Chapter 61: The Fallen Shadows


Dabi's head throbbed as he forced himself to stand, his body still weak from the immense strain of the Memory Stone. He stumbled through the darkened ruins, looking for any place to rest. After some wandering, he found a small, hidden room—its stone door half-cracked but still offering shelter.

The room seemed untouched by time, a relic of the lost civilization. With no time to analyze its history, Dabi collapsed on a stone bench and let his body succumb to the exhaustion. His mana was dangerously low, and his limbs felt heavy. Slowly, his vision faded as sleep overtook him.


The Awakening

Dabi woke with a start, blinking groggily as his mind cleared. He glanced around, disoriented at first, but soon remembered where he was. The stone bench had left his body sore, and he rolled his shoulders, feeling the stiffness in his muscles.

He pulled up his system interface.

"You've slept for 22 hours. Mana recovery at 50%."

Dabi sighed, rubbing his temples. His mana was far from full, but he couldn't afford to wait any longer. He knew staying in one place too long could attract unwanted attention. With a grunt, he pushed himself to his feet and resumed his exploration of the ruins.

The vastness of the place still amazed him—an entire civilization wiped out, their secrets buried within the ancient stones. But as Dabi ventured deeper, a familiar feeling crept over him. The atmosphere grew heavy, and the shadows seemed to grow darker.

"There's something here," he muttered under his breath.


Encounter with the Fallen

As Dabi moved through the narrow corridor, a chill ran down his spine. He felt the oppressive weight of malevolent energy before he saw them. Suddenly, a group of shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their forms flickering like twisted apparitions.

They were exactly like the ones Dabi had seen in the memory—shadowy monsters, born from the souls of the fallen Dimension Caretakers. Their eyes glowed with a faint, eerie light, and their movements were swift and unpredictable.

Dabi summoned his new sword, the blade shimmering as it cut through the air. The shadows circled him, their intent clear: they wanted his life.

With a swift movement, the first shadow lunged at him. Dabi dodged, barely evading its strike. But the second shadow was faster, slicing at him with ethereal claws. He felt the cold sting as it grazed his arm, blood trickling down.

"I can't get reckless," he reminded himself, gritting his teeth. His mana was still only half-full, and these enemies were unlike any he had faced before.

The battle raged on, and Dabi fought desperately, his sword flashing as he clashed with the shadowy forms. Each strike drained more of his mana, and he could feel his strength waning. The shadows pressed him, forcing him into a corner.

Just as Dabi thought he might lose, the boss appeared—a massive, dark figure with glowing eyes that pierced through the shadows. It moved with terrifying speed, and Dabi barely had time to react as it struck. The blow sent him crashing against a wall, his vision momentarily blurred.

"I... won't... fall!" Dabi growled, forcing himself back up. His body screamed in protest, but he couldn't let this end here. With a surge of willpower, he activated Phantom Steps, his body blurring as he dashed forward, dodging the boss's next attack by a hair's breadth.

Using the last of his mana, Dabi struck back, slashing through the boss's dark form with a desperate final blow. The boss let out a low, guttural scream as it disintegrated into nothingness, leaving only a dark mist behind.


Victory and the Surge

Dabi collapsed to his knees, breathing heavily as the last of the shadows faded away. His body felt broken, bruised from the near-fatal encounter. But he was alive—and more importantly, he had won.

The system chimed in his mind, a welcome sound after the brutal fight.

"Congratulations! You have gained 4 levels. Current level: 59."

He felt the familiar surge of strength as the level-up took effect, the energy flowing through his body, healing his wounds and refreshing his stamina. The notification prompted him to allocate his new stat points.

"You have gained 12 stat points."

With a thought, Dabi allocated them carefully:

Strength: +4

Agility: +4

Endurance: +4

He could feel his body growing stronger as the points took effect, his muscles tightening and his speed increasing. His mana, though still low, felt more robust than before.

Dabi's Updated Stats (Level 59):

Strength: 87

Agility: 84 (+10 from the ring)

Endurance: 83

Intelligence: 68

Mana: 600

Memory: 54


Dabi leaned against the wall, panting heavily. His body ached from the close call, and his mana was still dangerously low. But he had made it. The shadowy creatures, remnants of the Dimension Caretakers, were no easy foes. He couldn't help but wonder what had turned them into such monstrosities.

"I have to be more careful," Dabi muttered to himself as he looked around the now-silent corridor.

There was still much more to explore in these ru

ins, but for now, he needed to rest and gather his strength for whatever lay ahead.
