The Negotiator

Three moons had passed since Rhaenyra and Aegon's wedding, and the days that followed had been full of joy and wonder for the newlyweds. The Red Keep hummed with life, courtiers and lords eager to curry favor with the twin heirs. But beneath the surface, both the personal and political worlds were shifting, and Rhaenyra found herself at the center of it all.

She had been feeling different for weeks. It began with subtle shifts, a heaviness in her limbs, a strange fluttering in her belly, a sense of being unmoored from her own body. At first, she had dismissed it as the lingering effects of the emotional whirlwind that had come with her marriage to Aegon. They had spent so much time together, their bond deepening with each passing day, that she thought perhaps the intensity of their connection was affecting her more deeply than expected.

But now, as she stood by the high window of her solar, Alicent by her side as always, looking out over the calm black water, she knew she could no longer ignore the changes. The world felt different, and so did she. Her body, her very essence, seemed to hum with something new, something alive.

She placed a hand on her stomach, fingers splayed over the soft fabric of her gown. The sensation was faint but undeniable, a quickening, like the flutter of wings inside her. Her heart quickened too, a rush of emotions swirling through her. Could it be? Could she be carrying Aegon's child?

"Is something the matter?" Alicent asked as Rhaenyra rapidly changed expressions. From confusion one minute, to happiness bordering on elation the next. 

"I...I think I'm with child..." The princess stuttered, the disbelief brought on by this realization stifling her voice. 

"How can you be sure?" Alicent said with shock, laced with pleasant surprise. 

Rhaenyra pressed a hand to her mouth, stifling the wave of shock and excitement that surged through her. She needed to be sure. And for that, there was only one person she could turn to: her mother, Queen Aemma.

"Mother will know for certain!" Rhaenyra claimed as she took Alicent by the hand as the two quickly made their way through the decorated halls, lively with servants that bowed one another the other at the princess's presence. 

"You should employ caution, you know not what running could bring" Alicent whispered loud enough only for her best friend to hear, maintaining caution against anyone catching on. 

Her mind was racing. She knew she had to keep this secret for now. She needed time to process it herself, to find the right way to tell Aegon. The thought of seeing his face when she finally revealed the news sent a thrill through her, but she had to be certain before she spoke a word.

Queen Aemma was in her own chambers, seated near the hearth with a delicate embroidery hoop in her hands. The queen had always been known for her grace and composure, and even now, as the firelight flickered over her face, she seemed to embody a quiet strength that Rhaenyra had long admired.

"Mother," Rhaenyra began softly as she entered, her voice wavering just enough to catch Aemma's attention.

The queen looked up from her embroidery, her sharp eyes softening when she saw her daughter. "Rhaenyra, Alicent my dear. Come sit with me".

The girls crossed the room and settled beside the queen, feeling a sudden rush of comfort in her presence. For a moment, Rhaenyra hesitated, unsure how to begin. How could she explain these strange sensations without revealing too much?

"I've been feeling… different as of late," Rhaenyra said at last, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how to explain it. It's like… my body is changing, but in a way that's more than just woman wood"

Queen Aemma set down her embroidery, her brow furrowing in concern as she took Rhaenyra's hand. "Tell me what you're feeling, sweetling."

Rhaenyra swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. "I think...I think I might be with child."

There was a brief silence as Aemma absorbed her daughter's words, her face softening with understanding. Then she smiled, a tender, knowing smile that sent a wave of relief through Rhaenyra.

"My darling girl," Aemma murmured, squeezing her hand. "I had a feeling this might be the case."

"You did?" Rhaenyra asked, her voice accented with both surprise and curiosity.

Aemma nodded. "You've been glowing these past few weeks, in a way that only a mother-to-be does. The signs are there if one knows where to look. Have you had any sickness in the mornings?"

Rhaenyra nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Yes, but I didn't think much of it at first."

Aemma laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair from Rhaenyra's face. "It's natural to be unsure at first, but trust your instincts. A mother always knows, even before anyone else does."

The confirmation settled over Rhaenyra like a warm blanket. She was with child, Aegon's child. The weight of the revelation was immense, and yet it filled her with a strange, exhilarating joy. But along with that joy came the need for caution. She wanted this moment to belong to her and Aegon alone, to share the news with him in private before the court, the realm, and the world found out.

"I want to keep it secret, at least for now," Rhaenyra said, her voice quiet but firm. "I want to tell Aegon myself, in our own time. When there isn't so much happening"

Aemma nodded in understanding, her smile gentle. "Of course, my love. The news will come out soon enough, but until then, this secret is yours to share as you see fit. And when the time comes, Aegon will be overjoyed. I know it."

"You have my silence, Princess, on the name of my mother" Alicent smiled as she embraced her best friend as Aemma smiled with great warmth. 

Rhaenyra smiled, her heart swelling with gratitude. Her mother's support meant everything to her, especially in this delicate, life-altering moment. She would carry this secret with her, waiting for the perfect time to tell Aegon, knowing that their future was now bound not only by their love but by the life growing inside her.

While Rhaenyra carried her private joy in silence, the realm around her was far from still. The tension in the air was palpable, particularly in the discussions held by the small council. Word had reached the capital that Daemon Targaryen, ever the rogue prince, had seized Dragonstone with his loyal Gold Cloaks, effectively declaring himself its ruler in defiance of King Viserys. This bold move had sent shockwaves through the court, and whispers of treason and civil war buzzed in the halls.

More troubling still was the news from the Stepstones. The Triarchy, a coalition of the Free Cities, had taken control of the archipelago, choking off key trade routes and threatening the stability of the realm. The situation had grown dire, with the Triarchy's forces bolstering their naval dominance, and something had to be done.

Prince Aegon sat at the council table, his brow furrowed as he listened to the heated discussions. Corlys Velaryon, the Sea Snake, stood before the gathered lords, his deep voice carrying the weight of both wisdom and ambition.

"The Triarchy cannot be allowed to hold the Stepstones. If they are allowed to for even a few more moons, it could beggar our ports" Corlys declared, his sharp eyes scanning the room. "Their stranglehold on the Narrow Sea threatens our very survival. We must act, and we must act swiftly."

All in attendance nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The Triarchy's control of the Stepstones not only hurt Westeros economically but also posed a direct threat to its sovereignty. If they were left unchecked, the realm could soon find itself at war.

"I agree, Lord Corlys, but the realm is not ready to declare open war with the free cities" Viserys replied.

"These...pirates, are not the free cities" Corlys replied.

"Who do you think supplies them with their ships, men and tender?" Viserys noted. 

"Assuming the plan is to deal with this diplomatically, as it was before dragons flew over the kingdoms, it could still be dangerous regardless. This 'Triarchy' could see our digression to wield the dragons as weakness, emboldening them. It will need to end before envoys get Dorne into the fold, for that would be rebellion, a far more pressing matter then 'pirates' in Lord Corlys's words" Aegon made a strong point some amongst the tabled visibly agreed with.

Corlys met Aegon's gaze, his expression unyielding. "We need to show them our true power. My prince. You are the future of House Targaryen, and you command the might of the dragons. The world has not seen such terror of in the skies since Balerion. You ride Vermithor, the second-largest living dragon in the world. Fly him to the Stepstones, Show them what it means to defy the blood of Old Valyria."

"A reminder, my lord. A seat at this table doesn't make you the king's equal, nor bestows you the authority to command the crowned prince" Otto reminded the Sea Snake. 

The room slinked away from Aegon's attention as his thoughts dwelt on the bronze beast. Despite his desire to keep him in arms reach outside the city gates, he flew back to Dragonstone at every opportunity, working in unison with his rider, but opting to spend his free time with his Silverwing, his mate. He could not blame him, for the thought of being away from Rhaenyra filled him with the same grief. 

"I will not have war, my lord, nor my son in it's midst. I have acknowledged the situation. I have sent envoys to Tyrosh and Volantis, to see if we can find common cause. In time 

Aegon considered the Sea Snake's words, the weight of his responsibility settling on his shoulders. He was no stranger to the expectations placed upon him, his father had made sure of that during their conversation in the cellar months ago. The dream of Ice and Fire loomed large in his mind, and though the threat from the North had not yet revealed itself, Aegon knew he could not ignore the more immediate dangers that threatened the realm.

The council erupted in murmurs as usual, Aegon's mind was already racing ahead, not just to the battle he would face but to the secrets he still carried. There were battles to fight on every front, some with dragons, others with prophecy, and one within the heart of his own family.

As the meeting dispersed, Aegon's thoughts turned back to Rhaenyra. He would tell her of his decision secretly fly to Dragonstone, quell Daemon's tantrum, then onto the stepstones, to make battle. But she, too, had a secret, one that would soon change both their lives forever.

Four days later

Four days had passed since Rhaenyra's discovery of her pregnancy, and though she had shared the secret only with her mother and Alicent, the reality of it grew more undeniable with each passing day. Early in the morning, the stillness of the chamber was broken by a sudden rustling. Rhaenyra stirred in her sleep, her face contorting as she felt an unsettling nausea rise within her. She barely had time to push aside the covers before the sickness overwhelmed her.

Aegon was by her side in an instant. He moved swiftly, holding her hair back as she retched in a nearby bowl, his strong hands steady and comforting against the back of her neck. The sound of her heaving echoed in the quiet room, and Aegon's face tightened with concern. His beloved wife, always so radiant and poised, now seemed weak and pale, her body betraying her in a way he did not understand.

When it was over, Rhaenyra slumped back into the bed, her breathing labored. Aegon knelt beside her, his thumb gently brushing the side of her face.

"Rhaenyra," he said softly, concern etched in his voice. "Something is wrong. This isn't just a passing sickness."

She shook her head weakly, her lips curving into a faint smile. "It's nothing, Aegon. It will pass."

Aegon frowned, unsatisfied with her reassurances. "You've been feeling unwell for days. I'll fetch the Maester."

Before he could stand, Rhaenyra's hand shot out to grip his wrist, her touch firm despite her exhaustion. "No," she said sharply, her voice low but resolute. "There's no need for that. It's... something I can handle."

Aegon stared at her, confusion flashing in his violet eyes. "But what if it's something serious? What if..." 

Rhaenyra shook her head again, more emphatically this time. "It's nothing serious. I promise you, Aegon, I just need to rest."

His brow furrowed, but after a moment, he relented. "If you're sure," he said, though the worry remained in his tone. "I'll bring you breakfast. Some tea. Something to settle your stomach. I learned an ability with my fire some time ago to mend the energy paths of the body. It's not much in the way of healing, but It's something" 

Rhaenyra smiled at his thoughtfulness, feeling a rush of warmth despite her discomfort. "Tea. Tea sounds good" 

Aegon kissed her gently on the forehead before rising and heading toward the door. He cast one last glance over his shoulder, the sight of Rhaenyra lying pale and tired in their bed making his heart ache. But if she said she could handle it, he would trust her. For now.

Leaving her to rest, Aegon made his way to the kitchens, where he requested the servants prepare a simple meal and a cup of tea for Rhaenyra. As he waited, a sudden knock at the door caught his attention. It was Ser Harold Westerling, his usually calm face drawn with urgency.

"My prince," Ser Harold began, his voice low, "there's been an emergency. The King has summoned the council. He requests your presence."

Aegon's stomach tightened. He had learned to read the signs of trouble well enough, and the grim look in Ser Harold's eyes told him that this was no trivial matter. Without hesitation, Aegon requested the food to be sent up to Rhaenyra, then followed Ser Harold to the council chambers. Guilt weighed heavy on him that he couldn't be with her for the moment, but if the thick mist of tension was any indication, this was important. 

The room was already filled with tension when Aegon arrived. King Viserys sat at the head of the table, his face ashen, while Otto Hightower paced with restless energy. Corlys Velaryon stood near the window, his arms crossed, his eyes narrowed as he stared out at the stormy sea beyond.

"What's happened?" Aegon asked as he entered, his eyes scanning the room.

Viserys sighed heavily, rubbing a hand across his brow. "A dragonkeeper arrived from Dragonstone this morning. There as a theft yesterday night," he said gravely. "A dragon egg has been stolen from the hatchery."

Aegon's blood ran cold. A dragon egg? The hatchery was one of the most secure places on Dragonstone, guarded night and day by the Dragonkeepers. For someone to steal an egg... it was unthinkable. His mind raced through the possibilities, but before he could ask for more details, Viserys spoke again.

"Daemon was the culprit," the King said, his voice tight with anger. "He's taken an egg."

"Of fucking course it was him!" Aegon's eyes betrayed his eternal thoughts, his heart pounding faster now. Of course it was Daemon. His uncle's defiance knew no bounds, but to steal a dragon egg? Even for him, was brazen.

But then, Viserys's next words hit him like a hammer.

"It wasn't just any egg," the King continued, his voice trembling with fury. "It was the egg from Silverwing's clutch. The one you chose, Aegon. The one for your and Rhaenyra's future child."

Aegon felt as though the ground had dropped out from beneath him. His mind reeled. The egg he had chosen for their child, their unborn child, had been stolen by Daemon? The egg that symbolized the continuation of their house, of their bloodline!

His hands clenched into fists, his body taut with anger as a subtle quake could be felt, rattling a set of glasses enough on a nearby table for one to fall off, shattering. 

Viserys shook his head. "He remains at Dragonstone, ever fortified by hundreds of Gold Cloaks. He dares me to confront him personally" 

"I'll go," Aegon said immediately, his anger simmering just below the surface. "I'll rip him out of his little blackstone hut and hang him out to fucking dry" 

Before Viserys could respond, Otto Hightower stepped forward, his face a mask of cold calculation. "Apologies, Your Grace, but I cannot allow it," he said quickly, his voice smooth but insistent. "You cannot go to Dragonstone. It would be seen as an act of war, not just by Daemon, but by all of Westeros. It would set a dangerous precedent."

Aegon shot Otto a withering glare. "He's stolen a dragon egg from my family, from my unborn child! You expect me to sit here and do nothing?"

Otto's eyes glinted with something dark and self-serving. "I understand your anger, my Prince, truly, it is a slight to you and your house without equal. But we must think of the realm. A show of force now could incite rebellion. Let me go in your stead. I'll reason with Daemon, retrieve the egg, and bring him to heel."

Aegon's nostrils flared, his fists still clenched on the hard wood table he leaned against. He saw through Otto's words easily enough. The Hand of the King wasn't interested in diplomacy or peace. He wanted control, wanted to be the one to decide how to handle Daemon and, by extension, influence the King's next move. But Aegon knew his uncle far better than Otto ever could. Daemon would never listen to the Hand, he'd just feed him to Caraxes for a change of diet. 

"No," Aegon said, his voice low and firm. "This is my fight. It's my egg he's taken. I will go."

Viserys looked torn, his hands wringing together as his gaze shifted between Otto and Aegon. The weight of the decision bore down on him visibly. His son and brother, locked in this escalating conflict, it was the last thing he wanted, but the situation was already spiraling out of control.

"I should go, Aegon," Viserys said, though there was hesitation in his tone. "It's my responsibility to..."

"With all possible respect, Father," Aegon reluctantly interrupted, his voice steady but resolute, "Daemon won't listen to you. He won't listen to Otto. He wouldn't listen to the fucking gods themselves if they were made flesh, old or new. I have spent more time with this man then anyone in this room in years. If you haven't learned anything about him, it's this, he is woefully stubborn, it's the entire purpose he's throwing this tantrum while jeopardizing the future power of the realm" 

Otto opened his mouth to protest, but Aegon shot him a warning look that silenced him.

Viserys closed his eyes for a long moment, the conflict clear in his expression. But finally, he nodded. "Very well. You will go to Dragonstone. But take care, Aegon. Daemon is unpredictable, and this... this act of his reeks of something more than just a stolen egg."

As he turned and left the chamber, his thoughts returned to Rhaenyra, still resting in their bed, sick without him there. Despite his heavy heart in the moment, he knew he would tell her everything when he returned, but for now, he flew. 

Dragonstone, later that afternoon. 

Potent propelling roared from Aegon's fists as he soared through the air like a commit many would contribute to an omen if they were to witness it. 

The flames began to recede down as Aegon neared the shore, floating and eventually landing on the soft sand as he inevitably stumbled to the ground, exhausted from blasting himself across the blackwater. Quickly he got to his feet, his desire to end this charade quickly evident and steadfast.

With a familiarity of the area, Aegon snuck into the caverns beneath the castle that connected to the Dragonmont itself. Utilizing his earth bending to level and stabilize the rocky floor during his descent, he made his way into the inner chambers, the nest of Vermithor and Silverwing. With only a flame emanating from his hand as illumination, he eventually reached his destination. 

"Hello, old boy" Aegon smiled as two large eyes caught the light of his fire. Moving closer, Vermithor revealed himself with a torrent flames that bathed the roof of the chasm, both a common greeting tradition and intimidation tactic amongst dragons. "It's time to move my friend. The time for talk has passed. The lords work must be done!" 

Vermithor slammed shut his maw, cutting off the flames as smoke bellowed from his nose. Moving his head down and closer towards his rider, he, in his own way, heeded Aegon's words. He was ready to fly once more, even if it was short lived at first. 

Climbing up on the mountain of a creature, Aegon gripped the weathered reigns of his saddle his great grandsire once dwelt upon, unconcerned with buckling himself to it on the account he too could fly. Slowly the dragon swayed side to side, walking on the joints of it's wings as it crawled from the chasm and into the fresh sea breeze. Unfurling it's wings, he flapped them with a intensity that could blow away an army camp if one was present. With kick off the ground, they were airborne, souring into the air as they almost instantly rose above Dragonstone, conveying the message across that the Prince had arrived. 

"Tegot! (Land!) Vermithor!" Aegon command as he locked onto one of the large courtyards that could fit even the heft of the Bronze Fury. Slowly they descended, thudding onto the ground as a powerful quake was sent through the island itself. 

"Quite impressive. Once he was back into those caverns, he gave the firm impression he wouldn't leave" Daemon spoke, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face as he tossed the stolen egg from one hand to another with arrogance. 

Leaping from the back of his mount, Aegon landed on the ground from a height that should have buckled his legs, but the very earth itself bent to accommodate the impact, quickly returning and leaving him unharmed.

"I'm guessing it was preferable whether it was me or my father that showed? Believe me, he wanted to, but so did I" Aegon said as he kept locked eyes with the little brother, whose smirk quickly and subtly faded.

"You've come for the egg, have you not? Well here it is" He said as he held it out in front of him, wobbling on his hand, teasing the possibility of dropping it.

"Please spare me the trouble and give me the fucking egg, or don't, strike me down, the object of your ire, so every lord in the kingdoms descends onto this blasted rock to wipe you from history. Or...a third option. You give me the egg, and you and I cleanse the stepstones of the parasites together, doing your kingdom a service while sating the little brother's need for recognition" Aegon spoke with underlying confidence cloaked in civility, his words without pause. 

The courtyard fell silent, only the wind and Vermithor's bellowing breathes to break the eeriness. A sudden shifting of rocks could be heard as Caraxes, the Blood Wrym, slithered around the cliff face with a high-pitched growl that Vermithor returned, an exchanged warning. He by far was smaller then the Fury, but held the agility advantage with the blood lust to match. Uncle and nephew's eyes remained locked on one another, both unwavering until Daemon's eyes creeped off towards Vermithor, the dragon of his grandsire. 

"Or perhaps is this not about inheritance at all? Perhaps my death would leave a certain young Princess's heart grieving, leaving a void to be filled..." Aegon snarkly suggested, visibly yet subtly striking a cord with Daemon, whose hand drifted from resting on the pommel of Dark Sister, to it's handle. He knew not that Aegon was aware of those brief glances he often shot to Rhaenyra, nor the feelings they stirred in him. 

"You may have and be a dragon, nephew, but you cling to the same strings generations past have been enslaved to" His uncle said before slowly turning and walking away, briefly giving the impression he didn't intend to return the egg, only to throw it over his shoulder at the last second before skulking back into the shadows. 

With precision and grace Aegon caught the egg in his grasp, slowly lowering it to kill off it's momentum just shy of the ground. Rising back to his feet, Aegon admired the beautiful creation. Bright blue scales covered its surface, gleaming in the light of the setting son. He couldn't help but think of Dreamfyre, a beauty of the creature equaled by few amongst the dragons. 

Kings Landing, the next morning. 

The sun broke over the horizon, bathing the horizon in golden light. Upon learning of Aegon's mission, Rhaenyra was racked with fear that shadowed the sickness that subsided quickly upon drinking the tea he left, always knowing exactly how to care for her. He knew their uncle better then most, he knew seemingly nothing held to Daemon except what bettered himself, as he had demonstrated in the past. 

Alicent, her approach soft and quite, at first startled her dearest friend who almost dropped her small glass mug off the edge of the balcony that overlooked the guardians and the blackwater beyond. Upon the moment of tension fading, both laughed as they always had, eventually leading to a moment of silence as they shared the view of the rising sun.

"He will succeed Princess. Daemon is a wild card, but Aegon has always been the one to temper him, to bring him back into the fold in moments such as this. If I may speak plainly..." Alicent looked down at her hands, their fingertips scarred from an impulsive tendency to pick at them in a plethora of moments from anxiety to stress. 

Rhaenyra remained smiling, for she had on many occasions told Alicent that she needed no courtly pleasantries from her, for the boundaries of friends passed such things. "What is it, dear sister?" She asked softly.

"I...envy what you and Prince Aegon share, and I know I shouldn't, for it isn't my place. The way your bond exudes in all manners of life, from simply sharing a meal, to the flowery banter as he instructs you on the blade, to the simplest, smallest intricacies of your corrections of dragon riding in Vermithors absence. It is a bond I long to share with someone, but I feel condemned, condemned to dwell in a far away castle, married to a lord not of my choosing to benefit only my house...It's suffocating, its..." She was cut short as shocked filled her body.

In knowing her strife, something stirred in Rhaenyra as she leaned in, intent on burning away the flood of conflict and anxiety that had appeared to be drowning her bond-sibling for some time. She pressed her lips to hers, at first surprising the noble lady who had never expected nor witnessed such things outside of dens of debauchery in passing. She held immense faith in the seven, one of the few lights in her life since the passing of her own dear mother, but for this moment of surety, she betrayed her beliefs, slipping to the back of her mind by not separating her embrace with the Princess. 

Air and time felt as though it stood still around them, Alicent feeling a warmth flow over her that countless candles lacked in comparison. Rhaenyra, knowing this was taboo and not wanting to too heavily jeopardize her friends established beliefs, separated, giggling as all around them resumed. 

"That was..." Alicent murmured, appearing conflicted.

"Wrong, I know" The princess shrugged in her infectiously jovial and characteristic manner. 

"The the gods, Rhaenyra!" Alicent visibly trembled out of , fear not only for their tri-pronged friendship she would sacrifice much to maintain, but her house's position in the court if this was to be known, her fathers position as Hand in possible jeopardy.

"If you knew him as I did, dear sister, you would learn quickly that this...would be of little concern for him. Fuck the rest" Rhaenyra smirked mischievously as her companion realized the full picture, Rhaenyra's expression now didn't simply come from her seemingly comfortable position on the edge of morality and often...grace, but from a mutual agreement to embrace a third party if both were in agreement. 

"Has he...mentioned me in this regard?" Alicent softly inquired, visibly nervous by Rhaenyra's possibly reaction. 

"He once mentioned finding you pretty in a particular green dress as children, but no, this came only from me" Rhaenyra cooed off in a subtle manner bordering sultry.

Cut out of their interaction by a an all too familiar feeling that visibly came over Rhaenyra with a smile, powerful gusts of wind began to rush the air around them. Looking back out to the blackwater, where to Alicent's never fading astonishment, Vermithor, Aegon but a speck on the creatures back, soared through the air, eventually passing out of sight as he flew over the city and to a nearby 2nd resting spot for Vermithor in a large bushy ditch outside the city, a waiting area in times Aegon needed his bonded mount. 

"If he has Vermithor...does that mean he secretly plans to battle in the stepstones?" Alicent inquired with furrowed brows.

"He plans to smash the stepstones if need be. It won't be much of a fight, even if it was all of Essos we were facing" Rhaenyra informed.

"We?" Alicent side glanced her friend.

"Yes...we!" Rhaenyra looked over with yet another smirk crossing her face.