The Beginning

Kara's Pov

"Heeeeelp"!!!!!!!! I screamed as I was mauled to the ground by a fierce Gray Werewolf. I tried to wrestle him off me, but he was too strong. I could feel my breath ceasing from my lungs as his grip on my throat tightened. His red eyes glared intently at me and I could feel his sharp claws scraping the skin off my neck. 


I was prepared to die. The Arctic Werewolf elders had taught us that it was our duty to protect the human race whether in life or in death. I closed my eyes as the realization that none of my pack members were coming to my rescue hit me. 

I waited for the sound of his sharp claws to thrust through my fast beating heart, but I didn't hear it. I opened my eyes to look at him, his hands still firmly wrapped around my throat, his menacing red eyes had changed.


He wasn't looking at me with anger and disgust anymore, the look in his eyes was lust, "he didn't want to kill me, he wanted to rape me", I screamed alound in my head as he began tearing off my shirt. 

Tears began rolling down my cheeks, I tried to kick him off, to bite his hands, to kick him, but I couldn't, I wasn't strong enough. He successfully tore off my shirt and as his hands rolled down to tear off my bra top, he stopped. 


His blood began pouring all over me as Damian pulled his heart out of his body and tossed his body across the cliff. 

Damian's huge frame shadowed over me as he took off his shirt and put it on me. He lifted me off the ground and took me towards our car. 

My eyes were closing but I could still see the scattered bodies of the Gray Werewolves we attacked this evening. My eyes were about to shut off, but before they did, I gazed at Damian's beautiful blue eyes, his clenched jaws and shiny black hair. "I wanted him more than he could ever imagine", I thought to myself as I dozed off.

I wake up in our headquarters, my head was still dizzy from the battle tonight but all my injuries were healed. I woke up to the rest of the pack heading home. 

"Hey Kara, how are you feeling", Susan asks me as I try to roll off the bed.

"I'm fine, thank you". I reply with a smile plastered on my face.

"We're heading home, you wanna come?" She asks, as I get up from the bed.

"No, not yet", I reply as I give her a hug. 

As she walks out, I head towards the gym, there's so much on my mind I need to let go of.

 I approached our gym room, and I could hear the powerful sound of the punching bag being rattled.

I peeped inside the room and saw it was Damian. He was one of the reasons why it felt like I was carrying a heavy load on my head. 

Earlier in the night we had shared a moment.

I was surrounded by multiple Gray Werewolves and scared of what might happen to me, and in a heartbeat, he was there. 

Almost like he could feel my fear and panic. In less than a second, I was in his arms, his strong muscular arms that told me everything was going to be okay. 

I had fallen hopelessly in love with him but deep down I knew it was never going to be, because we could never be together, I was already betrothed to another. 

I approached him as I entered the gym, and as our eyes locked, he stopped hitting the punching bag. I truly didn't know what to say to him. 

Everytime I stared into his eyes I suddenly froze and forgot everything I had planned to say. 

I walked up to him, his sculpted muscular physique was dripping wet with his sweat.

 Stuttering for words, I finally said", "Hey, thank you for helping me out tonight".

He nodded his head in response without uttering a word, then he picked up his towel to wipe the sweat of his perfectly built physique.

 "Is there something wrong?" "Are you okay?" I asked".

"He replied" coldly, "I'm fine". And he resumed punching the bag fiercely.

 The bag looked like it was going to remove from all its hinges.

I didn't know what to say, he was usually very nice and kind to me. 

That's one of the reasons I had fallen deeply in love with him but tonight he sounded different.

So I pressed further, "Are you sure, you're okay?" 

"You can tell me whatever it is that's going on with you". I asked again.

He paused and stopped hitting the bag. 

He turned towards me and looked into my eyes, a look that sent shivers down my spine. 

I was used to gazing into his beautiful blue eyes but this time his eyes were stern, it looked like it was full with a mixture of anger and pain.

 "Kira I'm fine", " I'm just working through something and I'd love to be left alone right now", he answered".

I nodded my head at him and quickly walked out of the gym and headed home.

 I had fallen in love with him beyond words could explain, I wished he could open up his heart and talk to me. 

I wish I could help him with whatever it is he was going through. 

He had shown me a different kind of love, I wanted to be his with everything in me but I couldn't. 

I couldn't break the traditional bond I had with Chad, but Chad doesn't make my heart beat faster anymore. 

He had stopped treating me with love and care since the first year of our engagement, but there was nothing I could do about it. 

Our tribe had strong punishments for female Werewolves who break off their engagements to their mate.

Damian's Pov 

I was on a revenge mission to kill those who tortured and killed my mother. 

The Werewolves have existed for thousands of years, we were the kings of the world before the Creator decided to hand the reins over to the humans. 

We ruled over the Sorcerers, Deceptors and all other magical creatures. 

Daniel was one of the top Sorcerers still alive and I was on my way to see him. 

I knocked on his door as I removed my shoes to place on the doormat as Daniel opened the door.

Daniel was a trustworthy friend, he was one of the few people who knew who I truly was.

Daniel hugged me as he asked", "My good friend, how are you doing".

I quickly withdrew from his tight embrace and walked into his home.

 "I'm good brother, how is your wife". I asked"

 "She's good, she's become more troublesome now that she's pregnant". Daniel answered"

 "Women, Aren't they always troublesome"? I asked jokingly 

He laughs in response to my question. 

I sit up on the chair and he notices I'm beginning to get serious.

"What's going on", "Why the serious face?" He asks"

 "I need a favor from you". I answer"

He leans closer and says", "Brother you know you can ask me anything"

I pull out a piece of cloth from my pocket and showed it to him

"This is a part of the cloth my mother was wearing when she was killed".

 "I need you to go back to that moment, and give me a description of the men who tortured and killed her". 

"I know it's a hard task but I really need your help with this".

He looks at me pensively and shakes his head, he stands up and runs his hands through his long bushy hair. 

He turned to me and I could see in his eyes he wasn't going to agree to my request. 

He finally takes his seat and says", "Dom, you know I would do anything for you". 

"But I can't do this". 

"There are consequences that come with invoking the memories of the dead". 

"You would be incurring the wrath of the spirit gods". 

"I cannot put my wife and unborn child in that type of danger".

The selfish side of me wanted to press him further but I knew it wasn't the right thing to do. 

I said to him", " I understand brother", you have to put the safety of your family first".

He nods his head in acknowledgment and replies",

"Dom, I understand your pain and your need for revenge, you remember my parents were killed too". 

"But this journey you're going on isn't going to end well brother". 

"Let it go".

 I got up from my seat, I was angry he had even suggested that. 

I walked towards the door and shouted back at him, "She died because of me". 

"She gave her life for me, her people betrayed her, her own kind killed her".

 "The two tribes of Werewolves came together and killed her because she chose to keep me alive". 

"So don't you dare tell me to let this go".

 "I'll kill them all Daniel, with or without your help".

 I stormed out of his house angrily, I loved Daniel but he didn't understand the kind of pain I was in.

The Werewolves were divided into two breeds, we had the Arctic Werewolves and the Gray Werewolves and both of them murdered my mother. 

There were some differences between them. 

All Gray Werewolves had visible fangs when in human form while the Arctics didn't, but the most important difference was that the Gray Werewolves had a venomous bite that killed its victim in the blink of an eye and they loved to kill humans, but to me there was no difference between them, I will kill them all.

 The Arctic Werewolves could activate lightning speed, insane strength and heightened senses without having to transform, and when they did transform their abilities doubled.

I decided to join an Arctic Werewolf pack, I wasn't interested in their war with their Gray counterparts, my only interest is revenge.

 No Arctic Werewolf could have sexual relations with a Gray Werewolf and vice-versa.

Anyone who broke the law was killed, including any product of their sexual intercourse. 

It was believed that a curse would come on both the tribes if the child of this unlawful relationship was left to live. 

The child of a cross-breed sexual relationship was called a 'Mahevah', which is translated in English as an abomination. 

The peace and harmony we shared was broken when the Creator decided to give humans dominion over the world and made it our duty to protect them from any harm. 

The Arctic Wolves, Sorcerers and Deceptors obeyed the rules and became the protectors of man, while the Gray Werewolves refused to ever be subordinate to any other being except themselves. 

My father was the second son of the great General Isaac Stankov, He was the second-in-command while his elder brother was King. 

My father was sent on a mission to destroy a dangerous vaccine created by the Gray Werewolves called 'Exter'.

It was on one of those nights when he stayed in New Jersey that he fell in love with a female Gray Werewolf, against all the traditions, against everything they had been taught, they were in love.

 A love that was forbidden, a love that went against our tradition, a love that would be severely punished. 

They swore an oath to themselves, that they would never have sexual intercourse, they would never give in to the raging urge they had to explore each other's body. An oath that was broken and that broken oath created me.

My mother was frightened by her pregnancy, she informed my father about it and he quickly advised that I should be terminated before it became obvious that she was pregnant.

My mother refused to make that decision and in that moment the love they had was broken, my father wished to end me while mother wanted me to live. 

Their secret did not stay silent for too long, by the time my mother had given birth to me, the elders already knew about this abomination.

 In a matter such as this, the war was suspended. The elders of the Arctic and Gray Werewolves came together to ensure the rules that had kept our species alive for thousands of years were not broken. 

My parents were summoned to the council of elders to be questioned on the veracity of the claims that they had a child together. 

A meeting my mother refused to attend because she knew it would lead to her death and mine. 

My father's life was spared because of his position and reputable achievements in the war against the Gray Werewolves. 

The Grey Werewolves argued greatly against the decision to let my father live but he was allowed on the premise that he revealed my mother's location and that of his child, and he would also lose his right eye.

 My father agreed to the offer given to him, he chose his life, his tradition and his position over his family and he revealed my mother's location to the elders, so we could be exterminated.

It didn't take long for the hunters to find my mother. 

She did her best to run away and hide herself, but the entire Werewolf kingdom was after us.

When she was found , she was tortured extensively to reveal the location of her child. 

An information she refused to divulge, an information she died keeping because she made a decision to choose her son over her tradition.

 I have chosen to honor that decision by killing everyone who had a hand in her death and that includes my father.