Shalltear's sorrow

Eight hundred years. Eight centuries had passed since he'd first set foot in this world. Ainz, the skeletal Sorcerer King, strode down the halls of his grand palace, each step a silent echo of his growing power.

"Shalltear!" His voice, amplified by magic, resonated through the corridor.

A moment later, Shalltear Bloodfallen, her voluptuous figure clad in a crimson dress that hugged her curves, rushed to his side, her golden eyes filled with adoration. "Ainz-sama, you look..." she paused, cheeks flushing a delicate pink, "as radiant as ever."

"Thank you, Shalltear," Ainz replied, his tone even and measured. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at her blatant affection. Centuries had passed, changing the NPCs of Nazarick in ways he hadn't anticipated. Aura and Mare, now strikingly beautiful women with an air of mature confidence, towered over Shalltear, their elven features sharpened by time. Aura, in particular, seemed to relish her newfound allure, often teasing Shalltear about her unchanging body.

And then there was Albedo. The memory of altering her settings, igniting a passionate devotion in her that bordered on obsession, still made him uneasy. He cared for all the denizens of Nazarick, saw them as his children, but Albedo... her love was a constant, fervent flame, and he, the accidental architect of her desire.

"Shalltear," Ainz began, dreading the answer even as he asked, "are you...still set on the idea of marriage?"

Shalltear's eyes widened, a flicker of hope igniting within them. "Um… Would that please you, Ainz-sama? Would you… consider it?"

"Ah, well…" He hesitated, searching for the right words. "That's not quite what I meant. I see you as… as a daughter, Shalltear. My marrying Albedo was… a consequence of my own actions, a change I made to her settings. But you… you are free to pursue your own happiness, find someone who…"

Before he could finish, two figures rounded the corner, their laughter echoing down the hallway. Aura, clad in a form-fitting black leather outfit that accentuated her curves, and Mare, his usually shy demeanor replaced with a quiet confidence, approached them.

"Still proposing, Shalltear?" Aura asked, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Shalltear bristled, her cheeks flushing crimson. "You…!"

"What?" Aura chuckled, her hand resting casually on her hip, emphasizing her ample bosom. "Jealous these are the real deal? No need to stuff your chest anymore, Shalltear."

"I'll kill you!" Shalltear shrieked, her hands crackling with magic.

"Enough, you two," Ainz sighed, his tone brooking no argument. The two guardians immediately ceased their bickering, bowing their heads in apology.

"Forgive us, Ainz-sama," they chorused.

Mare, ever the observant one, tilted his head, his gaze curious. "Ainz-sama, I heard whispers of your plans regarding the gate. You intend to send Ragnarok-sama to that… uncivilized world?"

"Indeed," Ainz confirmed. "It is time we learn more about this Sadera and the threat they pose." A small part of him, he realized, also wished to observe how his creation, the powerful warrior Ragnarok, would handle this first true test of his abilities.

"As expected of Ainz-sama," Mare murmured, his eyes shining with admiration.

"I must go," Ainz announced, turning towards the grand doors that led to the parliament chamber. "Important matters await."

"Farewell, Ainz-sama," the guardians chorused, their voices filled with respect and a touch of awe.