The metal ships

The metal ship arrived at an island with the Galley ship.

The area of this island is about eight square kilometers. Long north-south. 6 km to the north and south of the island. The width of the island is somewhere between one kilometer and somewhere 400 meters. The average height of the island is about 4 meters above sea level. The entire island is surrounded by a 15-meter-high wall.

The metal ship came to the port of the island with the ship Galley. There is no crowd in the port. Only a few soldiers are standing. Those wearing black uniforms and gas masks.

The metal ship left the Galley ship in port. Duilius and his men disembarked from the ship Galley.

Then this is the force of the Sorcerous Empire. Who massacred the imperial forces. monsters.

The soldiers came to them

"Where are we now?" Duilius said

"You are now in Island-3." Said, one Sorcerous Empire soldier said

"Follow us. We'll collect your samples. Then you can enter this island. If you are healthy" Said another Sorcerous Empire soldiers

Avion Sea

Anne Bonny is the leader of a notorious band of robbers. There are a total of 7 pirate ships in her group. Not long ago they attacked a coastal village, killing the villagers and looting the village. Also, they took some young girls or women, and men captive to sell as slaves.

"Lady Anne Bonny, where are we going to attack now?"

"I have heard that the empire is now weakened. The monsters have invaded their capital. We will raid the areas of the empire near the sea!"

"Of course!"

"Lady Anne Bonny, look at that thing!" A robber gang member shouted

Anne Bonny and her crew saw a huge metal ship.

Which has come close to them. The team members got scared.

[Mithril-class Battleship of the Sorcerous Empire.

Full length: Unknown (200-220 m?)

Speed: Up to 30 kt

Armor: Mithril magic alloy

Enhancement sequence: about 18 seconds

Armaments: Main Front Gun: 2 x 380 mm Triple Spirit Magic Cannon

Main Rear Gun: 152 mm Triple Spirit Magic Cannon

Secondary Gun: 26 x 25 mm Ixion Twin-barreled Magic Anti-Aircraft Cannon (13 on each side)]

Anne Bonny shouted "Don't be afraid we will fall this metal ship. Surround the metal ship!"

7 pirate ships surrounded the Mithril-class Battleship.

The pirates then attacked the Mithril-class Battleship with cannons from the ship.

However, this did not damage the Mithril-class Battleship.

The Mithril-class Battleship then attacked four pirate ships with 152 mm Triple Spirit Magic Cannons. The pirate ships were destroyed like paper.

The 28th Fleet of Sorcerous Empire navy was divided into four groups. The first team was at the headquarters. The second team is in charge of the Blue Sea. The third team is in charge of all the rivers at Seth Lake and Falmart. Most of the ships of the third group are of the Southern frigates class. The fourth team is in charge of the Avion Sea. Fourth and second: The team's job is to free the Avion Sea and Blue Sea from pirates. It is also the work of the second and fourth teams to bring all the islands between the Avion Sea and the Blue Sea under the control of the Sorcerous Empire.


Shura No Arch is the captain of the pirate ship Arch. She is a woman. She has a patch in one of her eyes.

Shura is a "good" pirate with a sense of justice. She hunts down bad pirates and protects civilians but not the military. As a result, most island authorities consider him a common pirate and hunt her down.

She finances herself and her crew by plundering others with pirates.

Shura is looking for bad pirate ships at sea to hunt. They could not find any pirate ships at sea.

Shura saw a few ships in the distance. She looked through her binoculars. She was stunned. One ship after another. Thus, a total of 11 ships are advancing in a row.

There are no sails on the ships. The ships are made of metal. The ships are carrying a lot of strange weapons that Shura doesn't know anything about.

Metal battleships are approaching them. Looking at the ships, it looked like the navy of a state.

(This is the fourth group of the 28th Fleet)

"What are we going to do now?" The crew of the ship said in a panic

"Increase the speed of the ship completely! We have to go beyond their reach!"

"Of course!"

The speed of the pirate ship Arch increased.

Many Magical frozen missiles are fired from the ships of the Sorcerous Empire

When magical frozen missiles hit the sea, the seawater turned to ice. Everything that came within range of the missiles turned to ice.

About one kilometer of the sea turned into ice. It is a scene where magical frozen missiles create an ice island in the deep sea. The pirate ship Arch was trapped in this ice.

"What the hell!"


"Captain! What shall we do?"

"What kind of magic did they use?"

Shura and they got off the ship. They are standing on the ice.

"We have to surrender!"

They waved white flags in the sky.

Grand-Class Battleship of Sorcerous Empire


The class is twice as large as the Sorcerous Empire's previous battleship class, the Mithril-class Battleship. It has an improved magic engine that has a strengthening time of 7 seconds, compared to the 18 seconds of the Mithril-Class Battleships. However, the noted feature of these ships is the inclusion of Guided Magic Warhead in the form of SSMs (Ship-to-Ship Missiles) and SAMs (Surface-to-Air Missiles). Also magic guided missiles in its arsenal.

Grand-Class Battleship of Sorcerous Empire

Currently, there is a fourth group commander in the command center of the Grand-Class Battleship. A screen in front of him shows Shura and her men. Those white flags are waving in the sky.

"Commander, shall we kill them all?" Said an officer of the Grand-Class Battleship

"No. She's surrendered."

"So what do we do now?"

"We will capture them! We may learn from them all the secret bases of the pirates. In this way, we will soon be able to eliminate all the pirates at sea."

"We understand!"

Shura and her men were terrified to see the giant ships around them. They are terrified. Then a black circle appeared in front of them. Seeing this, they became even more frightened. They fell into the ice. They all trembled with fear and cold.