
Chapter 1

The sorcerer kingdom was founded 800 years ago. They conquered the whole continent in 50 years and a whole new world in 400 years. because New World is so much bigger than Ainz's Old World. After occupying the whole world, they are focused on inventing technology. Aniz turned the whole new world into Utopia.

Currently, Albedo and Cocytus, walking along a long porch. They were on an island, next to the Former Re-Estize Kingdom. The island was a weapons factory, where powerful Advance weapons were made for the Sorcerer Empire.

It was created 300 years ago; many races were working together in this factory. They go down to the Underground base via an elevator.

They stood in front of a giant door, outside of which were two High-Class Golems with heavy magic guns in their hands. Albedo went to the door and typed the password, and then the giant door opened automatically.

Many scientists and engineers were working inside.

"Ah! Chief Commander Cocytus and Prime Minister Albedo!"

Everyone looked up to them.

"Good, Keep up the work, don't stop," said Cocytus

"Have you come to see how far our work has come?" The one who said this was a Lycanthrope. He is the chief in this base.

"Yes Aniz Sama wants to know how much longer it will take you," Albedo said.

"Forgive us, but it will take us another month to make it." He pointed to a 10 meters tall thing


"How strong will it be?" Cocytus said

"Warth of Emperor. This ten-meter-long object is capable of crushing an entire army. It is the result of our decades of research and hard work. We are making it with our maximum; also it is made of the strongest metal Scarletite. So, In my opinion, once it is made it will be one of the most powerful weapons in the Sorcerer Empire."

(320 years ago some adventurers discovered strange metals from a mountain range which is located in the middle of the Continent. These metals were stronger than adamantine. When Ainz found out about it, he realized that these were Prismatic orcs. He sends some of his men there. When they go to the mountain and observe the metal, they tell Ainz that it is Scarletite metal and that there is a mine here. Ainz goes there immediately. Ainz instructs Demurage to engrave Golems there. After that Ainz called a meeting of all the great scientists of the Sorcerer Empire. He told them to build satellites that would allow them to search for different things. Ainz also shared what he knew about satellites. But it was not enough. However, they have talent and magic that helped them. Also, Ainz gave them some of his old-world books. They tirelessly worked for more than 80 years and finally succeeded in creating a satellite. It was a great achievement. Then it was sent into space as per Ainz's orders and it was successful. With the creation of the satellite, there was a new scientific revolution started. However, they haven't found another Prismatic orc mine yet. But they have found many mines of other metals.)


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Ainz's old-world environment was very polluted, so he paid special attention to the new-world environment. He took many steps to ensure that the environment was not polluted. For example, if one tree was cut down, three trees would be planted. Vehicles are powered by water, magic, or electricity. Electricity is generated by solar panels, windmills, magic, and turbines. There were many other uses for renewable electricity. He also made laws to prevent the population from growing, for example, each Couple could have no more than three children. It turned the whole new world into a utopia. Today was a beautiful day in the Hoburns. It is an ideal city. In the middle of the city is a huge statue of Aniz.

(Six months after the expulsion of Jaldabaoth from the former Holy Kingdom, they became the Vassal of the Sorcerer Kingdom, and from then on all the nations began to live together in this place. A huge statue of Ainz was erected here in honor of the kindness Ainz showed to the people of the Holy Kingdom. The statue is 400 meters high.)

At present, the common people are doing their daily work. Then suddenly a strange structure appeared in front of the statue of Ainz Owal gown in the middle of the capital, it was 40 meters tall and 20 meters wide.

People stood still for a moment, but they do not understand where it came from. They stand and look at it strangely.

After a while, some guards come there.

"Where did it come from?"

"I don't know!"

"We should take the public away and let the higher up know about it !"

They take the public away from it. Then everyone hears screams from the infinite darkness inside the structure. From there, many armored weavers flew.

Armored men grazed on them

"Who are these?"

"Are they trying to attack us?"

"What are you saying? The Sorcerous Empire conquered the whole world!"

" Who are they? "

Sometime later, the sound of numerous metal boots moving towards the light was heard from the Kale tunnel. The first to emerge from the darkness were men dressed in their respective horses. They all wore the same armor as the previous Wyvern Raiders but a little different.

They realized it must be an attack but they didn't understand who they were and where they came from. They try to remember if somewhere they have read about them. After the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown had established his Empire and conquered the known world; he introduced many reforms in his Empire. For example, free primary education for everyone, every adult citizen receives military training for three years, and hospitals where real. Doctors and healers worked, and a fully functioning sewer system.

The attacking army carried a flag with an unknown symbol that anyone had never seen. Its basic color was claret. With a golden cross and with four dragon wings between the four sides of the cross. Behind the symbol, there was a red dragon. All of this was framed by an ornate golden outline. No one has ever seen such a flag before. A soldier talks to the mayor through a message item and informs him about the situation. The rest of the guards took a defensive stance.

"In the name of the Saderan Empire and the Emperor Molt Sol Augustus! Give up barbarians!" yelled the leader of the invading forces.

A soldier stepped forward and said

"In the name of the Sorcerous Empire! State your business here!" Behind him, the people were in full eagerness. They prepared to charge.

"What do we do, Legate Octavian us?" asked the enemy commander's right-hand man in an unknown language that resembled Latin.

The Saderan Commander grinned. "Barbarians. Huh! They know how to speak Saderan. Massacre everyone who resists. Capture as many as you can and transport them to the other side. They will make good slaves. For the glory of the Empire."

His right hand saluted. "As you wish, Legate! For the glory of the Empire!"

His right hand signaled to the first cohort that had already arrived through the Gate and settled in neat rows. The soldiers held rectangular shields and their armor resembled that of a Roman soldier's light armor. The Wyvern Riders had already started their little attack.

A Beastman soldier approached the attackers. He attacked the invading forces with his hammer and disbanded them, and then the other Guards began to attack.

After a while, many arrows were fired at the Wyvern corps in the sky. The arrows hit the Wyvern's head and wings, knocking them all down. The arrows were fired from the archer towers of the city. Then a gate opened, from which 400 Death Warriors, 1000 Death Knights, and 500 Soul Eaters came out. 500 death knights were riding on Soul Eater. After they came out, they started attacking the invading forces. Then another gate opened and 5,000 regular soldiers and 2,000 magic casters came out. The magic casters came out and began to heal the wounded citizens. The massacre is begin by the Death Warriors, Death Knights, and Soul Eaters.