Cruel 27

*Alarm rings*

*keeps ringing*

*keeps rin_*

*Alarm falls to the floor*

That's right, I smacked the life out of my alarm, and I might need to buy a new one, but who cares? Just as long as I can sleep some more.

The bright morning light creeped its way from the outskirts of my window and decided to fall on no other part of my body but my eyes. I tossled and turned, trying to use a pillow to block its direct contact with my face, but in the end it succeeded in waking me up.

I groaned, "I can't even be lazy in peace."

I laid plastered on my bed, my hair, face, and mood—a whole big mess. It only took one good look at my reflection on my phone screen to know

"Yup! I'm not going to work today. I probably should call in sick," I said, half excited.

Reaching for my fluffy slippers, I decided to raise the curtains and let the sunlight illuminate my one-bedroom apartment. I sighed, looking out the window, reminiscing on the old days when I first came to the city.

It was still so beautiful and tumultuous; it was nothing like the province, with its big buildings towering over the little ones and skyscrapers hovering like concrete bodyguards all over the place. Breathing in some of that toxic CO2 just made me feel so giddy back then. With my bright ideas for my jewellery business, I really thought I would be soaring high within the next few months, but look at me now...

Renting a one-bedroom apartment close to the club, the smell over here is so suffocating, and I just started getting used to the loud music at night. I managed to get a good place to start up my business, but my sales just kept going down every week. It's been 8 months now, and I think I should've given up sooner and gone back to my mom's sweet cooking and my simple life in the province.

Soo not what I envisioned for myself at 27, because I still don't see that ring from my loving boyfriend of 5 years, Michael Kim. Don't get me wrong, I'm the patient type. I'm just not having a great morning today. If only I could have hot coco, I'd feel better. I wish Ber would teach me her secret recipe for good coco.My ringtone comes up, pulling me out of my thoughts, and immediately I know who it is.

"Ber, this is so not a good time to be calling." I smacked my face as I accepted the call.

"You were just talking about me, right? Because I kept sneezing a few seconds  ago.

I rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see me. This is Bernice, my best friend since childhood, even though we didn't talk that much in school because of some issues I noticed. We took the same route home, and we just became friends from there. We moved to the city together to make it big.

Since taking over her father's shoe business, her workers and sales have increased drastically.

"Stop watching those animes. Look at what they're doing to you." I sighed as I proceeded to get myself some food.

"You're also into those vampire shit, so let's not call each other out this morning, okay?" She fired


"But I did sneeze," she argued.

"Yeah, I believe you." The sarcasm evident in my tone

"Whatever, you're late. Do you need me to remind you that your store opens at 9?"

"You don't, because I'm not coming," I said as I started brewing some coffee.

"Besides, it's not like there's anyone coming around to make a purchase. I haven't sold a single piece this month; I might as well do something meaningful with myself," I continued.

"Like what exactly?"

"I don't know; look for a paying job."

"You have employees, Freya; what is wrong with you today?" She queries

"Nothing! I just want to feel pessimistic for a little while." I shrugged.

"We both know that would do no good for your mental health. Staying positive is the only way to get through this ugly  world."

Yeah, easy for you to say.

"Fine, I'll come so you can stop nagging me, mom," I sighed. I still won't come.

"Okay! So, how's the big guy?" She said she was sounding all cheerful.

"He's fine; you know I've been wanting to talk to you about him."

"Okay, what's that about?" she asks.

Just then, I get an incoming call from my mama.

"Ber, my mama is calling, so I'll call you back, okay?"

"Okay, it's probably important, so call me after."

"Bye," I said as I ended the call and accepted my mama's call.

"Hi mama," I said casually, but the sounds of sniffles and little cries greeted me back, and I just knew something had to be wrong.

"Are you alright, mama? Tell me what's wrong. Did someone try to rob the store?" I asked, but still got no response.

I was getting agitated. "Mum! Talk to me," I bellowed. I hate it when she cries; it puts me on edge.

I heard her take a deep breath as I prepared myself for the incoming news: "It's your father; he's in a big mess with the traders union, and this morning he was nowhere to be found; he just disappeared, and I just don't know what to do." She finally said

"Wait what? You're joking." I laughed, trying so very hard to process what I had just heard."Papa is not missing right now. Are you serious? Papa had a disagreement with the trade union. How come? He's been their elected chairman for a long time now; they all trust him, so why would you think they did something to him?"

"It's a long story, and he wouldn't tell me what truly happened. All I know is that he was duped when he went to buy more fish stock at the seashore some months ago, and he was given a total period to pay back his debt, but it elapsed yesterday. Your father doesn't have the $500,000 they requested, so they must have taken him away! They must have taken my husband away," she burst into another round of tears again.

"They threatened him so much, oh my poor husband..." She relinquished her tears again.

"Okay, it'll be alright. I'm getting my bags right now, and I'll be right there so we can get to the bottom of this. I'll get on the nearest train to the province right away. Just wait for me and don't do anything rash,"I said.

"Okay, I'll just call your sister then," she said before ending the call.What in the world is going on?