A Day Of Many Victories

"It was an unprecedented roundup of criminals of every ilk, your brother made a public show of it, both him and Prince Aegon meeting out the summery judgements themselves. I'm told they needed a two-horse cart to haul away the dismemberments when it was done. The Prince's cannot be allowed to act with this level of impunity, it strikes a harrowing image for our future king" Otto snarked with his every present rats tail between his legs. 

Viserys said nothing as him and Otto stormed into the small council chamber, visibly livid at the news.

"Brother" Daemon greeted with a shit-eating grin. "Go on you were saying something about our impunity" 

"I understand that sometimes, keeping the peace means you must make an example, but MY SON NOT YOUR EXICUTIONER!" Viserys roared as all else fell silent in the chamber.

"I thought he preformed admirably for a Prince. They should not only fear the future King equal with the admiration, but fear the city watch protecting it's laws. Don't you agree lord strong?" Daemon asked Lord Lyonal Strong, master of laws who sat to his left.

"My prince, I..." He began to speak, only for Otto to butt in.

"Making a public specticle of want and brutality is hardl..."

"My lord hand, I believe everyone at this council has a say, this isn't the council of 'The Hands Grievances & Opinions' after all" Aegon butted in.

"I was simply stating the obvious my prince" Otto tilted his head at who he saw as a spitting image of the younger brother he oh so despised.

"And to that, you are entitled. Once the member has finished" Aegon put his elder in his place, even to the shock of Viserys, who was at first, and still attempted to remain furious at his oldest son. 

"Very well said nephew. Nobles from every corner of the realm are now descending from every on the capitol for my nephew and niece's tourney. Do you want them raped, mugged, murdered? I believe you would learn this if you ever left the confines of the Red Keep, but much of the King's Landing is seen by the small folk as lawless, and terrifying. Our city should be safe for all it's people. 

"Oh I agree brother, but you will never again trudge my son through the blood and grime of your 'lawkeeping'. I hope in the future, yo won't need to maim and...burn half my city to achieve this" 

"Time will tell your grace" Daemon replied. 

"We installed Prince Daemon as Commander to promote lore and order. Prince Aegon was assigned as his squire to learn such things. The criminal element should fear the city watch" Lord Corlys Velaryon, Master of Ships commented. 

"Thank you for your support my lord" Daemon replied, leaning back in his seat with a deep sigh. 

"If only the Prince would show the same devotion to his lady wife. You have not been seen in the Vale or Runestone for quite some time" Otto commented.

"I believe it goes both ways when I say my bronze bitch is happier for my absence" Daemon and Aegon smirked in unison. 

"Lady Rhea is your wife, a good and honorable lady of the Vale" Otto said.

"In the Vale, men are said to fuck sheep instead of woman, I can assure you, the sheep are prettier" Daemon stated, causing a visible vein to appear on Aegon's head, a tell-tale sign of suppressed laughter. 

"Dear me..." Lord Beesbury, who Aegon all but forgot was present, exclaimed. 

"I suspect this is about to get heated" Aegon thought to himself.

"You vowed before the seven to honor your lady wife in marriage!" Otto said.

"I'd glady give lady Rhea to you lord Hightower if you in need of a woman to warm your bed, your own lady wife passed recently" Daemon commented with a snarky demeanor, causing Otto to shoot from his seat, anger plastered across his face. 

"Did she not?" Daemon asked with a tilted head, not a single person in the room impressed by it. 

"Otto..." Viserys leaned forward, placing his hand on the table to quell any rash intentions on his hands part. 

"Perhaps you aren't ready to move just yet..." Daemon sarcastically theorized. 

"You know how my brother makes sport of provoking you, must you indulge him?" Viserys asked.

"Apologies your grace" Otto after slowly sitting down.

"This council, at great expense, has bettered the city watch to your exacting standards. Enforce my laws, teach my son, but understand, any more demonstrations like last night, will be AWNSERED!" Viserys's voice boomed, a side of his father had rarely seen, a level he tended to only reach with his brother.

"Understood your grace" Daemon said before slowly standing and taking his leave. 

"Anything else to report?" Viserys asked as the room remained quite for a moment. "Then I believe we're done here" He said, dismissing his council. 

Aegon knew better then to attempt to leave, so instead he took the incitive in sitting in the Commander's seat as the room slowly emptied until silence fell over it once more.

"Did you want to tell me about last night?" Viserys asked.

"I'm unaware of what I could tell. Your hands underlings seemed to have told the story clearly, and he hissed it into your ear, as he always does" Aegon said, looking up from the table and to his father.

"That is Otto's job my son, one day, you too will have a hand that will inform you of the happenings, so perhaps your sons aren't forced to be executioners" Viserys replied with an equally snarky remark. 

"I did what was necessary, or as Daemon said, would you rather your lords and ladies dismembered for all to see? Did he tell you that's what that man did amongst all the hissing?" Aegon asked, slowly leaning forward.

"And then what? You simply returned to the keep? Daemon returned this morning after what I could only assume was a night he would enjoy" Viserys asked.

"Correct. I immediately left the brothel he dragged me along to, arrested four men who tried and failed to kill me, then returned to talk with Rhaenyra, who I'm sure your aware is my betrothed! After all, I don't judge other men for their activities, I just personally find it distasteful to sleep with other woman when one is already waiting for you" Aegon said before nonchalantly excusing himself from the room.

"Four men tried to kill you?" Viserys asked with a mixture of surprise and concern.

"Oh yes. My guess is their either dead or on the way to the watch. It seems your doesn't know everything. I'm sure there is someone out there who does." Aegon commented before exiting the council doors. 

Making his way past the courtyard, he paused for a moment, noticing that Rhaenyra and Alicent were, as usual, chatting away under the Heart Tree, a tree from ancient times when magic was common in the kingdoms. Making his way over, he was greeted by the first pleasing sight today, Rhaenyra, laughing with Alicent as they banter. 

"Good morrow my Prince. Is all well?" Alicent asked, noticing Aegon's usual gruff appearance, but without the satisfaction it typically brought from his training. 

"Everything is fine my lady, just a long night that brought hair-pulling bureaucracy with it" He replied before slumping against and sliding down the tree next to them. 

"Are you at least exited for your and Rhaenyra's name day tourney?" Alicent asked.

"It hadn't crossed my mind until now" He said with a drawn out breathe "I'm sure I'll view it in a brighter light on the morrow" 

"Have you spoken to mother this morning? She is concerned for you" Rhaenyra asked.

"Perhaps later" He replied, only to fall asleep moments later.

Later that night 

As they did every night, Aegon, Rhaenyra, Viserys and Aemma all sat down for a meal, bantering from what had transpired that day.

"So, has squiring with your uncle been fairing?" Aemma asked.

"...Eventful" Aegon replied before eating another slice of steak as the table fell silent. Sensing the hesitation for him to elaborate, Aemma changed the subject.

"Dragon riding? Your brother was right Rhaenyra, taking Syrax out of the dragon pit was good for her. She'd grown significantly in the past year" She noted.

"Well, while she's smaller, she can fit in the Dragonpit. I laugh the whole time whenever I need to fly Aegon over to Vermithor just outside the city because he refuses to settle in the Dragonpit" Rhaenyra chuckled as everyone else followed, lightning the mood. 

"I do feel bad for him sometimes. Allegedly him and Silverwing were inseparable before I came along. We will need to find her a willing rider soon. Perhaps Laena, if Rhaenys is accepting" Aegon suggested, leaving literal food for thought. 

The night went on as laughs, stories and rumors were shared around the table as always. He didn't know why, but he always felt fortunate for these moment, as though he wasn't supposed to have them, or he soon wouldn't. Always one to quell his own good mood as he loses himself in thought. 

Two days later

The streets of King's Landing were electric with excitement. The sight of banners flying high above the Red Keep, emblazoned with the sigil of House Targaryen, the red three-headed dragon on a black field, added to the air of celebration. Merchants crowded the streets, selling everything from ribbons and sweetmeats to trinkets adorned with dragon motifs. Nobles from across the realm had flocked to the capital, eager to witness the spectacle and celebrate the 16th nameday of the king's twins.

Rhaenyra stood on the balcony of Maegor's Holdfast, gazing out over the tourney grounds with Alicent by her side. Her silver hair caught the mid-day sun, glowing like fine silk as it cascaded in soft waves down her back. She wore a gown of rich crimson and black, the colors of her house, with a delicate golden belt at her waist. Syrax, had grown large in the years since her hatching, and now rested on a nearby parapet, her presence a reminder of Rhaenyra's strength and status.

The tourney was in full swing, and soon the final matches would begin, where Aegon would face none other than Daemon. 

The roar of the crowd was deafening as the knights gathered for the final event of the day: the joust. The field was lined with spectators, from lords and ladies in their highborn silks to common folk eager to see the spectacle. Banners flapped in the breeze, and the air was thick with the scent of horses, dirt, and anticipation.

But before any splintering of lances, the King spoke.

"Many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine nights in these lists, I see a group without equal, in our histories. This great day, has been made more auspicious, at the news, that I am happy to share. Prince Aegon, and Princess Rhaenyra, are soon to be wed!" Viserys announced out of the blue, laying a blanket of sudden embarrassment over the twins. 

It was certainly like their father to stick to tradition, but despite what he said, Aegon was never one to pressure his sister for anything, but upon looking up at the stands where she overlooked the tourney grounds, a smile had crossed her face as she looked down at him. It was that look she gave him daily, that he could live in forever.

"May the luck of the seven shine on all combatants!" Viserys finished before sitting back into his seat.

Aegon sat atop his mount, his armor gleaming in the sunlight. He felt the weight of his helm and the solid heft of his lance in his grip, but he was calm, his mind sharp and focused. Across the field was his first combatant, a Greyjoy by the name of Aldrick. A surprise to see a house that despised the pecking order of the kingdoms at such an event. He'd be glad to give him a one-way trip to the dirt. 

Waiting for his opponents choice to charge, Aegon sprung into action the moment he his opponents muscles shifted, with even the smallest movement being felt through the ground if he concentrated enough, a trick he'd learned over the years to easily navigate the dark halls of kings landing for both practicality and stealth. 

As each quickly reached the center, Aegon aimed for center mass on his opponents shield, not flinching a muscle when the incoming lance was off just enough to glance off his shield. The prince however struck true as the Greyjoy flew from his horse and onto the hard ground, undoubtably damaging the armor he likely pillaged. 

Two more tilts took place after his. One against a Redwyne and a Tarly, and the other against a Stark and a Reyne. The only interesting part was when the Stark struck the Reyne in the head with his lance, knocking the poor fucker out cold. Northerners were something else indeed. Next was a strange case. The same knight, a minor house from the Stormlands, would joust both Baratheons in back to back tilts, and oh was it a sight.

"Princess Rhaenys Targaryen!" One of the ever-hearty Baratheons called out from the field. "I would humbly ask the favor of the queen who never was!" He exclaimed, causing some shock amongst the crowd upon hearing someone openly mock a Targaryen's sore spot.

"Oh, if no one else does, I'm going put dirt in your eye myself Baratheon!" Aegon muttered to himself. 

"Good fortunes to you cousin" Rhaenys said.

"I would gladly take it, if I thought I needed it" Boremund replied as Rhaenys placed the favor laurel on his lance. 

"Scratch thar antler brain, I'm going to fucking bury you!" Aegon thought to himself, not wanting rumors of his competitive muttering to disrupt family ties. 

Boremund, ever full with the cockiness of Baratheons, charged his opponent who followed suit, only to be cleanly whipped from his horse by this rider from the stormlands.

Aegon couldn't help but cackle as Boremund grazed on the dirt like his house sigil. Calling over a nearby squire, Aegon inquired into this mysterious house.

"House Col of the Stormlands my Prince" The squire replied.

"Col...well he's cooking these bloody lists, that's for sure. Now I'm intrigued" Aegon thought to himself. 

"Next, Prince Aegon Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone will tilt against Ser Criston Cole!" The announcer voiced.

"Now this will be interesting" Corlys murmured to Rhaenys. 

"Have you ever seen Aegon be de-horsed in his training?" Alicent asked.

"Only once by Daemon in his training to make a point" Rhaenyra replied, eyes fixed on her now definitively betrothed. 

"YAH!" Criston kicked his horse into action, barreling towards Aegon who too charged forth. 

Lances cracked like thunder strikes, but neither rider fell from their horse. Reaching the ends of their lanes, both threw out their lances as squires provided new ones, both almost in sync with one another. Once more they both charged, and once more the lances broke, sending spinters everywhere while the riders remained strong.

"He's good!" Both Aegon and Criston thought in unison. 

A third set of lances lead to a third charge as the crowd was awe-truck as the arena quitted down, the only things that could be heard being the thundering of horse hooves. Once more they clashed, only this time Cirston faltered, leaning back while Aegon mentally fortified himself against a shooting pain on his left side from a lance strike.

"GET HIM AEGON!!" Rhaenyra roared across the now mostly silent field.

Those words numbed him to all else but the determination that broiled within him. Throwing down their third set of lances, Aegon picked up what intended to be his last. They charged once more, Aegon holding true until the last second when a weary Criston couldn't dodge the last-second lance to the face, caving in his helmet and back-flipping him from his horse. 

The crowd roared like an army after a victory as Aegon made way around the barriers, riding over and dismounting next to his opponent 

"Hey, Crispy, can you hear me?" Aegon asked as he snapped off the already ruined visor from his dented helmet, allowing him to remove it from his head.

Blood gushed from the now clearly broken nose of the Dornish-looking man. He was out cold, but still alive and well. 

"GET THE MAESTER!" Aegon ordered as Rhaenyra saw a side to him she'd never seen. He had respected his mentors and how they taught him, but now it was an opponent he respected.

"Pay up Beesbury" Corlys whispered into the ear of the Master of Coin who betted against his prince. 

Criston was carried off-field to be looked at while Aegon looked at at Rhaenyra, both smiling from ear to ear. 

"Prince Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the city, will now choose his first opponent!" The announcer called as over a dozen riders lined up.

"This should be good" Aegon thought to himself as he moved to the nearby staging area, receiving and drinking some wine to take the edge off the pain.

Daemon, clad in his black armor with motifs and designs of both dragons and the Targaryen sigil, paced on his steed down the line, then back, for he had found his choice. Gwayne Hightower, Otto's son. 

"Give him hell uncle" Aegon thought to himself.

"Prince Daemon chooses...Ser Gwayne Hightower of Old Town, eldest son of the Hand of the King!" The announcer called as some looks were passed in the royal stand.

They positioned, with Daemon shooting a glare at Otto who did the same. Then Daemon was off, charging down his lane with the speed advantage, where the two would inevitably meet as Daemon not only faltered, but had his lance and shield splintered. 

"Oh no, he's pissed!" Aegon thought to himself as the two re-equipped and went again, only this time before they could meet, Daemon shot the lance Infront of the legs to Gwayne's horse, sending him head-over-ass into the dirt, much to the shock of many in the crowd. 

A smug face behind his helmet, Daemon trotted over to the royal stand. Where he smeared the slight in further. 

"Nicely done uncle" Rhaenyra smirked.

"Thank you Princess. Now Lady Alicent, I'm fairly certain I can win these games, but your favor would assure it"

Spit on your hand and warmly greet with it. This man had no shame...He could see where he had gotten it from, much to his fathers dismay. 

"Best be careful uncle, you've taught your final opponent well" Rhaenyra remained grinning as she peeked over to Aegon.

Alicent walked over, picking up her favor laurel, much to her fathers visible displeasure.

"Good luck my prince" Alicent replied meekly as she placed it on his lance. 

The next tilt went as normal, until these green knights allowed feelings to get on the way. It began with one wresting another off their horse, where they proceeded to bury their axe in their face. One thing he could say for certain...it was far more tolerable to only watch. Within the next minute, ten knights had bled each other dry, leaving only Daemon and Aegon. 

"I guess that decides that" Aegon thought to himself as he finished his wine and prepared for the last round. 

Despite not likely being his worst, it was certainly the most charged of the lot. The two had trained together for years, Daemon always pushing Aegon to his limits. He had been more than an uncle, he had been a mentor, a rival, and at times, a friend. But today, there would be no friendly sparring. This was for the honor of the crown, and for the first time in years, Aegon felt the thrill of true competition. He wanted to win.

The signal was given. The crowd held its breath as the two riders charged at one another, their lances aimed true. The ground trembled beneath the thundering hooves, and in an instant, the two knights met with a thunderous crash.

Aegon felt the impact reverberate through his body, sparking that same agony on his side, but he held firm. His lance struck Daemon's shield dead center, shattering upon contact, and in a moment of perfect precision, Daemon was unseated, his body dragging along the barrier until it ended, finally throwing him to the ground. 

Dismounting on the other side of the field, Aegon felt the growing tension as Daemon angrily rose to his feet.

"Ser Harold, you need to get down there" Rhaenyra said swiftly, knowing exactly whats about to transpire. 

"SWORD!" Daemon called out as a squire quickly made their way over, Dark Sister in hand.

"Shit..." Aegon thought to himself as he was about to fight a duel with the man who taught him most of what he knew. Worst case, he would disarm him using the Earth and force him to yield. 

For the sake of tradition, a squire approched Aegon with his well crafted sword, not of Valyrian Steel, but of find Qohory craftsmanship with a ruby-encrusted pommel in the shape of a dragons head. The slowly two approached, Daemon pointing his sword in a taunting manner.

"UNCLE STOP!" Rhaenyra called out, only to fall on deaf ears.

"Kneel, nephew!" Daemon ordered.

"I mean, it's Valyrian Steel, you don't exactly need leverage to cut my head off" Aegon joked, but was sweating bullets. 

"Just, do as I say, kneel, before the Kingsguard come" His uncle said again, this time pointing his sword down quickly.

"OH...ok" Aegon realised his intention and quickly knelt to one knee as Daemon approached, sword creeping closer to his nephew.

"MY PRINCE, STOP!" Ser Harold called out as he raced towards Daemon, only to be baffled at what he was hearing.

"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Aegon Targaryen, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!" Daemon smiled, Rhaenyra the most baffled of all as Aegon looked up at her with an equally nervous smile as dark sister crept over his head in arching motions. 

The crowd erupted in cheers as Aegon rose to his feet, His uncle pulled off his helm, revealing a wide grin, his violet eyes glittering with pride. He gave Aegon a sharp nod, acknowledging the victory.

Aegon offered his hand. Daemon clasped it tightly, and the two exchanged a brief, knowing look.

"You've earned that crown today, nephew," Daemon said, his voice rough but filled with respect. "The dragon in you is strong."

Aegon smiled but said nothing, his eyes flickering to the stands where Rhaenyra stood, now with welling tears from the emotional dragon flight she had gone through this day. 

The sun was beginning to set as Aegon was crowned victor of the lists, the golden wreath placed upon his silvery hair by his father, King Viserys. The crowd cheered, the sound carrying across the fields as lords and ladies alike celebrated the prince's triumph. Aegon stood tall, his heart racing with the thrill of victory, but it wasn't the crown or the cheers that filled him with pride, it was the sight of Rhaenyra, making her way toward him through the throng of people.

She approached him with a radiant smile, her eyes gleaming with something more than just admiration. There was a spark between them that had only grown stronger over the years. Without a word, she stepped up to him, her fingers brushing his messy hair aside as she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

The crowd roared in approval, the sound of their cheering almost deafening. But for Aegon, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only Rhaenyra and the warmth of her touch. The kiss lingered just long enough to stir something deep within him, something he had been waiting for, even if he hadn't realized it.

When she pulled away, her cheeks were flushed, but she met his gaze steadily, her fiery spirit unmistakable.

"You fought well, my knightly prince," she said, her voice teasing yet filled with pride.

Aegon chuckled, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. "Only because I had something worth fighting for."

Rhaenyra's smile deepened, her eyes never leaving his. The connection between them was undeniable, and though no formal words had been spoken, the kiss had spoken volumes. The time for waiting was over.