Chapter 9

The culture of Bear Island is somewhat different from that of the rest of Westeros, the North included, if only slightly. In addition to tolerance of bastards, it is expressed in what might be called militarism. This trait is common to all the northern lands near New Dar.

Constant raids by ironborn and wildlings have caused all the islanders to carry weapons with them at all times. Fishermen, loggers, hunters - everyone will have an axe, spear, or club at hand. Even berries are not picked without a weapon. In addition, women are on an equal footing with men in terms of the opportunity to learn a military craft and master male professions. Although it is predominantly men who go fishing in the bay.

In terms of the type of trade conducted on the island, barter exchange, whether of goods or services, dominates among the peasants. This causes some difficulty, but only the inhabitants in the vicinity of Mormont Castle usually have coins.

The changes on the island began after John's tenth birthday. It was time to execute the planned reinforcement of the North in the Sunset Sea. People from the rest of the North, including those freed from the Iron Islands, began arriving on the island. At first there were enough houses for them, but there were more than necessary near the harbor. At the beginning of each winter, people from all the settlements came to the castle to winter together. It was easier to survive the winter together than separately.

A new shipyard was built on the island. Only fishing vessels could be built by the locals, and it was necessary to create double-deck galleys. The islanders and newcomers were put to work. They helped in the construction of both the shipyard and the new houses. Materials and resources flowed endlessly from the mainland. Almost everything, except for food, which was always in short supply in the north. There was more than enough fish in the Bay of Ice, but not everyone was content to eat only fish.

Outside the castle walls on the west side, construction of a new neighborhood with a clear plan and sewage system had begun. Jorah remembered the stench of the Royal Harbor, so he quickly agreed to its construction. It would be much harder to do later. In addition, honey production was increasing. At first the workers were paid from the general finances collected for the plan and the Mormont treasury, there was still a lot of money to be made.

Mormont transport ships, some of the largest and most capacious, were used to trade with Prostor and the Western Lands. Grain, flour, and other slowly perishable foodstuffs were purchased in the south. They sold hides, amber (especially the one with insects inside, the children of the Lords were delighted) and a product that was completely new to Westeros - honey "Bear's Embrace".

The northern curiosity quickly became popular. Aside from wine, there wasn't much in the way of widespread alcohol, and here was a new, strong drink that would surely appeal to men. Many of them didn't drink wine. The bright, unique flavor and aroma played to their advantage. They gave ten to twenty golden dragons for a barrel of honey. At first glance, it was a lot, but buying spices was not cheap. John was sure that the traders who bought the honey would earn even more by bottling it and reselling it, and if they diluted it with something... well, in any case, there was no time for the meadery to do it themselves.

The popularity of the drink soared after Jon sent a barrel to Tyrion Lannister as a gift. Honey tasted the king and part of the court, it caused a real furor. And now honey was made for the court at the price of three gold dragons per bottle (ceramic). Consequently, potters also appeared on the island. And honey was shipped to King's Harbor from Lannisport. Not all ladies could drink the new drink. A new, lighter variety had to be created. It was called Daisy Kiss. Prices for the new product remained stubbornly high. The honey immediately disappeared from the shelves and warehouses. The Mormonts seriously considered establishing another honey factory.

A new trade route emerged between Volantis and Bear Island. Spices and rice came from the east, paid for in gold and sometimes sold to foreigners with curiosities from the North. Once they even sold a whole live bear. Near the harbor, they began to build a large tavern. Foreign guests are important, but there will not be enough room for them in the manor, and it is not prestigious to put them in an ordinary house. A good opinion of the islanders is important for trade.

The lighthouse is also important for trade; it took almost a year and a half to build. It became the tallest building on the island and one of the first stone ones. Though it is far from being equal to the lighthouse in Staromesta. Not only southern merchant ships, but also northern supply ships would be able to enter the port at night.

There was more than enough work for all the islanders, there was no time to complain, and it paid well. The new arrivals were trained on a rotating basis in the military craft, specifically crossbow shooting and spearmanship. Crossbow shooting could be mastered at the proper level many times faster than archery. The latter sometimes took years to master. Crossbow can be mastered in a few months, or even in two months. Let crossbows are more expensive, but their advantages are undeniable. The price situation with spears, on the other hand, was the opposite. Spears are much cheaper than swords and axes of all kinds. Besides, a formation of spearmen is a real force to be reckoned with, well, at least as long as the spearmen hold it. Raids on the island must be resisted, and the northerners would be ready for them.

Trade actively encouraged the development of the island. In total, nearly four thousand gold dragons and a significant portion of the trade revenue was spent to realize all the improvements. By John's thirteenth birthday, the settlement around Mormont Castle would begin to resemble a tiny town. A fifth double-decked galley is launched, and a stone wall with towers is built around the manor to replace the wooden one.


As soon as Jon Snow crossed his ten year old threshold, he began to grow up dramatically. By the time he was thirteen, he was already taller than all his peers and only a head shorter than Daisy. The latter teased that her friend had dramatically set out to overtake her. In addition to his height, the boy had grown broader in the shoulders. Already almost a young man with a strong body, he was often looked at by the female part of the islanders. It was especially noticeable on warm sunny days, when he wore less clothes. Girls began to take an interest in him, Lyra being one of the first.

The constant physical exertion from both working in the forge and training and helping the islanders with their work was doing its job. Overdeveloped beyond his years, he could have been given two years more than he actually was. Lady Mage often said he was more handsome than her daughters, and she was not far from the truth. The boy attracted others by his friendliness and cheerful disposition. He often played with the local kids and told stories in the evenings, sometimes he even sang.

In addition to training, John helped run the island, but only with advice and only when asked. The important thing is that he was actually listened to. The training regimen had not changed much since living in Winterfell. Lord Jorah often took him with him to meetings with other lords or when he personally sailed south to trade. The boy suspected that such warmth was due to Mormont's desire to replace the son Jorah had never had, but he did not voice his thoughts. Sometimes it seemed that John was an heir, not a ward. At the age of twelve John became a squire instead of a page and was no longer strictly a servant.

He and the others had participated in the defense of the island against wildling raids, but during his time there had never been anything that could really be called a raid. Only skirmishes with bands of no more than a dozen men. The Ironborn lie in wait. But other pirate ships could be seen in the Sunset Sea, presumably from the Steps. They were interested in the new trade route, and even tried to capture Mormont ships a couple times. The new northern fleet didn't appreciate the idea. And Jon took part in a new naval battle. He and Dacey and Lyra sometimes accompanied ships too.

Snow accompanied Ser Jorah to tournaments, but the latter was never able to repeat his Lannisport success. Not a single victory, third place in a horse race at most.


After practicing in the mine, John decided to try his magic on obsidian. Over the years he had turned almost all iron into silver and then gold. The school of alteration was being mastered better and better, he could already use the Iron Flesh spell. The magic reserve was recovering faster than before, but even now it took almost an hour of time.

His first attempts at magic on obsidian had failed. The volcanic glass simply turned to dust. Snow had hopelessly ruined two crates. Three more survived exposure, but lost their properties. Trying to make something out of them was a hopeless endeavor. Jon was now glad Prince Stannis had sent so much ebonite.

Fifteen crates had been spoiled in various ways and three months of time had been wasted. But the necessary result was achieved. Snow spent all his free time (mostly for sleeping) working magic on the dragon glass. When the processed ebonite was sufficient, Snow and Jorah went to Castle Black to "stay".

The Black Brothers received a substantial donation of gold, food, weapons (mostly spears), and a replenishment of thirty captured poachers and pirates. Jon didn't even have to persuade the Mormonts to aid the ancient order. Lord Jorah was glad to see his father. Snow met with his uncle, he was glad to spend time in the company of a family member, even if the motive for coming was drastically different.

While the Night's Watch was disappointing for the most part, his individual brothers commanded only respect. The whole thing was organized for the sake of meeting the castle's blacksmith.

Donal Noye had once served as the master armorer of House Baratheon in Storm's Edge. The king's huge two-handed warhammer is his creation. The man joined the Night's Watch after Robert's rebellion ended. Here he continued his duties as a weaponsmith, and could rightly be considered the finest smith north of the Isthmus. He was a man of about forty-five with a bulky belly, unshaven black stubble on his face, and a broad, flat nose. His left arm was missing, but the mutilation had no effect on his strength or, it seemed, even his ability to work.

Gior Mormont had asked him to assist John in the creation of the blade, and he couldn't refuse. Maybe it was a return favor, maybe it was to help his son's pupil, or maybe it was northern solidarity, or maybe it was all at once. Anyway, the three of them traveled to Bear Island under an escort of Mormont guardsmen. The Black Castle armorer's duties would be temporarily performed by blacksmiths from the island.

At first old Noye laughed at the announcement that he and the brat would make a blade from a strange ore that would equal or even surpass the Valyrian blade. The brat had clear instructions, blueprints and directions, the technology was different, but it was still sword making. They set to work. From time to time they had to start over with one element or another, the ore was unfamiliar.

Theoretically, one day would be enough to make a sword, and it would come out plain and simple. If there are blanks and apprentices, you can even have time to make several of them.

Forging a sword from scratch requires much more time. The crossguard, hilt, head and scabbard all had to be made. Donal immersed himself in the work and even enjoyed it. Ten days later, the sword was ready.

The end result was impressive. In appearance, the sword was an almost complete copy of the Shining Dawn, Meridia's gift. The only difference was that it was half and half. Well, and the color as well. Incredibly strong and razor-sharp, with a dark blue blade that seemed to glow from within, most of the light centered in the guard. The sword was not as light as the Valyrian sword, but otherwise the ebony blade was in no way inferior. During a practice fight with Jorah, and at the same time testing the sword, Jon had turned his opponent's weapon into jagged garbage, and then snapped the blade in half.

The blacksmith was so impressed that he immediately agreed to create a mace from the "magic metal". It took another four days. From the remnants of ebonite processed by Snow, several spearheads were made.

Three people knew about the new unique weapon: Jorah Mormont, Jon himself, and Donal. The Black brothers had no need to spread the word about the sword. For Donal, just being involved in the creation of something so unique is a great honor. The blacksmiths began to pack back up, and Jon now had a new sword and a great birthday present for Dacey.


The door to Jon's room opened abruptly, and just as abruptly the boy himself was inside. Dacey pushed him into the room without breaking the kiss. She slammed the door shut sharply, and the door rattled back at her. John felt the cold wall at his back, and his lips - Dacy's sweet lips, they were flavored with honey, which she drank during the feast.

- Wait," John turned to her.

- What else!? - The girl's tone was distinctly irritated.

- We should lock the door. What will we tell Lyra if she sees us?

- That I'm teaching you how to kiss?

- And then you'll break her nose when she asks me to teach her? Come on, I'll lock the door and you go to bed," I heard the click of the door locking in the hallway.

They were completely alone in the room, the light exuded only by the dim flame of the candles. Dacey sat Snow down on the bed. The girl leaned over and engaged her partner in another kiss. John slowly stroked the girl's hips and waist through her clothes, then, grasping her waist firmly, with a single tug he placed her on his lap. The girl remained seated, not resisting, she only wrapped her legs around him.

Jon pressed his lips to her neck, the girl quietly moaned into a fist, trying not to attract attention: she knew that the younger sister was also interested in Snow. The boy's hands had loosened the lacing on her caftan and were now gently touching the defenseless skin. His fingers traced her ribs, then moved up and gently squeezed her breasts, eliciting another moan.

A shiver ran down Daisy's back, lust clouding her thoughts more and more with each passing moment. John's lips at the same time slowly fluttered down her neck, leaving kisses and hickeys, Dacy would be cursing in the morning. The lad lowered the unbuttoned caftan to waist level, he had a gorgeous view of the girl's breasts and flat stomach.

Mormont caught the lad's arms around her neck, and he finally returned from her neck to her lips. A new kiss, passionate and demanding, the girl's hot tongue burst into his mouth and entered the fray. The stubborn northerner was unwilling to give up the upper hand. John toppled her onto the bed and was on top of her.

His palms once again encircled the girl's breasts, his fingers pressed on her nipples. Daisy bit her lower lip nervously, waiting for him to continue. Snow dipped his lips to one of the nipples, circled it with his tongue, then began to suck and nibble. The fingers of his other hand continued to play with her breast.

Dacey felt an intense heat in her lower abdomen, she couldn't remember the last time she had been this aroused. Her face was burning, she wanted to scream for John to finally fuck her, but she liked the sweet torture better.

- John," was all Dacey whispered, "don't stop.

Snow continued to caress her breasts with his tongue, but he was now caressing the other pink nipple. His fingers slowly moved lower and lower, and John pulled away from her breasts, eliciting a displeased moan. He deliberately slowly pulled off her clothes and tossed the annoying caftan aside. Dacey was now completely naked. At that moment it seemed to him that before him was not a harsh warrior, but an ordinary defenseless, gentle girl.

- Do you like what you see? - She asked, hinting at the lack of hair underneath.

- Definitely.

John moved lower, brushing his lips against her thighs, leaving kisses on them. His lips moved upward to her womanhood, laying a trail of kisses. The girl breathed heavily, waiting for him to continue. She covered her face red with shame with her hands and only moved her hips closer to John's face. She loved it when he "kissed" her there. Snow blew lightly on her bosom, causing her whole body to tremble, and then he put his lips to it.

- John," Daisy moaned as John squeezed the small bump between his fingers.

John ran his tongue first over her labia and then penetrated it. He caressed her with his tongue. The unashamed northerner pressed his head closer and closer to her own bosom, running her hands through his hair. Suddenly Daisy cried out and stiffened, arching her back.

As she caught her breath, he had undressed and was guiding his cock into her womb. Her firm breasts rose and fell in time with her sighs, John watched mesmerized. He noticed the girl nodding and then he entered her sharply. Snow began to move at a rapid pace, eliciting moans of pleasure. John covered her mouth with a kiss, and Dacey wrapped her arms and legs around him, not allowing him to pull away. The guy increased his pace, and now the kiss wasn't enough to muffle her moans, she could only hope they wouldn't be heard. Dacey squeezed his cock tighter, the young man realized they were both close to ecstasy. When they both peaked, Dacey threw her head back and smiled blissfully.


Dacey settled on John's hips and slowly lowered herself onto his cock. The girl enjoyed the feeling of being filled as John penetrated deeper and deeper. John, on the other hand, was playing with her breasts at the same time. The northerner thrust her hips, setting the pace. The girl leaned back, rocking her hips and smiled victoriously. Snow stroked and squeezed her breasts, he felt the girl squeeze him harder as he trapped her nipples between his fingers. Nipples were her weak spot. The girl bit her lip again, she was on the edge and about to peak.

- I want to cum together," she whispered in his ear.

John sank his lips into her and quickened his pace. Moments later their bodies shook again in orgasm.

- I'm yours, Jon Snow," the girl said, rolling onto her side and pulling Jon closer to her.

- I know," Jon smirked.

- Asshole," the girl pounded his chest with her fist, the boy chuckled.

After a few minutes, they both relaxed and drifted off to sleep, never breaking the embrace.


As John began to grow dramatically, his interest in the fairer sex returned to him. But no one but his closest friend interested him. He realized his interest when he was watching Daisy bathing again, and it was not the same feelings he had for his older sister.

Even though the girl was uninhibited, she couldn't help but notice John's red face and the way he shamefully averted his gaze from her. The girl found it quite amusing. They were close. Closer than friends could be, but seeing John as anything other than a little brother had been difficult at first.

Difficult until she realized she'd been blatantly staring at Snow during one of his warm-weather training sessions. She noted something else, too: she liked his strong arms, especially the way his muscles played while working on the forge.

It turned out she wasn't the only one with his attention. The maids, his own younger sister, Dacey, and even the women in the Mormont Guard had their eyes on John. But he didn't seem eager to court them, nor did he understand their hints. Dacey was frustrated; if he wasn't paying attention to his peers, he didn't need an old woman eight years older than him.

But one day something happened that turned their relationship upside down. John kissed Dacey during one of their walks, even though he had to ask Dacey to bend over. She didn't respond to him, but she didn't push him away either, and after that it became clear that their feelings were mutual. But Dacey was still jealous of John's feelings for her own sister, even after she'd first invited the guy into her bed.

They had first become one shortly after John's thirteenth birthday. The first intimacy was quick and awkward, as were some of the following ones. The first few times at first felt like rape to Jon at all. Snow was under no illusions, the eldest of Mage's daughters was not a girl by the time of their first time. She was a physically strong woman, not used to being led and believing she knew best. John had to spend a lot of time proving to her that it was possible to enjoy being "weak" as well. In the end, the role of weak and defenseless came to her liking, the girl was ready to give him the initiative. But she would be like that only in their bedroom and only for him. From that moment on, they rarely woke up in separate beds, even though there was still a great risk of being discovered.

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