Chapter : Silver vs Chaos

Silver lunged at Chaos with all his strength, shadows writhing around him like living entities, ready to strike. His dagger, imbued with the very essence of darkness, gleamed as it aimed straight for Chaos' heart. But chaos ability Perfect Mirror was active every attack Silver tried would be reversed, every defense would be negated. An ability that defied all forms of logic and laws of physics .

And yet, the moment his blade neared Chaos, he felt something go horribly wrong.

Chaos tilted his head, looking vaguely amused. Then, with a casual flick of his wrist, Silver's entire body folded in half not forward or backward, but in an incomprehensible, reality-breaking way that left Silver screaming in agony. His shadow abilities did nothing. It activated Silver could feel it but Chaos' power was beyond such petty mechanics.

"Oops," Chaos said, grinning. "What's wrong little shadow don't let me your giving up already ."

Silver barely had time to process his pain before Chaos snapped his fingers. Silver exploded.

For a moment, there was nothing. Then Silver was whole again, standing exactly where he had been a second ago. Chaos had brought him back.

"Death two," Chaos said mockingly.

Silver barely managed a breath before Chaos grabbed him by the leg, slammed him through the ground, and dragged him through the fabric of existence itself. They plummeted through infinite voids, stars, and entire dead universes, with Silver's body tearing apart and reforming infinitely as Chaos used him like a human yo-yo against the walls of reality.

Then, suddenly, Silver body was bent and formed into a basketball as he felt every single bone and metal in his body bend and break causing instense pain but despite this he was still alive .

He bounced against Chaos' palm helplessly as the eldritch being spun him on one finger, whistling a cheerful tune.

"You know," Chaos said, dribbling Silver head against the ground hard enough to shatter dimensions, "I used to think Josuke was the most stubborn idiot I'd ever met. But you? You're something special."

Silver, head screamed in pain and rage.

Chaos took a long step back. A basketball hoop appeared in the void.

"Let's see if I can make this from full court," Chaos mused, then launched Silver at impossible speeds.

Silver had just enough time to turn back into his regular form before he crashed through multiple realities, his body breaking, healing, and breaking again until he slammed into the hoop, which wasn't a hoop at all, but a living mouth filled with endless rows of gnashing teeth.

The mouth chomped down, ripping Silver apart into millions of microscopic pieces.

Then, he was back again.

"Death three," Chaos announced, yawning.

Silver roared in frustration, shadows bursting from him in a desperate attempt to swallow Chaos whole. They surged, forming massive jaws, chains, tendrils every technique Silver had ever learned, all at once.

Chaos stood still, letting the shadows consume him. Then, from within the abyss, he chuckled.

"Hey," he whispered, " trying to use one of my abilities against me the Irony?"

The entire mass of darkness screamed.

Then it turned on Silver.

Silver barely had time to react before his own shadows grabbed him, wrapping around his limbs, pulling him apart digging into his body. He struggled, but they obeyed Chaos now. They stretched his body in every direction, peeling his skin away, breaking him apart at an subatomic level, making sure he could feel every moment of his own disassembly.

Then, suddenly, he was fine again.

"Death four. I'm on fire chaos said enjoying silver suffering "

Silver collapsed to his knees, panting. His body was trembling his soul was trembling.

Chaos knelt down in front of him, staring into his eyes.

"You don't get it, do you?" he whispered. "You're you're a mere toy facing an absolute God."

Chaos stood, stretching.

"And to this God, death means nothing."

He grinned wider than should have been possible.

"So let's see if we can break a record."

86,400 deaths.

Each more horrifying than the last.

Silver burned, drowned, shattered, imploded, exploded,melted, aged into dust, was eaten alive by creatures that didn't exist, was erased from time, was ripped apart by his own memories, had his face ripped off by his mask was turned into a single molecule stretched across infinite distance, was crushed by the weight of every sin he had ever committed and so much more.

Perfect Mirror remained active the entire time.

Worsen silver case instantly reversing his attack and defense.

Time passed differently here. To Silver, it felt like an eternity of suffering.

To Chaos, it was barely an afternoon.

And then, just as suddenly as it started… it was over.

Silver fell to the ground, gasping. His body was whole. But his mind? His soul?


Chaos stood above him, dusting off his coat. "Well, that was fun," he said. "I think you actually lasted half a second longer than I expected. Good job."

Silver trembled, unable to respond.

Chaos leaned down, tapping Silver's forehead. "Now, let's get something straight," he murmured. "You're weak. Pathetic. A failure. Glenda saw it. I see it. You think you can kill Josuke? You can't even touch me."

Chaos turned away.

"Go home, little shadow," he said. "And next time? Bring me someone actually worth killing."

With a snap of his fingers, Silver vanished.

He woke up in a cold sweat, back in the real world.

His dagger lay on the ground. Josuke was still sleeping.

The entire fight the nightmare had happened in an instant.

Silver gripped his chest, gasping for air. His body was fine as he screamed and threw his mask away his screams echoed waking Josuke and the other in their various rooms .

But his soul?

His soul would never be the same again as the team rushed into Josuke rooms seeing sliver crying crouched over in a corner repeating one sentence over and over again

" Choas have mercy please I'll confess as he counted backwards from 250.