Chapter 1: The Weak Boy with a Sharp Mind


"*Backstory- History of our hero's world.*"

In a world dominated by *dimension gates*, adventurers brave the unknown, hunting monsters and growing stronger with every victory. For over 1,000 years, this has been the only way of life. These gates open to strange and dangerous realms, and while some close after the defeat of a powerful *boss creature*, new ones always appear. As if by some cruel fate, the cycle never ends.

But the gates don't just trap monsters. Within them are entire worlds, filled with different species, spirits, and races, many of which are far more dangerous or mysterious than the creatures they hunt. Some of these beings have even escaped the gates, invading the world and leaving their mark on society. What's more, occasionally a *monstrous force* breaks free from the gate's control, wreaking havoc on the outside world.

The origins of the dimension gates remain a mystery. Over 1,000 years ago, all known history vanished, and the time before that is now called the **Void Era**—a period where all records and memories were lost. Even the most powerful individuals, known as **Saints**, and the wisest scholars, known as the **Oracles**, know nothing of why the gates first appeared or what happened during the Void Era.

Many theories abound. Some say the gates are the remnants of a divine punishment, others believe they are a consequence of some ancient disaster. Yet, no matter what the truth is, the only thing the people of this world know is that the gates will continue to appear, and they must continue to fight.

In this ever-changing world, adventurers are both heroes and survivors. To face the creatures and beings within the gates is to face not only the unknown but also the very forces that keep the world on the brink of chaos.



Introduction of our main character -

Dabi had always been different. As a child, he was frail and constantly sick, unable to keep up with other kids. His body simply refused to grow strong. While his peers ran through the fields, climbed trees, and trained to fight, Dabi sat at the sidelines, reading books. His mind was sharp—sharper than anyone else's. He had a gift, something that made up for his weak body: a photographic memory.

Every book he read, every lesson he heard, was engraved into his mind like words on stone. Dabi didn't need to study like others. Once he learned something, he never forgot it. This gift had earned him respect among scholars, but it had also isolated him from others. His intelligence made him an outcast. People respected him, but they didn't approach him. They saw him as different, as someone who didn't belong.

Dabi's world was full of dimensional gates—portals to dangerous realms where monsters lurked. Only those who were strong could enter these gates, and they did so to level up, gaining power and skills. His parents had been among the brave who ventured into the gates, but they never returned. They had been killed, leaving Dabi alone to care for his younger siblings, Eli and Mira. At just 12 and 11 years old, they were all Dabi had left in this world.

For years, Dabi had dreamed of becoming strong enough to enter the gates himself. He wanted to protect Eli and Mira, to make sure they never suffered the same fate as their parents. But his weak body held him back. No matter how much he trained, he couldn't grow stronger. That's why the Awakening Ceremony was his last hope. Every year, when someone turned 18, they attended the ceremony, hoping to awaken their power. Some received strength, some magic, and others, rare abilities that could change the course of their lives.

As the day of his ceremony approached, Dabi's heart raced. He had waited for this moment his entire life. If he didn't awaken something extraordinary, his dream of protecting his siblings would vanish. He would remain weak forever, an outsider in a world where only the strong could survive.

The ceremony was held in the town square. Hundreds of people had gathered, all waiting for their names to be called. Dabi stood at the edge of the crowd, his hands trembling. He wasn't nervous about the people, but about what would happen next. His name was finally called, and he stepped forward, feeling the weight of a thousand eyes on him. He could hear whispers—people doubting him, people expecting nothing from him. After all, he was just the weak boy with a sharp mind.

Dabi knelt before the Awakening Stone, a large crystal pulsating with energy. The moment his hand touched it, his world went black. He felt something stir deep within him, something powerful. His body tingled, and a strange energy coursed through his veins. When he opened his eyes, the world had changed.

A glowing screen appeared in front of him, a level-up system unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was as if the very fabric of the universe had granted him a second chance. The system displayed his stats: Intelligence, Memory, Dexterity—but his physical strength remained low. Still, the potential it showed was undeniable. Dabi smiled for the first time in years. He wasn't strong yet, but this system, this power, would allow him to change everything.

With this, Dabi's journey truly began.