Chapter 77: A Surge Of Power


It had been five days since the battle with Malakar, and the grief still weighed heavily on Dabi's shoulders. He hadn't checked his system window at all during that time, too wrapped up in the aftermath of the tragedy. Elena's death, Zen's critical condition, and the many injured students haunted him. Every night, he relived the moment he took Malakar's life, his rage overpowering any rational thought. For the first time, he had ended a life, and it left him in a state of deep turmoil.

But today, as he sat in his room, a quiet resolve began to form within him. He needed to face reality, no matter how painful it was. Dabi finally opened his system window, and a flood of notifications greeted him. He hadn't expected so many.

He began to review them, and to his surprise, killing Malakar had granted him an immense amount of experience points. Dabi's eyes widened as he realized that Malakar had been over level 200. The experience points were overwhelming, and as a result, Dabi had gained seven levels in a row.

He was now Level 77.

Not only that, but the system had rewarded him with an item: a bracelet. Upon inspection, Dabi discovered that the bracelet had a special ability—it could conceal his mana, making him invisible to detection. Whether hiding from enemies or moving undetected, the bracelet would prove invaluable in situations where he needed to remain unnoticed.

The system's description of the bracelet read:

Item: Mana Concealment Bracelet

Effect: Conceals the user's mana signature, making it impossible for others to sense or track their presence.

Use: Can be activated for a limited time, duration depends on user's mana control and strength.

As the weight of these revelations sank in, Dabi knew he needed to allocate his newfound stats. He had gained 31 stat points. After careful consideration, he decided to distribute them wisely, focusing on boosting his agility, endurance, and intelligence.

He allocated:

11 points to agility,

10 points to endurance,

10 points to intelligence.

Additionally, his mana had increased by another 200 points.


Dabi's Updated Stats (Level 77)

Class: Sovereign of Space (Mythical Class)

Strength: 116

Agility: 120 (+10 from the ring)

Endurance: 108

Intelligence: 83

Mana: 1000

Memory: 59


The power surge was undeniable. As Dabi finished reviewing his new status, he could feel the changes in his body. He had become significantly stronger, faster, and more resilient. The bracelet on his wrist hummed with energy, a symbol of his growth but also a reminder of what it had cost him to gain this power.

But none of this could ease the weight on his heart. He knew that no amount of power could undo what had been done. Elena was gone, and Zen's life still hung in the balance.

Looking at the bracelet in his hand, Dabi wondered how useful it would be in the future. For now, thou

gh, all he could do was make peace with his actions.
