Ainz come to Special regions



Scene change: Fortress- 55

The huge gates of Fortress-55 were opened. Many armored vehicles, tanks, carriages, assault vehicles, military trucks, wagons, many cavalries, Dragon, Manticores riders, and Pegasus riders began to emerge from the gate structure. These are moving fast.

"Albedo, what was the point of all this?" Ainz said

"Ainz-sama, you are our Emperor. who is still with us? We cannot fail to protect you. What will happen if those gods attack you there? I have also prepared a backup army. If there is any problem. Then they will attack. "

"You're right! But you couldn't have brought assault vehicles, etc. here. If they thought we were here to attack them."

"It's our security matter."


Message [ Ragnarok]

[Dad, it's time for us to separate]

[Okay, don't attack that Hardy until I tell you. I will first discuss this with the gods of Falmart then let you know what to do]

[OK Dad, then I'm going to Belnago now]

Then most of the forces changed their route and started moving in the other direction

Scene change:

Itami, Tuka, Rory, Lelei, and, Shandy are going through a hilly road on HMV.







"Ah! Itami, what happened to the ring I gave you as a gift?" Rory said

"Oh, good Thanks. But wearing it won't really make me sick ?"

"Yeah, that's what Imp said!"

Ah, my life has changed a lot since the gate structure appeared.

"... There's a lot of people here," Itami said

"This is one of the popular roads pilgrims take to Belnargo"

"Is it common for people to go on pilgrimages there"


"According to this Pilgrimage Guidebook, Belnargo is a popular place to visit amongst pilgrims."

"Wow! They have a pilgrimage guidebook?"

"This pilgrimage guidebook you bought is published regularly"


"The sacred city that is home to the main temple of Hardy, the goddess of the underworld"

"Because the spirits of the dead go to the underworld. People visit Belnago to pray for their ancestor's or loved ones' happiness in the next world. Regardless of who their own chief god is. They did so regularly" Rory explain

" But didn't you say people also go to your god after dying," Itami said

"Hmm, that's right! Many end up in her domain, though those who fall in battle are brought to Emroy, my chief god."

"We have got something similar for dead warriors in my world. It is a place called Valhalla"

"Really!? I would love to go there!"


"Right... It's the underworld of a country for from Japan"

"My, That is unfortunate. I wished to compare it to my chief God's Domain"

"Um...Huh... Is she like that Because she's a Deity?"

"Tuka, what are you doing?"

Tuka was listening to music with Magical headphones.


"Miss Shandy, did you tell me something?" Tuka said, removing the magical headphones from her ears.

"What is it?"

"It's a kind of magical headphone. Dad bought it from Sorcerous Empire. The world on the other side of the gate."

"Did you go into the Sorcerous Empire?"

" Yes, we visited a city of the Sorcerous Empire 1-2 weeks ago. But we were able to stay there for 2-3 days. We meet there Giss .."

"Tuka put the reins on your mouth," Itami said threateningly.

"Tuka, don't forget Thomas forbade us to talk about it."

"You also Shut up, Rory!"

"Lord Itami, what happened?" Shandy said

"Ah .. nothing! It's a personal matter."

Shandy looked at Lelei and said, "Did you bring these from the world next to the gate?"

Lelei was reading Magical books wearing Gale-Force Reading Glasses.

"Ah Yes, But it's Itami's glasses."

"What's in this book?"

"These are Magical books. They tell about the magic of the Sorcerous Empire. Although their magic is very different from our world."

Then the ground began to shake slowly.

Itami stopped the HMV and told them all to get off

They all got out of the HMV. Everyone is terrified but not Itami. The pebbles on the ground are also shaking.

"What the hell!"

"What's going on?"

"Is the world going to be destroyed?"

"God protect us from what we have done wrong!"

"Calm down, it looks like an earthquake. But it doesn't seem natural!"

"Sir Itami, aren't you afraid?"

Itami went to the edge of the hill. Because the sound of movement was coming from there.

There is another road some distance from the hill, which can be seen from the hill.

"What happened?"

Along with Itami, they also came to the edge of the hill. They are all still scared. They came to the edge of the hill cautiously.

They were not ready to see what they saw. A force is advancing along the road. The force is carrying the flag of the Sorcerous Empire.

At the top of the fleet are many terrifying, massive mounts, on which sit soldiers in blue armor. The ground is shaking as a result of the running of these creatures.

Next of them 4-5 assault vehicles, 3-4 carriages, 5 armored vehicles, 6 wagons, 5 military trucks, 6 tanks, and cavalries. Also, several, Soul Eaters, and Dinosaurs are advancing alongside the forces.

Griffin Drivers, Mages, Dragons, winged soldiers, Manticores riders, and Pegasus riders are flying through the sky.

"What the hell!"

"It is Sorcerous Empire force!"

"Then these are the ones who massacred the imperial forces in Romalia!"

"Then it's the forces of the gods!"

"Did they attack us?"

"They're going to Belnargo!"


"Yes, this is another road to Belnargo. This road is suitable for heavy animals to walk on. But this road is dangerous. Because many pilgrims are robbed or attacked on this road." Rory explains


"Are they going to attack Hardy?"

"Maybe! According to the strength of the Sorcerous Empire, these forces are enough to capture all of Falmart."

"It was also Hardy who opened the gate to their world. So the empire was able to attack them. So maybe they're going to punish Hardy for it now!"

"That means they're going to destroy the city of Belnargo!"

"I don't like Hardy. But I'm kind to her. Also, if Hardy has anything, the balance of the Underworld will be lost."

"I'm scared!."

"Ah! Calm down. We don't know anything about this. Maybe They're going to do something else. We're going to Belnargo too. So let's go and see what's really going on."

"I agree with Itami. We don't know why they're going. These are just ideas."

"But why would they go there with such a strong force?"

"Let's go and see what's going on."
