CH 2 : Echoes of the Past

Two days had passed since Micheal had restored the Thousand Winds Temple, and the news of its miraculous repair had spread like wildfire throughout Mondstadt. Everywhere he went, people were whispering and speculating about the event. Some claimed it was the work of a Liyue immortal, while others believed Barbatos himself had descended to repair the ancient structure. It amused Micheal to hear their theories as he quietly sat at Good Hunter, the famous Mondstadt restaurant, enjoying a plate of Sticky Honey Roast, the city's specialty.

He took a bite, savoring the sweet and savory flavors, but his attention was drawn to the nearby chatter. A group of adventurers at the next table were deep in conversation, eagerly debating the temple's restoration.

"I'm telling you, it had to be Barbatos! Who else could restore an ancient temple like that?" one man insisted.

"Nah," another adventurer countered. "It's more likely an adeptus from Liyue! They're known for that kind of power."

Micheal couldn't help but chuckle under his breath. "If only they knew," he thought.

He placed his fork down, leaning back in his chair, and murmured to himself, "It's really a pity I missed the Traveler. From what I've heard, it's Lumine in this world. I would've loved to see her... and Paimon, my best friend who keeps getting Lumine roped into doing favors for everyone."

He smirked at the thought. In the game, he had always enjoyed the dynamic between Lumine and Paimon—how the small, energetic companion would drag the Traveler into all sorts of tasks and adventures. Seeing it in person would've been something special. "Maybe I'll run into them eventually," Micheal mused, taking another bite of his meal.

As he continued eating, a gentle breeze blew through the outdoor seating area, carrying with it the scents of Mondstadt's bakeries and flower stands. The city's bustling energy surrounded him, but Micheal felt oddly at peace. For now, the world didn't know that he was behind the restoration of the temple, and he preferred it that way.

"I'll keep a low profile for a little longer," he thought, finishing off his Sticky Honey Roast. "There's no need to rush. I've got time, and this world has plenty of places that could use a bit of repair."

Just as Micheal was finishing his meal and reflecting on the potential adventures ahead, the familiar chime of the system rang in his mind.

"New task: Repair the Temple of the Falcon of the West."

The voice echoed in his thoughts, causing him to freeze mid-bite. The fork hovered near his mouth for a moment before he slowly set it down, his body going rigid. "The Temple of the Falcon of the West?" he murmured under his breath.

He had been enjoying the peace, thinking he'd have more time to blend into Mondstadt and explore at his own pace. But now, the system had given him another task, and not just any ordinary one—the Temple of the Falcon of the West was an ancient and significant place, deeply connected to Mondstadt's history and the Anemo Archon, Barbatos. Micheal had seen it in-game as one of the ruins, but in reality, it would be far more complicated to restore.

"I was hoping for some more downtime," he muttered with a sigh, rolling his eyes as he considered the enormity of the task ahead. But deep down, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. This was why he was here, after all—to restore what was broken.

"System, can you give me the specifics?" he asked internally, already preparing himself for the mental blueprint that would soon appear before him.

A blue interface materialized before his eyes, visible only to him. The layout of the ruined temple slowly formed—a once-grand structure dedicated to the Falcon of the West, now weathered by time and the elements. Pieces of stone columns were cracked or missing, sections of the walls had crumbled, and vegetation had overtaken much of the temple's grounds.

"Temple of the Falcon of the West—state of ruin: 65%. Estimated divine power required: 12,000 units. Current balance: 25,000 units."

Micheal let out a low whistle. "That's going to cost me a lot of power," he thought. But with the system's guidance and the divine energy he had stored up, it was doable.

He stood up from the table, tossing a few mora coins down as payment for his meal, then adjusted his coat. "Looks like I'm heading out again." His peaceful time in Mondstadt would have to wait a little longer.

As he left Good Hunter and walked toward the city gate, Micheal mentally mapped out his next steps. The Temple of the Falcon of the West wasn't too far from Mondstadt, just a bit south in the Windwail Highland. If he hurried, he could get there before nightfall.

As Micheal left the gates of Mondstadt and began walking down the winding path toward the Windwail Highland, he decided to check in with the system.

"System," he asked, his tone slightly annoyed, "can you tell me what my rewards are this time? You know I'm spending a lot of divine units on this, so it better be worth it."

There was a brief silence, followed by the system's familiar voice in his mind:

"Task: Repair the Temple of the Falcon of the West. Estimated divine power expenditure: 12,000 units. Rewards upon completion: 6,000 divine power, blueprint of ancient Mondstadt ruins, and special item: Feather of the Falcon. Additional reward: increased reputation in Mondstadt upon discovery."

Micheal raised an eyebrow at the mention of the "Feather of the Falcon." That was new. He hadn't heard of such an item before, not even in the game.

"Hmm, a special item? What does the Feather of the Falcon do?" he asked the system.

"The Feather of the Falcon is a relic imbued with Anemo energy. It grants the user temporary control over wind currents and an increase in agility during combat. Limited duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 24 hours."

Micheal couldn't help but grin. "That's actually useful." Being able to manipulate wind currents and boost his agility, even temporarily, would come in handy, especially in situations where he needed to escape quickly or handle multiple enemies.

Upon hearing that his reward would only be 6,000 divine units, Micheal's excitement quickly faded, replaced by frustration. He stopped walking and scowled.

"System," he complained, his tone sharp, "how come it's so little? I'm spending more than I'm getting back—even with the Feather of the Falcon. It feels like a rip-off."

The system responded in its usual calm, neutral tone:

"Divine power rewards are based on the significance of the restoration and the impact on the world. The Temple of the Falcon of the West, while historically important, holds less influence in the present compared to larger locations such as major cities or heavily damaged structures. The Feather of the Falcon is an additional rare item reward that compensates for the divine power cost. Completion of more significant repairs will yield greater rewards."

Micheal sighed heavily, rubbing his temples in irritation. "So that's how it is, huh? The bigger the impact, the bigger the payout," he muttered.

He kicked a small pebble down the path, watching it roll before taking a deep breath to calm his frustration. The system was right in a way—restoring a temple that's been abandoned for centuries wasn't going to change the world immediately. He was repairing history, after all. But he still couldn't shake the feeling of being short-changed.

"Fine," Micheal muttered, regaining his composure. "But next time, I expect a bigger reward. Otherwise, I might have to start choosing my projects a bit more carefully."

The system's voice chimed again, unfazed:

"Acknowledged. Future missions of greater impact will offer more divine power. Host is encouraged to focus on critical world structures for larger rewards."

Micheal sighed. "Yeah, yeah," he muttered. At least the Feather of the Falcon would be useful, but he'd have to be more strategic about where he spent his efforts. No sense in draining his divine power for minor jobs.

With his mind set, he resumed walking, the wind now a little stronger as he headed toward the temple. The task still needed to be done, and even if it didn't grant a huge divine reward.

Hours later, Micheal finally arrived at the Temple of the Falcon of the West. The sun was starting to dip toward the horizon, casting long shadows over the ancient ruins. Unlike in the game, there were no strange mechanical devices or puzzles to unlock the temple's entrance. The ruins stood silently before him, weathered but still imposing. "I guess that made Lumine's life a lot easier," he thought with a smirk, imagining how much trouble the in-game Traveler must have gone through here.

He stepped forward and examined the exterior. The first thing that needed fixing was the crumbling outer structure—the foundation, walls, and the weather-beaten stone. Micheal stretched out his hand and called out, "System, show me the lines."

At his command, the familiar blue interface flickered into view, revealing the intricate network of glowing lines. These lines marked the places that needed divine power to be restored. Every crack, every broken stone, and every missing piece of the temple was illuminated before him.

"Let's start with the foundation," he muttered to himself. As he focused his divine power, he directed it into the glowing lines around the base of the temple. A soft hum resonated through the air as the power began to flow. The broken stones of the foundation shifted and fused together seamlessly, becoming solid once more.

Next, he moved to the temple walls. Sections of the ancient stone had been missing for centuries, eroded by wind and time. He concentrated again, feeling the drain on his divine power as the walls began to reassemble themselves. Stone by stone, the gaps filled in, the structure becoming whole again.

Once the outer walls were restored, Micheal turned his attention to the intricate interior of the temple. He entered through the main doorway, the inside of the temple equally damaged, with fallen columns and shattered stonework. He could see where centuries of neglect had left the interior in ruins, but the system's lines glowed bright, guiding him. With a focused effort, he repaired the pillars and ceilings, watching as the temple began to resemble its former grandeur.

Finally, he stepped back outside and looked down at the temple grounds. The stone pathways that had once led pilgrims to the temple had been worn away, leaving behind little more than rubble. "One more thing," Micheal muttered, directing his remaining divine power toward the ground. The stones shifted, realigning themselves perfectly into neat, orderly paths once again.

By the time he finished, the temple had been restored to its former glory, looking almost as if it had never been touched by time. Micheal stood back, wiping the sweat from his brow as he admired his handiwork.

"Not bad," he said with a smirk. The drain on his divine power had been significant, but seeing the temple fully restored was worth it. The Falcon of the West's legacy had been revived.

The system chimed in his mind again:

"Task completed: Temple of the Falcon of the West fully restored. Divine power expended: 12,000 units. Current balance: 13,000 units. Rewards: 6,000 divine power, blueprint of ancient Mondstadt ruins, special item: Feather of the Falcon added to inventory."

Micheal grinned despite himself. "Alright, I guess that was worth it after all," he thought. He could feel the weight of the new item—the Feather of the Falcon—now in his possession. He hadn't used such a relic before, but it would be useful.

As the wind began to blow gently through the now pristine temple grounds, Micheal took a deep breath. "One more place fixed. A whole world left to repair."