Chapter 75: The Reckoning


The chaos at the training camp reached a fever pitch as Malakar unleashed his wrath upon the students. Panic spread like wildfire as the dark energy radiated from him, sending everyone into disarray. Half of the students lay injured, some writhing in pain as they clutched their wounds. A teacher had lost his hand, and others were left limping, bloodied and battered, but thankfully, no one had died yet.

In the midst of the mayhem, Dabi felt his heart race. He had seen his friends, Elena and Zen, struggling to escape Malakar's grasp. The headmaster had rushed to the scene, his presence commanding and authoritative. He shouted for Malakar to release the captured students, his voice booming across the camp.

But Malakar was relentless. He had taken Elena and Zen hostage, holding them tight against him as he glared defiantly at the headmaster. "You think you can stop me? This is just the beginning!" he sneered.

In a moment of desperation, Malakar unleashed a deadly attack, a dark wave of energy that surged toward the headmaster. Reacting quickly, the headmaster met the attack with a powerful counter, sending shockwaves rippling through the camp. The ground trembled beneath their feet as they clashed, but Malakar, despite being injured from the headmaster's initial strike, was still formidable. After that he attack Elena and zen. Both blown away by the attack. Elena is motionless from that attack, she died. Zen lost his hand lying on the ground, his fate is unknown. 

Seeing his friends condition dabi ignited a furious rage within Dabi. He felt the heat of anger pulse through him as he watched the headmaster struggle. Without thinking, he activated his space skills, teleporting behind Malakar in an instant. Fueled by rage and a desire to protect his friends, Dabi plunged his sword deep into Malakar's heart.

"NO!" the headmaster shouted, his voice a mix of disbelief and urgency. "Calm down, Dabi!"

But it was too late. Dabi's fury clouded his judgment, and he felt an overwhelming wave of loss wash over him. In that moment, Zen's voice broke through the haze of anger. "Dabi!" Zen called out, his voice weak yet insistent.

Dabi's senses snapped back to reality. He turned to see Elena lying motionless, her body limp and lifeless, while Zen, barely clinging to life, struggled to remain conscious. Dabi's heart shattered at the sight; the weight of his actions crashed down on him.

As the dust settled, the realization hit him hard—Elena was gone, and Zen was critically injured. The training camp, once a place of learning and camaraderie, had turned into a scene of horror. Dabi stood frozen, grief washing over him as he realized the true cost of their fight. People rushed over and took injured students and teachers ho the healing center. 

The chapter ends in silence, a heavy stillness lingering in the air as the reality of their situation sunk in.
