It was the 31st now and I was shivering outside my Mom's house. The snow had been gradually picking up since Christmas and I was wrapped in whatever heavy clothes I could find. I'm sure my normally feminine figure was obscured by my clothes being layered like the Michelin man.
I knocked a few more times before the door opened. My mother, Yesthana stood before me in her favorite apron. Her blonde hair, now slowly growing darker with age was put up in her usual ponytail. Her outfit was that of common festive pajamas, her socks were green the little reindeer antlers sticking out to the sides.
"MY BABY BOY!" She yelled in excitement wrapping her arms around me and squeezing her large breasts into my slender frame.
"Mom, it's good to see you too."
She finally let me breath and I unwrapped myself as she began to set the table.
"How have you been? Tell me all about school! How are your classes? Are you learning lots? OH, have you met anyone special?" Her smirk made me cringe as I processed her questions.
"I've been good, and my classes are going well. I am learning a lot of new healing spells and I have met many friends." I said bluntly.
"Oooh I see you dodged a question." She poked me.
"I'm... not."
She sighed as she patted my head. "It's okay, we all experience some form of rejection in our lives."
"I feel so overwhelmed. I'm happy, I have new friends Sofia and Orf. Rophalin and Vaeril are cool friends but I don't know." It was still weird to me that Elvish culture was so open about these topics. "Sure I've slept with a few but I don't see them as more than friends."
My mom patted my knee, "Hmmm Rophalin, I think I've met her before. Nice lady."
I smiled, "yeah I should have figured you had met her already."
"Vaeril sounds familiar. Is he a brooding elf archer?"
"Yep." We giggled.
We went to the kitchen where she checked on the oven and continued to make our dinner.
It was nearly midnight.
We sat together as my mom told me all about my dad. He had left us but she still liked telling me about his heroic side. He went off to war, and one day wrote back that he was never coming back.
We didn't know if he was even still alive, but he basically was dead to us.
My mother put a piece of paper out in front of me. "Delsanra, this may sound crazy but I think this might help."
I looked down and it was... AN ENLISTMENT AD!
"Mom! Are you crazy!" I stood up.
"Hold on, Hold on!" She sat me back down. "Listen you told me you wanted to become a great Healer. Then sadly, you have to go to war."
"I can't be an adventurer and help them out!? I can join a party and go into dungeons and help fight-"
"Stop, I understand that is one way to go. But Adventurers are glorified treasure hunters and meant for those that have the expenses to fund that life style or are crazy enough to try to do that full time."
"But Mom I will die out there."
The room was still, neither of us wanted to speak next.
Her hand reached out and held mine, "Delsanra, you will be graduating soon. Even a great school like the one you go to can only give you the tools to be a great healer. But you need real experience."
I thought back to the past few weeks. The wand, using spells and actual combat experience. I had grown as a healer so much in just a few days, I couldn't deny she was right. But I hated killing those orcs, despite the bad patch army. It felt empty.
My mom stood up as she checked the clock. It was a few seconds to midnight.
"Delsanra, please give it some thought. You still have plenty of time to think it over."
Tears filled my eyes, "It feels like it's already over."
She held me for some time till I stopped crying. She walked me up to my room and helped me to bed. "It will all be okay Delsanra. I love you dear, and Happy New Year."