Peek a Boo

She wore a white sports bra with dark grey leggings. Her cleavage was spilling out of the tight top, it was accentuated by her using her arms lightly pressing the two tits together. As if that wasn't enough she unfolded her legs and put her hand down on her thick thighs. She gently used her hands to guide her legs open where I could see a light outline of her pussy.

"Wait! You're not wearing any-"

She giggled and slowly closed her legs again, pressing them together. A light moan escaped her lips as she readjusted herself. "Let's just say that was a little sneak peak."

I immediately stood up, sweat beginning to build in my palms, I gripped my waist band. My dick was growing by the second, if I was going to show her I was glad there was no greater indication. I pulled my pants down and I let them fall to the floor.

My shirt was still partially covering it since I wore a large t-shirt to bed, but I decided to step out of the pajama pants. Once I grabbed the end of my shirt I noticed Sofia was leaning forward a bit, her eyes fixed on my lower body. Her eyes scanning up my naked legs to where my thick thighs had the end of my shirt hanging. Her mouth was slightly open, a light drool spilling from the side of her mouth.

Deciding to do my own teasing I wrapped the shirt tightly around my body in the back. I made shirt to get a good grip right around my plump ass. I pulled hard to really show the curves of my body, the outline of my dick and balls were on full display for Sofia.

Thud. She was now on her knees in front of me, her mouth opened, her hands reaching out. As they touched my thighs I stepped back. "Hey now. That wasn't what you asked for." My grip released as I put my hands on my hips to show my attitude.

She shot a quick glare before clearing her throat and sitting back on the bed. "Ahem, continue." She sat very regal, much like a queen but her eyes were giving away her hidden desire. Her brow was lightly furrowed in desperation.

I gripped the end of my shirt and began to slowly lift upward, then as if my body had a mind of its own I pulled my shirt completely off.

Her eyes widened as she stared at my soft white skin.


His body was a dream! So skinny, yet plump in all the areas my magazine had outlined was most attractive. His thighs being slightly muscular and thick; don't even get me started on his ass. His torso was skinny and toned. Why is this man blessed with the most desirable genetics.

His cock is so small and yet I feel this strong beating in my heart. I need to hold it together, but even the size of it leaves me going crazy.

I need to calm down, remember the magazine. The more you play hard to get, the more likely a boy or girl will find you attractive.


"Oh my," I said aloud. I felt his precum drip and hit my toes, oh they were so sticky.


Sofia was looking at her toes, my precum had dripped onto them a second earlier. Her face was a hot pink, I could see her face getting brighter by the second.

"Sofia w-"

She rose up and without looking at me she said, "Good, now if you will excuse me."

Before she could reach the door I grabbed her wrist. "Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked.

She turned her head to look at me, her smile was awkward but she was clearly excited. She was shaking, even my grip couldn't hold her still.

"Don't worry sexy, I'll give you your present later. Don't you have training in a few minutes?"

My eyes nearly popped out of my skull, "OH SHIT!". I ran to grab my clothes and gear for today's training as Sofia slipped out giggling.


Vaeril and Rophalin stood at the edge of the forest with a slightly sour expression. The two were in slightly different clothes, but many key pieces of armor were the same. Vaeril was the first to notice me approaching and waved.

"Hey, nice of you to meet us here." He called out.

"Sorry, I came as fast as I could."

Rophalin grinned and once I was close enough she slapped my shoulder. "Ow!" She was grinning now, probably happy to get some more fighting done.

"Okay you two, listen up." Vaeril brought out three crystals from his bag, 2 were light grey while one was green. "I brought the crystals for today, Rophalin and I will use the basic experience booster crystals, while Delsanra will use the Healers crystal."

To cut the explanation short, these crystals worked similar to an experience boost in a video game. Although you couldn't learn any new skills from the crystals they naturally taught your body to better adapt and use skills as you practiced them.

I set the crystal in my bag, being sure not let the sharp edges damage my journal. With that we headed into the forest for our second day of training.


Our armor clashed and clamored as we rode through the plains leading to the university. We were invited by the Headmaster to watch the upcoming tournament and recruit any students for the army.

This was strange to those of us that read the letter, this was common territory. Wasn't it best if we left the area to their own devices? Captain did not agree.

He said, "Grophus is going, and I will not let that scoundrel recruit any fresh recruits without us to challenge his side."

And so we are on our way to UEH (University of Elvish Healing). Please send my apologies to the boy, and I made sure to leave my bonus under my pillow so the anger doesn't last the 2 weeks I'm gone.

Love you,

Pline Gridner