didn't remember me
after all. In fact, my attempts to make him remember not only proved to be futile, but also made him
angry with me and probably closed him off even more. Now, I was just the strange girl who cornered
him at a party. For all he knew, I could have been trying to drug him or something.I couldn't explain it; somehow, after everything, he didn't remember me at all. Even as I looked at him
that night, begging him to reach into his mind and remember my face, my voice, my touch… He simply
looked at me like I was a complete stranger.What had happened? How did it come to this? The last time we spoke, he had seemed as though he