Chapter 15: Into the Darkwood Forest


After returning home from the dimensional gate, Dabi sat quietly in his room, lost in thought. The mission had been a success, but something else weighed on his mind. The system had issued another task, one that was even more daunting than the last.


System Notification:

New Mission:

Objective: Travel deep into Darkwood Forest and defeat the Boss Monster.

Reward: 3000 Gold Coins, Mastery Gift


The boss monster this time was something fearsome—a creature resembling a massive tiger, but with scales instead of fur, and venomous fangs capable of paralyzing its prey. Dabi knew this was no ordinary fight. The deeper parts of Darkwood Forest were infamous for their danger, and the monsters lurking there were far stronger than the ones he'd faced before.

But more than the danger, Dabi worried about leaving his siblings behind. Eli and Mira were still too young, and he couldn't take them with him on such a perilous journey.

For the next day or two, Dabi found himself deep in preparation. He made sure to hire a reliable nanny, someone he could trust to care for Eli and Mira while he was away. His mind was constantly on them, but he knew this mission was important for his growth.

"It's only for a week," he reassured himself, checking his gear one last time. The journey to and from Darkwood Forest would take about 3 to 4 days, and Dabi planned everything down to the smallest detail. "I'll be back before they even have time to miss me."

With a final goodbye to his siblings and a few more precautions set in place, Dabi set off for Darkwood Forest.


The forest greeted him with an eerie stillness as he ventured deeper into its dark, twisted paths. Along the way, Dabi encountered several monsters—nothing too dangerous, but they were relentless. Packs of wolves with shadow-like fur, and strange bird creatures that swooped down from the thick canopy above.

Each encounter gave Dabi a chance to sharpen his skills, and with every battle, he grew more in tune with his powers. His agility, boosted by the ring he had recently earned, gave him an edge. He could move faster, strike quicker, and evade the monsters with a newfound fluidity.

After two days of trekking through the dense forest, Dabi finally reached the heart of Darkwood.

The lair of the boss monster was hidden within a large, overgrown cave. The ground was littered with the bones of unfortunate creatures, and the air was thick with the scent of decay.

He took a deep breath and stepped inside.


System Notification:

Boss Monster Detected: Darkfang, Venomous Saber Tiger

Weakness: Exposed underbelly during leaps


The battle was fierce. The Darkfang was unlike any other creature Dabi had faced. It moved with blinding speed, its powerful legs propelling it into the air with deadly precision. Its claws sliced through the air, and every time it missed, its growl shook the cavern walls.

Dabi stayed focused, using his agility to keep a step ahead of the beast. He dodged and weaved, landing calculated strikes on its vulnerable spots. He remembered the system's hint—its underbelly was exposed when it leapt. Timing was everything.

The saber tiger lunged at him again, its venomous fangs gleaming in the dim light. Dabi saw his opportunity. As the creature leapt toward him, Dabi rolled to the side and, with a swift upward slash, struck the exposed underbelly.

The Darkfang let out a deafening roar and collapsed, its life draining away.


System Notification:

Mission Complete: Defeat the Darkfang

Reward: 3000 Gold Coins

Mastery Gift: Mysterious Egg (Level Unknown)


Dabi stood over the fallen creature, breathing heavily. The fight had pushed him to his limits, but he had won. He reached down and picked up the item the boss monster had been guarding—a large, strangely warm egg, similar to the one he had found before. Another mystery, but one that Dabi knew would be important.

Tired but triumphant, Dabi gathered his rewards and began his journey back home.


Three days later, Dabi returned, exhausted but satisfied. Eli and Mira greeted him with excitement, and he handed them the new egg. Their eyes sparkled with curiosity, and as with the first, they promised to take care of it until it hatched.

Dabi, meanwhile, felt a sense of peace wash over him. He had completed another mission, grown stronger, and ensured his siblings were safe.

But in the back of his mind, he knew the challenges were only going to get harder. For

now, though, he was content to rest and plan for what came next.
