To my Family

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe we had to go through that," I sighed as I rolled lazily on my bed. Selena came into my room, probably just to have a little chat.

We haven't seen each other for a long time now; she's been so busy doing school work that she barely comes by during holidays, and honestly, I really missed her. Sure, we do keep in touch, but it's nice to see her again.

"Hey there, little sis," I smiled as I mustered the strength to sit up.

"How's school been?"

"Same old, same old; just rounding off final exams is no biggie," she said as she sat on my bed. She's always been the brainy one among us.

"Do I really have to do this?" She said it out of the blue, and when I looked into her eyes, she truly was scared.

At this point, I felt like the hardest job I could ever do was be a big sister. The way she looked at me for encouragement, for warmth, and for comfort, like I was the only one who could protect her at this moment, just melted any support I had for this plan.

I scooted closer and wrapped her in my arms. "I really don't know," I sobbed.

She really shouldn't have to go through all of this; she's never felt what it's like to love someone and be loved. Just pushing her into the arms of a stranger is pure evil.

"But we have to save Papa, right? If I don't go through with this, then we'll all go back to square one. This is what I need to do." She confidently said that, but her tears still dripped ever so slowly on my pajamas. I knew she was just trying to sound tough.

"Are you okay with this idea? Come on, if you have someone you truly love, then say so, so we can go talk to Papa together; he'll find a way."

If what I presume is right, then we don't really have time to sit all night and cry; we should be making phone calls to the bank to try and pay off the debts to the traders, and then we can give that strange man back his money.

"I..." she mumbled.

"It's fine; I'll do it because there's no way we can get out of this," she sniffed as she left my arms and wiped her tears.

"Don't say that; come on, we can think of something! What about the bank? If we try to make a loan or something, put our house as collateral, mom's jewellery shop, and pa's

"It won't be enough!" She spat

"Sorry," she quickly added.

"I'll just go to bed now; maybe we'll come up with something in the morning. Thanks for everything, Freya." She smiled, and then she was gone.

"Wow, what an emotional night!" I ruffled my hair before lying on my bed, trying to get some sleep.


After many twists and turns, I realised that... I couldn't sleep!

That look on Selena's face just kept popping up. I really don't know what to do.

What should a big sister do to protect her baby sister? In this situation, I really can't think of anything to do or say to her to let her know that I care.

Come to think of it, if I were in her situation, I don't know what I'd do. Freak out, maybe? Throw a tantrum. Run away. I really don't know, but I'm very sure it wouldn't end well at all. Trust me.

Gosh, this just makes me realise how mature my sister has grown to be; she's willing to do this hands-down for Papa, and that right there is the most true love a daughter could ever give.


Alright then, I guess there's another reason I can't sleep. Late midnight snack check!

"AGH!, thinking about this whole thing is just making me damn hungry!" I groaned as I settled my legs into my fine flip-flops and went down the stairs to find anything that could calm this baby down.

Thinking too much makes me hungry, especially when I can't find a solution to my problem. I just groan and stuff my face with junk food. It's surprising how I haven't gained weight since I started this habit of mine.

I grabbed a cup from the counter and filled it with some water before going into the cabinet and bringing out a bag of chips. With this attitude of mine, I might finish this whole bag of chips before going back to sleep.

After contemplating if I should eat them right here or take them up to my room, I just got too hungry and sat down on the floor and finished the whole damn thing.

Now that I'm full, I can head back up in a slightly good mood.

As I marched upstairs towards my room, I found Selena's door wide open.

Gosh, did this silly girl forget to close the door? It's really chilly outside; she might catch a cold.

Hmm! I understand she's angry about the whole thing, but you still have to think about your health, right?

"Selena," I said in a hushed tone as I approached her door. When I stood right in front of her door, the cold breeze just blew her curtains and some flowers into her room, messing up my already messed-up bed hair.

Don't tell me she forgot to close her window too.

"Selena, what is wrong with you?" I barked as I brushed my hair away from my face.

That's when I finally saw the well-dressed bed, the finely folded bed sheets, and a white piece of paper laying carefree on her pillow. There was no sign of Selena anywhere.

"Selena?" I called, feeling chills run down my whole body. Please don't tell me she ran away. Please don't tell me she

"Selena!" I called as I forcefully opened the bathroom door, but she wasn't there. I checked her closet, and she wasn't hiding in there either; there weren't even any of her belongings in sight!

How could she...

I moved closer and picked up the piece of paper.

"TO MY FAMILY," it said.
