Chapter 2


Buh! Bitch please! I told my evil devil vampire wife that! She told me she wanted to bite that! And then we made love, sweet, sweet, hayate-kobaro-chan love, my angel ass! It hurt me a lot to do that! She had cum all over my face! I was having to scratch that itch! She hated me, bitch! And so my little Femhuman slutty lifestyle came to an end! Her parents aren't futanari, are they? Are they bitch? And a half a-ten hut! Back on home they said I had a job, and I have a wife, bitch! And my Felyne cousin-in-law does not get that or something, bitch please! Kobaro-hayate-lifestyle this is, huh Felyne-chan! And they use Gatcha's!? They are my Gatcha-pon!? Oh, *glare*, because that is not happening to me! No whistle-two-ways, baby! And baloooow me, you bitch brains! That shit is so gay! I am a Femhuman! Not a guy, and my pronouns!? Here in Egypt, they eat lobster! Still, we had lobster, and I was a braindead Femhuman all day long afterwards. My, my! *glare* Do she even think!? That weirdo! I was sure she had taken her pants off of me, meow! She used my ears, they were not even glued on, weirdo! She used them to get cum all over my face and in my eyes and in my ears as well at her parents's! That was so my itchy tasty! She told me 4 evil words! Let us get even! I meant realer! She *glare* got me in the butt with her dick, family! She told me she was alrighty with my buh-hind! I was like, hind D!? And she did not get me a silencer, nor some phpucky pills, dude! I had to take that shit like I was not glitching that shit, my dudes! And wahey! She even got me preggers, for realzos, with the eggs and the lube and the dragon dicky she used from Waterham! She was totally shameless! And then we got even cooler! And now she is an Ableton Live artist, not Lite, because that shit is cuh-razy *glare*! She used Bandocampin' to snipe some fools! And I loved her! And I still do! Oh, I said that. And *glare* when Felyne-kun there said he was not nice to me? Meow! He has a cat tail, too! He showed up one day, out of the blue, but I have never met him, so there! *glare* But I have seen pics, so they is real. Pics or no dare! And he was a dare. I am not dere dere dare my friend! No way but how! Meow! He has to make me say meow twice a day! He looks so pretty but is not nice, no way, but how! I did my little dance and made my way to the back rooms all so cah-razy and into the allegrodefinitely air! That is so impedement.

Yes, that is a word, dictshunarillavignay boy! Frienderino! Can I get some maple butt syrup, hamz!? They said no way and my style was perfect! But I was still not her boyfriend. I am her husband! So how can I be a Femhuman if I am a husband as well? Fuck you! That is how! Howderino, byeboybanderino, machochoo's! I was spit roasted by her dragon dick fiasco wand and her big dick as well! I had to eat shit on the danceboard! Toodleingers! I even did my dance and prayed for her to give me some lovin', but she ain't my stud muffin, she is my wife! And she is also a vampire. So the bites on my neck equals less than jizz in my cornmuffins, that is a lot of blood she made me take out of my body! I was scared! She can kill me if she sucks too much! She said she would not bite my dick off! She promised me that! But I am not her slave. I am her husband! And she is a devil! So is she THE devil? Yup! 'Cuz there is only one! So they rule Hell also! What a heck! I did that kind of rooblebomper and now I am un-transgendered still! I was cuh-rapped out after that day of being EATEN ALIVE! Shaun! She is also with me at her parents house! They eat crap. It is milk soup and garlic bread with mashed potatoes in the milk soup. What is this shit!? I want my life back! But it burnt down! Help me live, people!

I signed up for Buttkicker and it made me 5 thousand dollars! That was enough.

But our credit is shot.

I need to get better!

After that tabasco sizzouse worned offerz, she told me orz! And orz some more! I was orz myself, praying! And it hurt me to breathe her jizz in my lungs! I was coughing! But I was praying for some more! Her cousin, my cousin-in-law, came by one day and whupped my behind! I had to get out of there! I did not know the police song and dance routine for this Agrabia Buttstompin'! He was out of the house like yesterday! I told her never again to let them over! They have scarred me! Seriously!

They also use gatchas for slave labor. They say they are not my boyfriend on Discard. This means they are not my Discard Friend either, anymore! They once were! This means that! And this means that I need them out of the chat room! I banned them and blocked them in my dreamz, yeah, right family! I was fam-i-ly outed! He told them I was a Femhuman! And they said they knew. Oh, all right, Felyne crap-head! What do not you know, broho? They told me to shuzzup. And we quiaziipped it right there. After some holding antics at the thristy stop, I was salted and fish fried.

Now, who the heck is Arastolfelines? Is that a knees to knowed cabode, dude? I gave them the $5 for the gems for their gatchapon!