
Akira Kamikoda and Jun Kurihama, pilots of the F-4 Phantom fighter jet, were on a routine mission in the Special Region, enjoying the freedom of flying without any civilian or military aircraft in the sky. But their joy was short-lived, as they spotted a massive flying ship and several helicopters surrounding it.

"Akira, are you watching it!? I can't believe it! We need to report it to our headquarters," Kurihama exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement and concern.

Akira's response was immediate. "Roger! I don't think it's the Saderan Empire. It's another civilization. Who are they!?"

As they observed the strange aircraft, they realized they needed to get away from them. But it was too late. A missile was fired from the flying ship, heading straight for their F-4 Phantom.

"What! Speed up," Akira shouted, as Kurihama quickly responded.

The missile continued to follow them, despite their evasive maneuvers. Akira tried to shake it off by flying low and changing direction, but the missile persisted.

"What!? What is it really? Why don't flares affect it?" Kurihama asked, his voice laced with panic.

Akira's quick thinking saved them from a direct hit, but the missile still managed to catch up. It transformed into a bubble, sucking the entire fighter jet inside.

The two pilots were stunned, unable to comprehend the technology behind the missile. "It didn't explode!" Kurihama exclaimed.

Akira tried to regain control of the plane, but it was too late. They were trapped, unable to contact headquarters or escape the bubble.

"What kind of missile is this ?! I've never heard or seen a weapon like this."

"Are they aliens !?"

"I'm not sure. But we're still alive."

"I can't control the plane. I lost control. "

"I can't even contact headquarters."

"Hello! Hello! It's Baron...."😨

no response.

"What shall we do?"😨

"Just pray to the gods"

"Shall we be stuck here like this?"

"Don't worry. They're coming for us."

As they floated helplessly, they spotted two helicopters approaching the bubble. But these were not from the Japan Self-Defense Force...