The Soul Tower

Six hooded figures appeared in an old tavern, with nothing inside it that would say it was a tavern besides the sign carved onto the wall that said, "Tom's Tavern."

There was nothing inside the tavern, no chairs, tables, cups, only six people that just miraculously appeared. There was no light, it seemed to be a perpetual darkness as there wasn't a moon. There wasn't anything in the sky either, no stars, just space. 

"Everything's going to disappear. Now what." A man's voice said behind a cloak. And as soon as he said this, the ground and walls of the tavern dissipated into atoms and disappeared into nothingness. Interestingly enough, all the six people remain standing, on what seemed like nothing.

"Everyone, I have a solution. I've been working on it with her." Another man pointed towards a hooded figure. "It's our ticket out of this decaying world."

"Oh?" A female voice asked, "how?"

"It will need all of us to work together for once, but I think it's a good idea, after all, I thought of it myself."

"What is it?" Another person asked.

"I'll call it... The Soul Tower."


Emily stood in front of the bleeding corpse, the ground was soaked with red liquid rapidly turning dark and murky with the addition of the soil below the body. There is a lot of blood in an adult male body, around 5 liters, and when carotid artery is punctured multiple times as Emily made sure to finish the job decently, can end up like a giant red fountain extremely fast.

The dress that Emily wore was completely stained with blood, as she reeled and fell to the ground clutching her head in agony. Then suddenly, she shot her head up and looked towards the sky, her arms raising and slowly standing up. And she collapsed back onto the blood stained ground.

"I am alive once again." Emily, but not Emily anymore, mumbled to herself, "Sharia has descended." and immediately picked up the knife, trying to stab herself in the neck.

Before the knife could even touch her neck, it dissolved, dissipating so quickly that one could only catch a glimpse of the original material before the whole thing turned into nothing at all.

"That was the 12th billionth time I tried that, or wait, was it 13th billionth?" Sharia thought out loud. "It's been too long, and its so early to think." 

Sharia stood up, looked around in the dark, and started walking. Only, it wasn't really walking, the ground collided and practically liquified, making tiny waves that pushed her along at an alarming speed, completely disregarding the flexibility of sand atoms. No walls could even be in her way as she simply passed them like they were never there. 

The only thing that seemed not to allow her passage was human bodies, when she passed through them, they didn't reconstruct themselves and turned into a Sharia sized hole, folding within itself and toppling from the halved bed. 

The ground eventually became water under Sharia's feet as she was thinking about what to do in this world, even if she had no idea what it was even called. She didn't care, she stopped caring after the first million year she did this.

"There are a lot of protons in a person, as there are a lot of atoms in a person, because there are a lot of molecules in a person. "Sharia started to mumble to herself for no particular reason after a while staying on the ocean. "But how do they make suitable thinking abilities just from that? Why can't I, the Queen of atoms make a complete human person? Must be because I don't actually know what a human is also made up and how they connect. Why do I even care?"

Sharia saw a dolphin start doing it's water jumps, of which Sharia asked, "Dolphin, do you know how humans work?"

Obviously the dolphin didn't respond and simply swam off. 

The daylight outside was coming above the horizon, it wasn't because of it simply turning day, but that Sharia had been going at such a fast speed that she was approaching the sunlit grounds.

"I wonder when they are going to be here, I'm usually first after all. But the real question is, what to do?" Sharia kept whispering to herself.

Sometimes during the journey, Sharia would tilt her head and laugh at nothing, and sometimes she would cry at nothing. 

"Didn't some great person say that taking to oneself is a sign of sanity?" Sharia asked absolutely nothing but the great blue sea

"Yeah, but I probably lost that some time ago." Sharia started to respond to herself.

"Oh Sharia, what should I do?" There was a pause

"Kill everyone for fun and reactions they show when they die?" Another pause

"Save everyone then watch them die one by one via old age?" 

"Play jokes on people just to provoke them, leading them to attacking you, leading them to be dissolved like absolutely nothing?"

"Pretending that I have absolutely no abilities at all, and I am just the typical girl?" 

"Nah, I've done that before, it's no fun, everyone just thinks you're useless."

"You're right, how about saving people from our destruction, at least, pointing to them?"

"Yeah, that's always really fun, especially the wars."

But at the back of her mind, something shouted, "Maybe I could finally succeed in killing myself."

It was a delusional thought. The Trancsender had been built for so long, yet the people building it forgot to add an off button or a self destruct button. It was fun for the first hundred thousand years, but... It was too long.

"I've tried that so many times. It will never work."

"Yeah, makes sense."

"Sometimes, I just feel like a teacher."

And Sharia decided that she wanted to become a teacher.

By the time Sharia had sailed across the ocean blue, it was already midday because there was a questionable lady appearing on a shore, dressed in so much blood that the original color could no longer be seen. There was also a language barrier, but Sharia had been able to learn billions of languages, which now languages simply came to her naturally after she picked up any piece of literature. 

There was actually a magic system in this particular universe, which Sharia was extremely interested in. In all the universes she has been to, maybe only half had simple spells, and only a quarter of that had fun magic. It was all old by now, but it still was a little adrenaline kick when she had fun with it.

Sadly, after so much time, there was barely any fun in adrenaline kicks after some time, but there was always something that changed. The story in the magical world. Theres always some daring hero, villain, friend, relation, or anything really. They all died one way or another, it didn't matter much, really just entertainment.

"Humans are really complicated though." Sharia said in the language of the people she had arrived at, "Really. I mean it."

But the looks she received had told her that she had gone insane, and that she should probably leave this harbor before she makes everyone else insane. 

Sharia didn't blame them, her hair was disheveled, half of it had already been destroyed for no observable reason, there was still a bunch of blood on her face, hopefully people assumed it was her own, she didn't want to go on a killing spree again.

"Anyone know where the closest magic place is?" She asked, "Or who the strongest or more famous magic person is?" 

One helpful passerby walked up, "The easiest way to find out is to go to the local church, grab some old manuscripts that have been preserved, and start reading."

"Thanks," Sharia nodded and started the ground wave moment which caused a lot of people to turn their head at her.

The church was a grand palace like structure filled with great colored panes and jewels that probably costed the average person a fortune. Sharia entered without any resistance and started to read the precious knowledge of the world that she didn't know about. 

A lot of manuscripts existed inside that one particular church, she had to walk though multiple hallways, which took more time than actually reading. The reading part was really easy, the action of memorizing things as soon as she saw them was constantly going as she flipped the pages of every book, with titles like, "Great Magic Spells that Oroli created" and "History of Tentia" which was this continent's name.

By the time she was done, the sun had fallen asleep and one singular moon took the job of illumination. Sharia also forgot the crucial thing that she forgot to do, which was to eat and sleep, and she promptly collapsed onto the ground. 


"So this soul tower thingy basically rebirths us? How long does it take?" A robed figure asked.

"Oh, I have no clue, most likely you would forget things, but that would be fixed with some time." The original proposer for the soul tower plan answered, "And I'll need all of your help to create it. Anyone object?" No one said anything.
