Chapter 15

========== Chapter 15 (PWP content present) ==========

Jon walked slowly deeper into the forest, even though it wasn't long before dusk would begin to take its toll and plunge the island into the arms of night. But Snow was in no hurry to quicken his step, this evening he was going through a ritual. If all went well, he would demonstrate wit, agility, strength, and superior hunting skills. A summoned wolf spirit rustled beside him, pointing its muzzle at a neighboring one that was walking a little farther away. Snow gripped the shaft of his slingshot tighter and continued on his way.

It had begun when a bear had mauled the lumberjacks in one of the villages a couple days ago. Almost all of them died, and the survivors told of the beast's enormous size, glowing white fur, and even a pair of antlers on its head. A bear attack was not something unfamiliar to the islanders, but dead islanders as a consequence of that attack was something new. Northerners had long been accustomed to the neighborhood, and human casualties from bear encounters were rare. They were mostly killed by inexperience, too hot-headedness, or intoxication, so the deaths of a dozen experienced woodsmen with weapons at once spoke of something very wrong.

There had been another attack today, with far fewer casualties, but it had taken place not far from the manor, a couple hours' walk through the woods. Suspecting that something very wrong was going on, Snow drew his weapon and headed into the woods. He should have taken his partner with him for backup, but he went on his own, and for good reason.

Spirits of wolves, summoned with the help of the school of sorcery, coped with tracking and fighting much better than live dogs, and losing them in battle would not be so miserable, the last listed advantage and played in favor of magical animals most of all. Somewhere overhead, Claw was flying and surveying the forest from a bird's-eye view, looking for dangerous beasts and other possible trouble.

After nearly an hour, John spotted a dimly glowing silhouette in the distance. The wolves' fur stood on end, and they growled quietly and warningly in the direction in which the silhouette was visible. The culprit of the attacks had finally been found.

Already in relative proximity to the monster Snow was able to get a better look at it. The bear's appearance was typical of the island. The same powerful body with a high withers, the head is also massive, but the ears and eyes are small and look rather comical. The coat is very thick, snow-white, evenly colored, the tail is short and barely noticeable. If the forest was snowy, this creature could not be seen in the snow, it gave off something otherworldly, unnecessary for this world. The body was massive, with powerful paws, but there were no outlined horns. The only significant difference was size. The bear was one and a half times larger than the largest males that are found on the island and should weigh at least six hundred kilograms, if not more.

"It's going to be quite a feast when they bring this thing to the manor," John thought as he set the wolves on the bear. The hunt was on. The wolves attacked and focused all the attention on the dangerous animal. The beast swatted away with its paws as if the summoned animals posed no threat, those kept growling and throwing themselves into the attack, but all their attempts remained unsuccessful. The bear, for its part, was in no hurry to attack.

John slowly approached to the right distance. The beast glanced at him for just a moment, but turned away, pretending not to notice. The fight would be quick and end in a single spurt, so the bear was clearly cunning to lure John closer.

After a few moments, the beast tucked its ears in and with a thunderous growl, rushed to attack. The rush was so fast and strong that the wolves were thrown a good dozen meters away, one of them dissolved, crashing into a tree. The bear attacked first, which was just what the hunter needed. Two heartbeats later, the tip of the slingshot, which had been set up in time, gleamed in the darkness, and the beast drew on it. It was a blessing that the blow of the slingshot weapon did not hit the bone.

The stubborn beast, already stuck in the slingshot, was still trying to hit the hunter with its paws and its massive mouth, but the dagger in the hunter's left hand gleamed and struck the beast in the right side. John whistled in surprise as the beast continued to resist after this blow, he drew his sword and plunged the blade into the animal's muzzle, ending it for good.

Jon sighed and sat down near a tree to finally catch his breath. The summoned wolf approached him and began to paw at him, begging for attention. The silence and peace of the forest was broken by applause coming from the body of the now dead bear. Slowly but surely the glow coming from the animal's skin began to rise above the ground, forming a familiar human silhouette with a deer skull mask on its head and armed with a spear.

- Hirsin," Jon said dryly, looking at the Daedra prince who had taken on the form of Alrabeg, as he was depicted on statues in Tamriel.

- You greet me as if you're not glad to see me, hunter. I am glad to see you.

- Why are you here?

- I was bored with my plan for Oblivion, so I thought I'd come here to watch you. You amuse me, and you amused me today.

- By killing your pet?

- By going at it alone. That's the true thrill of the hunt, you and the beast, one-on-one with equal odds for each, a life-and-death battle to be decided in seconds.

- Well, a pack of wolves would be more interesting than a giant bear.

- I like you, hunter, but I warn you, others will not appreciate your boldness. I've come to talk about your debt.

- I owe you nothing.

- You did manage to get rid of my blessing....

- A curse," John corrected.

- Call it what you want, hunter. I may not be able to take you back to the Hunting Grounds, but your soul's bond with me is still intact.

- And you're about to offer to break it with conditions.

- Shrewd as ever. The other princes are unhappy with your avoidance of debt, and one of them has come to me with a tempting offer.

- To hunt? - John suggested. Hirsin only laughed hoarsely in response.

- No, I promised that I would transfer my part of the debt to her, so that our connection with you would be broken.

- It would be funny if, in their haggling over my soul, the Daedra princes forgot I was here and alive.

- They won't, no doubt about it, but not even I've let you go yet.

- Let me guess. You want me to entertain you? What is it this time?

John felt his interlocutor slowly dissolve, he was sure that Hirsin was smirking nastily now, which he couldn't see because of the mask. The last thing John heard was the phrase: "Your debt will be paid when the victim becomes the hunter and the hunters become the victim.

- Classic," John muttered.


Snow walked slowly toward the homestead along the path trampled by the lumberjacks. The path had long been known to everyone on the island and was often used, because once off it, it would be incredibly easy to get lost. Claw would be able to point in the right direction anyway, but John was following it. If he was going to meet anyone tonight, it would be near this trail, and he was looking forward to it.

It had all started about three weeks ago. All sorts of personalities had been arriving on the island lately in Crescentport*, which was the name of the town. The beginning of the strengthening of the north on the west coast and the development of Mormont trade had caused many people to visit the island. There were commoners looking for work, merchants who had discovered the northern market, pilgrims of all kinds, travelers, and people familiar with the sea. Almost anything was traded with the islanders, for the islanders finally had money. Some of the arrivals who had the opportunity even settled on the island, but they were few, no more than three dozen people in the last couple months. They wouldn't even make much of an impact on the population in the global perspective. Winter would correct it anyway.

What was interesting was the arrival of all sorts of suspicious individuals. After the tavern and brothel were built, the Mormonts had a "intelligence network", or rather a parody of an intelligence network that could only gather information.

Tavern workers always know what's on the islanders' minds, know interesting rumors and news, and often pay attention to the activities of their visitors. The tavern owner or the local whores could learn many new and interesting things from them, and they regularly informed the Mormonts of anything worth paying attention to. Claw and a few other ravens also watched the island's life, but not very effectively yet, as only Claw could act relatively independently, but Snow almost never let him off his back for long.

A number of suspicious individuals had arrived on the island. Several of them, in one company, had taken jobs as construction workers, but almost all of them were very bad at everything they took on. The impression was that this labor was unfamiliar to them, although even the peasants worked better. There was also a merchant with a guard, who did not trade or buy anything, but just wandered around the island and spent his evenings in a tavern or in the company of whores. And to top it off, there were two sword knights who just drank all day long. What connected them was that the members of these three companies were always crossing each other and often discussed something, but never got together. This could not but arouse suspicion.

One event brought clarity: the death of an almost unknown boy, to which, by and large, no one paid attention. The boy got drunk and fell off the dock into the sea. The dead man was a bastard who got a job as a sailor on one of the ships, his name was John. The puzzle was complete.

The conclusion about a new assassination attempt from ill-wishers, but the idiotic executors had killed the wrong bastard. There aren't many Jon Snow's on the island. But, based on the fact that none of the "suspicious persons" never left the island, we can assume that the killers realized that they had the wrong target. There was nothing to arrest them for, since no one had seen any evidence of their involvement, and as everyone knows, "Words are wind." The only thing left to do was to provoke an assassination attempt himself, which Snow did, leaving the manor and heading into the woods alone.

When the manor was less than an hour away, the light from a pair of torches appeared in the distance. A company of seven men were coming to meet John. Snow gestured for the summoned wolf to get off the path, and he moved toward them. By the time John reached the oncoming men, both he and they would be in a small low area, overgrown with dense shrubbery overhead on either side. "Well, at least they picked a good place for an ambush," John thought. Apparently the boy had been spotted by a scout in hiding and told his men to move out to meet him, but there was no other explanation for the timing.

John put on his Iron Flesh and gripped the horn tighter, then continued on his way. After a while he got a better look at the company coming toward him. Two of the men were rivermen, two of whom he recognized as rivermen, and one was a Redguard (Dornish), but the one who caught his eye the most was a thin, tall warrior about two meters tall with a long nose and sharp chin, armed with a halberd. The others were typical mercenaries of a conventionally criminal appearance, judging by their appearance. Almost all wore leather armor, but the halberdier wore chain mail.

There were already about thirty meters between them and John, but both he and they continued to pretend that they were just going their own way and didn't care about the chance encounter. For a moment John thought he was just being paranoid, but the Claw quickly proved him wrong by shrieking:

- Enemy!

John instinctively jumped back and away, and just in time, as several arrows whistled near where he stood. The warriors that were coming towards him quickly drew their weapons and attacked.

- Zun-Haal! - John shouted.

As a result, almost everyone who ran towards him had their weapons fall out of their hands and flew back a dozen meters. At the same moment, a cry of pain and a wolf's growl was heard from the left hill, and from the right a similar cry, but it was accompanied by an active carcagne. The attackers fell into confusion, after which John increased the effect of the spell "Fear" on the attackers, it did not work on all of them, but he achieved the desired effect.

A sharp jerk forward, and the slingshot pierces the chest of the nearest enemy, John pulls the weapon back, but without the tip, apparently, the shaft cracked during the fight with the bear. One of the rivermen was nearby, but he was not confused and rushed to attack with the dagger he had on his belt. Jon dodged his swing, then another, his movements too sharp and sweeping, he was clearly underestimated, and he would pay for it.

Snow dodges a third time and with a single blow of the splintered shaft pierces the riverman's unprotected throat almost through and then draws his sword. With a wild roar another enemy rushes at him, but John, dodging, cuts off his leg with one precise blow of a razor-sharp blade, the guy manages to kill another man, after which the enemies finally came to their senses and grouped. Arrows flew at the guy again, but he didn't even seem to be afraid of them. A few more warriors ran towards him from the heights, but he just vanished into thin air and disappeared from sight, to the shocked looks of the attackers. A total of four (three + a guy with a severed leg) corpses in less than thirty seconds.

- The seventh scorcher! What was that just now!? - shouted the riverman, who was still alive, while his fellow with the severed leg groaned in pain.

- There were rumors around the island that the boy was a sorcerer, apparently they weren't lying," the halberdier said dryly.

- You shouldn't have gotten involved in this case! Sorcerers are dangerous! - The third survivor, who had been silent until now, shouted almost hysterically.

- Just request more gold from the fulfillment broker. Additional payment for the "surprises" was agreed upon, but for now, the boy must be found and the corpses moved out of the way.

While the two dragged the bodies away, the halberdier finished off the one-legged man with his knife, he would have bled anyway, and even if he didn't, there was no time to mess with him, and it would draw more attention.

- Elder! - There was a shout from above.

- What do you want? - The halberdier asked.

- Cole... he...

- What's wrong with him?

- You'd better take a look.

A group of five men were gathered around one of the wounded men on the right hillock, the others scouring the area for the boy. The mercenary whimpered, covering his bloody palms, his eye sockets becoming empty. A bow lay at his feet.

- Who did this?

- Crows! Fucking crows pecked out my eyes!

Before the halberdier could say anything in reply, another shout and the clang of swords could be heard nearby.

- Get over there! - The ringleader commanded, and he moved in the direction of the shouting, a distinctive squelching sound behind him. The man turned and saw the river warrior pulling an axe out of the blinded man's head.

- You don't have to share the money with him now," he explained calmly.

- You could have done it after the battle, asshole.

When the mercenaries arrived at the place of the shouting, they found only three corpses, one of which, judging by the wounds, had been gnawed in the throat by a predator. Two others had died of stab wounds, and a moment later they found another corpse missing its head. Eleven of the twenty attackers remained alive. From the bushes at that moment, two wolves attacked the group, drawing all their attention to themselves.

- Group up, for fuck's sake! They may be sorcerous, but they're still just beasts! - shouted the leader. He might not be right, but he had to get the unit to fight. The clang of swords was heard again somewhere nearby.

Jon, judging by his equipment, was crossing swords with a sword-wielding knight. His opponent had years of training and knowledge of military craft. John struck blow after blow, trying to put as much force and speed into them as possible. His opponent was very successful in repelling his attacks and doing the same, but with each blow there were more and more jagged edges on the edge of the swordsman's sword. Time was playing against him, and the pace of the fight was only increasing.

John struck a horizontal blow from left to right, then turned his hand sharply and repeated the same blow only in the opposite direction. The knight was able to dodge the first blow and fend off the second, then counterattacked. Snow respected the stranger - it was the strongest opponent the bastard had faced in a real fight, even if he lost in skill to Lord Mormont. However, Jon's opponent made a fatal mistake - he forgot that he was fighting a sorcerer.

- Fus!

Only a moment's loss of balance, but it was enough. With a sharp blow, John repulsed his opponent's counterattack and plunged his sword into him. The blade went deep into the gap between his breastplate and shoulderplate. The knight fell to the ground. Snow had already intended to finish the knight and drew his sword.

- You fought well for a bastard," the man said.

- So did you, for a mercenary without honor who agreed to participate in the murder of a child.

- I'd be honored to die at the hands of such a skilled warrior, even if he didn't fight fair.

- Well, there's two dozen of you, so I'll have to be subtle.

The knight took the ring from his hand and held it out to John.

- 'Dare I ask you one last favor as a knight to a knight?

- You may ask, but I will promise you nothing.

- My niece Naea is a servant at the Moon Gate, she is my last living relative, give her this ring and a portion of gold from my purse that you deem sufficient, tell her I died as a warrior," the knight knelt slowly.

- I will consider it.

- May the Old Gods bless you.

- And you yours, whatever they may be," Jon replied, then took the knight's head off with one blow.

By this point, the remaining mercenaries had successfully fought off the wolves, losing one man killed. Frightened, tired, panicked and poorly aware of what was happening, they were ready to run away at any moment. But they did not do so, realizing that it would be much easier to kill them all one by one. Meanwhile, a raven circled above them, watching the action from above.

- We don't have time for this anymore," the leader said. - We must get back to the port and leave the island while we still have time. Gold in the fire!

- I don't think so," John's voice sounded nearby, the guy came out of invisibility and slowly approached them. All the gunners were dead, and he could afford it now, as well as to fight alone with all of them at once.

- Thinking of killing us all at once, boy?

- You bet I can do it.

- And you can let us go, we'll disperse peacefully, and no one else will die tonight.

- I could do that, but you've insulted me.

- In what way?

- Attacking me, Nightmare Wolf, with only twenty men, and they're not even from the same squad. Without a proper plan in case something goes wrong. And underestimating me. Seventh Eye, I'm angrier than my stepmother's antics!

- You think you can scare us, you filthy bastard--" John didn't let him finish.

- Tiid-Klo-Ul! - Time slowed, and after only thirty heartbeats it was over.

John slowly approached the two survivors, the halberdier and the riverman. The riverman was huddled in a tree, realizing he couldn't escape, he was begging for mercy, and a wet stain was clearly visible on his pants.

- What do you want? - He asked in panic, to which John pulled a dagger from his belt and sat down across from him.

- Now, you will answer my questions....


John returned to the manor an hour and a half before midnight. He was still a little angry and overexcited, and as you know, after a good fight, you need a woman, so Snow was looking for Daisy. He didn't find the daisy, but on the way to his room he met Vel. He had his lips on her mouth and pressed her against the wall before she even asked what was wrong, and then he picked her up and carried her to his room. Once inside, he laid the girl on the bed and ripped her dress open.

Their lips touched again, this kiss was not as demanding as the one in the hallway, but the girl enjoyed it just as much. Her whole body began to shiver with anticipation, and moisture began to pool in the bottom of her belly. Breaking away from her lips, John saw gray eyes overflowing with desire to continue. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her, as if she was afraid he'd change his mind and leave.

Vel bit her lip unhappily as the guy began to slowly pull out of the embrace and lower, the girl's nipples had long since hardened and began to whimper. John began to leave kisses on her neck and his hands moved down to the wildling's breasts and then gently squeezed. Vel moaned in pleasure and after only a moment was silenced by another kiss, her last moan was too loud, let her moan into her boyfriend's mouth better.

Wildling was pleased that their first intimacy hadn't been silly and awkward, after all, the guy had had time to 'practice' on Dacey. She no longer doubted that the guy hadn't lied about not being a virgin on the day of her failed escape. When the girl finally calmed down and stopped moaning so loudly, John moved lower and focused all his attention on the girl's breasts. The boy's eyes were filled with anticipation and ill-contained delight. This caused the wildling to smile indulgently, the girl was proud of her breasts, of all the girls in her clan she had the largest. Snow played with one of the girl's nipples with his tongue, nibbling or sucking on it now and then, the other he squeezed firmly between his fingers and pulled lightly. Vel clamped her eyes shut in pleasure.

The free woman placed her palms on John's shoulders, then with a single tug she switched places with him, ending up on top of him. Vel tossed aside what was left of her dress and slowly pulled off the bastard's breeches, the boy hastily getting rid of the rest of his clothes. The girl sat down on his manhood with her wet bosom and began to slowly rub against his cock, not letting him inside her. This made John moan already, the guy watched mesmerized as her breasts swayed, occasionally stroking her and the girl's waist with his hands. He definitely liked the view, so Snow was in no hurry to start a fight for the position on top.

The girl lowered her head for another kiss and drew in air deeply, pressing herself against the guy's neck.

- I like the way you smell," she said, literally savoring the way her partner smelled.

- I like your breasts.

- I've noticed," Vel replied, laughing out loud.

- Are you ready, Vel? - The girl nodded in response.

John slowly raised himself up on his elbows to a sitting position. The girl also raised herself up, but only with her pelvis, and then mounted on the guy's manhood, moaning into his mouth again and breathing heavily. After a couple minutes she came to her senses and started moving, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Vel wrapped her arms and legs around the guy, pulling him tighter against her, and he smiled warmly and moved in time with her movements, clutching her ass in his hands. After a few minutes John poured himself inside the girl. A wave of orgasm washed over them both.

- I want more," was the first thing Vel muttered after they caught their breath.


Daisy watched through the gap between the ajar door and the wall as John took the wildling from behind and she moaned in pleasure. Mormont smiled to herself at the thought that she had been right in assuming that the wildling would enjoy being taken from behind. Before she knew it, her own hand had slipped under the skirt of her dress and was beginning to give pleasure.

The older of the Mormont sisters' faces flushed with a wild mixture of shame, lust, and desire. Lust at the fact that she herself had intended to come to John's tonight but was late, and shame at the thought that she was enjoying watching what was happening. "You enjoyed making out with the wildling, too," the inner voice kept telling her. Maybe it was the effects of her drinking this evening, maybe she'd discovered a side of herself she didn't even know she had. Gathering her thoughts, the girl quietly opened the door and entered the room, she had no intention of continuing to watch Vel riding her man.

John and Vel turned their heads and saw the overnight guest, she lowered her head and approached the bed. John whispered something in Vel's ear, after which she looked at the boy with a challenge. Her gaze expressed a shadow of skepticism as well, it clearly said, "You really think I won't do it?"

As soon as Dacey approached the bed, Vel put her arms around her neck and engaged her in a kiss. A look of surprise appeared on the northerner's face at first, but she responded to the kiss. The girls pulled away from each other and a thin streak of saliva was left between their lips.

- Now you," Daisy whispered and pulled John into the kiss, while Vel continued her romp.

When she pulled away from the guy's lips, the girl quickly freed herself from her clothes and began to climb onto the bed.

- You'll have to wait until I'm done," the wildling said triumphantly, to which Dacy only snorted.

Dacy sat on John's face with an equally triumphant look and began to caress the wildling with her hands. The trio spent the rest of their stamina on a night of pleasure. The girls explored each other's bodies with as much interest as they had in John. At some point, Vel had exhausted herself completely and Snow continued already with Dacey. Eventually, she was exhausted as well. Jon lay down in the middle and covered himself and the girls with his pelt.

- I love you," he whispered, which made the girls blush in synchrony, but they couldn't see it from under the pelt.


The next morning, John's room

John woke up for the second time in the arms of two beautiful women, but this time naked. The girls were clinging to him and clearly had no intention of letting him out of their embrace. A new wave of excitement began to envelope the guy from such a beautiful picture that he could observe.

- So, it wasn't a dream," he muttered to himself.

- If you mean the unnatural fornication we had last night, then yes, you weren't dreaming," Dacy replied sleepily.

- You wanted me as much as you wanted John, and now you're saying something about unnatural," Vel snorted, who was also awake.

- Slut," John smiled.

- Asshole," Daisy said.

- It was fun, though," Vel said casually.

- It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't gotten drunk last night.

- But you liked it, didn't you? - John smiled.

- I did," Daisy said quietly.

Vel was about to say something, but the door to the room creaked open and Lady Mage came in with Lord Mormont and Lyra. The old bear's face contorted in a smile, she only muttered:

- You bet me ten dragons," whereupon the woman laughed, and Lyra on the contrary ran away in tears.

- Mom!" Dacey shouted indignantly.

- Good morning," John said.

- Good morning. It's been a long time since I've seen my daughter with a face full of paint," the woman continued laughing. - Come on, I need to talk to the little girl.

- Maybe I should talk to Lyra, too. - John asked.

- No, that would be a conversation not for men's ears," the woman said and left the room, muttering to herself something like, "He fucked a wildling, too, and it's like wolf blood.

John began to dress, but the girls continued to sit under the pelt, not wanting to be naked in front of Jorah. He too felt uncomfortable in the presence of his naked cousin and the wildling.

- We need to talk, John. Find me after breakfast," Lord Mormont said as he hurried out of the room. - And have Dacey come with you, too.

- They found out..." Dacey stated.

- Well, it would have happened anyway.

- I've got a bigger problem than you," Vel reminded herself.

- What's that?

- John tore my dress," the trio burst into laughter.


Breakfast was almost mundane, but the servants whispered and glanced inquiringly at John and Daisy. Lyra cast sad glances in John's direction, Jorel was telling her mother something passionately, and little Lianna was pestering John and Dacey. Only Alysanne was busy eating, showing a truly bearish appetite. After finishing their meal, John and Dacey went to Lord Jorah's room.

- First, let's talk about last night," John said as soon as they entered.

John and Dacey sat down in the chairs opposite the desk where Jorah was sitting.

- How did yesterday's outing end?

- We found five more in that ship you pointed out. After interrogation, they confessed their complicity.

- Have they been executed?

- Not yet, but I'm thinking of sending them to the Night's Watch.

- It's better, considering they weren't directly involved. And they can testify at trial if we can get their employer through a middleman.

- Directly involved in what? - Daisy finally entered the dialog, and Lord Mormont's face darkened.

- There was another assassination attempt on John yesterday. Two dozen mercenaries attacked him in the forest.

- And you didn't tell me anything!? - shouted at John Dacey.

- As you can see, I survived, I didn't want to bother you, and I just didn't have time to tell you.

- You idiot! - Dacey slapped John on the back. - I'll execute them myself!

John took the girl's hand and began to calm her down.

- It's over now, I'm not so easy to kill, as you know.

- The island is not so safe anymore, it would be better if you left it for a while.

- Where am I supposed to go?

- To the Spaceland, talk to the lords about the situation with Vera, well at least try - it'll be enough and buy you some time while they look for you on the island.

- I will.

- In a couple hours, I'll be heading into the forest for the bodies and the carcass of that bear that mauled the lumberjacks. Is it really that big? - Lord Mormont changed the subject.

- One and a half times the size of the biggest I've ever seen on the island.

- Solid, a little more and your fame will run ahead of you.

- You went after a bear all by yourself? - Dacey narrowed her eyes, a look that didn't bode well.

- I had to lure the mercenaries out, and I had to take care of the creature.

- Next time, take me with you. What kind of Lady Mormont am I if I don't stand by my man?

- Will you be a shield-bearer's wife? - John smiled.

- I will," she said stubbornly.

- Now, let's get back to the subject," Jorah smiled. - How long have you been doing this?

- A few months.

- I see.

- Is something wrong?

- Daisy was promised to Lord Karstark's eldest son, but negotiations have been stalled for some time, and my cousin, as I understand it, has no intention of marrying him.

- They weren't very enthusiastic about my candidacy when they first started this discussion," Daisy snorted.

- "Things are different now, you can be given a good dowry and the Karstarks might take offense. It's not a pleasant situation and from the outside it looks like: "A bastard has spoiled a noble lady, shame on you!"

- I've been "spoiled" much earlier and you know it.

- I know, I'll have to send a letter to Lord Karstark. John," Jorah said.

- Yes?

- Do you intend to marry Daisy?

- There's no need for that," Dacey answered for him. - If we have children, they'll be Mormon anyway.

- Lord Stark can legitimize Jon.

- I don't think so,' Jon replied.

- Explain.

- If my father wanted to legitimize me, he would have done it a long time ago, even moving me to the bottom of the inheritance line after my sisters, the king being his best friend. Even with a knighthood, I'm not counting on it much.

- I see. So what happens after my guardianship of you comes to an end?

- I was planning on doing some traveling before I return to Winterfell. Dacie can come with me. The meadery brings in a very good income, and we won't need anything. We have more than enough savings.

- Daisy, is that what you want? - The girl nodded. - 'Then let's end this conversation for today.

The bastard and his "wife" left the room, leaving the lord alone with his thoughts.

- Yes, with the arrival of the boy, life on the island has become more interesting," Lord Jorah smiled. John had a trip to Staromest.

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