Chapter 05: Rising Tensions

Chapter 05: Rising Tensions.



The grand UA Sports Festival hall was a sprawling, massive arena filled with countless rooms, each assigned to different classes. Inside the room for Class 1-A, the atmosphere was thick with tension, an electric silence hanging in the air. Every student had their own way of coping with the mounting pressure. Some were seated, their faces creased with concentration. Others stretched, their movements stiff, trying to loosen the grip of anxiety on their muscles. A few leaned against the walls, staring blankly ahead, their thoughts lost in anticipation of the impending challenges.

Yet, the muffled roar of the crowd from the stands seeped through the walls, a constant reminder that the festival had begun, the weight of expectation pressing heavily on them. The sheer volume of the noise outside made even the smallest movement inside the room feel amplified. Kirishima, the red-haired boy, broke the silence, unable to ignore the energy beyond the walls.

"It's really noisy out there..." he murmured, his voice breaking through the thick tension.

Mineta, visibly trembling, clasped his head with both hands as if trying to steady himself. His voice was shaky, filled with uncertainty.

"Maybe I shouldn't have signed up for this... it's way more intense than I thought."

While the anxiety of the room was palpable, one figure stood apart. Todoroki Shoto, calm and composed, approached Midoriya, who was standing in the center of the room, lost in thought. Todoroki's footsteps were measured, and his voice, when he spoke, was cool and deliberate.


The single utterance of his name was enough to command the attention of the entire room. Todoroki was a man of few words, and when he spoke, it was never without reason. Every student turned their gaze toward the two boys, curiosity piqued by the unusual directness of Todoroki's approach.

Midoriya, sensing the oddity of the moment, blinked, his focus shifting to the stoic figure before him.

"Todoroki-kun, what is it?" he asked, his voice steady, though inwardly he felt a ripple of apprehension.

Without a hint of hesitation, Todoroki spoke again, his tone even but the weight of his words unmistakable.

"Realistically speaking, I'm better than you at everything."

A stunned silence followed his statement. Midoriya's eyes widened slightly, though he held his composure. The rest of the class exchanged glances, their confusion evident. Todoroki's bluntness left them baffled. It was common knowledge that Midoriya, despite his growing potential, was far from being the strongest in the class. That title undeniably belonged to Todoroki, whose power was unquestioned. The two weren't considered rivals in any sense.

One student, Fulan, who was relatively new to the class, stood at the edge of the room, his expression one of detached curiosity. He had no history with either Midoriya or Todoroki, and from his perspective, the conversation seemed strange—out of place, even.

A few heartbeats passed before Todoroki continued, his gaze unwavering as he added more fuel to the tension.

"But for some reason, All Might favors you."

Midoriya tensed at the mention of All Might, the weight of Todoroki's words hitting harder than the initial claim. He struggled to maintain a neutral expression, not wanting to reveal the storm of emotions churning within him. However, before he could formulate a response, Todoroki pressed on, his voice filled with quiet determination.

"I'm not one to meddle in things that don't concern me," he said, his tone unyielding, "but there's one thing you should know—I will defeat you."

The declaration echoed through the room like a challenge cast in stone. The other students, who had been silent spectators, finally began to understand. Kirishima, always one to lighten the mood, grinned and spoke up.

"Whoa, whoa! Is the strongest guy in class calling out a challenge?"

But not everyone was amused. Bakugo, standing in the corner, clenched his fists, his teeth grinding together. He was fuming, his pride bruised. Todoroki's challenge, in Bakugo's eyes, should have been directed at him, the one who considered himself the true rival in the class, not Midoriya.

Fulan's gaze shifted to Midoriya, intrigued. The boy looked calm, but Fulan could sense the conflict brewing beneath his surface. After a brief pause, Midoriya finally spoke, his voice low and measured.

"You're right, Todoroki-kun. Logically, you are better than me at everything. I don't stand a chance against you."

His words sent a ripple of surprise through the room. Some students exchanged puzzled glances, unsure how to interpret Midoriya's seemingly self-deprecating response. Fulan, in particular, frowned, feeling as though his initial impression of Midoriya had been wrong. Was this boy really that weak-willed?

Before anyone could interject, Kirishima, his voice kind, stepped in to offer reassurance.

"Come on, Midoriya, there's no need to—"

But Midoriya cut him off, his tone suddenly shifting, steely resolve replacing the earlier softness.

"But that doesn't mean I'm going to fall behind. Everyone here, from every class, every course—they're all giving it their best. I refuse to be left in the dust."

The sudden intensity in Midoriya's voice was like a jolt, and the atmosphere shifted again. Fulan's eyes narrowed as he observed Midoriya more closely. Perhaps the boy wasn't as weak as he had initially thought. There was a fire in him, a hidden strength, despite his earlier humility.

Todoroki regarded Midoriya with his usual cold demeanor before turning away, the challenge officially delivered. As he moved toward the door, Tenya Iida burst in, his voice ringing with urgency.

"Everyone! It's our turn!"

The room instantly became a flurry of movement, adrenaline kicking in as each student steeled themselves for the competition ahead. Fulan, hands tucked casually into his pockets, was the first to move, heading for the door without a word, his expression unreadable. As he passed Iida, he didn't spare him a glance, his focus solely on what lay ahead.

The rest of the class quickly followed, Kirishima slapping his cheeks as if to snap himself out of his nerves.

"What am I worried about? It's showtime!"

The students marched out, determination set in their expressions. The corridor ahead was dimly lit, but at the far end, the bright light of the stadium beckoned them, accompanied by the deafening roar of the crowd. Fulan clenched his fists, his usual calmness wavering as a surge of nervous energy coursed through him.

'All these people... watching me. How do heroes stay calm in moments like this?' he thought, his mind racing.

As they emerged from the tunnel into the blinding light of the arena, thousands of fans erupted into cheers, their excitement palpable. The commentator's voice boomed over the speakers, adding to the frenzy.

"There they are! The students who survived the attack on the League of Villains! The stars of today's show! The Hero Course's Class 1-A!"

The noise was overwhelming, the crowd's energy enveloping them as they stepped onto the stage. For a moment, the sheer intensity of the situation made it hard to breathe, but there was no turning back now.



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