Chapter 99: The Auction of Legends


The morning sun shone brightly over the capital city as Chen Velin made his way to the most prestigious auction house in the empire. Known for dealing with treasures from the distant past and magical items that most people could only dream of, this auction house was no stranger to rare commodities. But even Chen knew the items he brought today would be the talk of the town for years to come. He thinks this will definitely be a big event. I hope everything goes well without any problem. Chen Velin standing outside the auction house.

As he entered the grand building, he informed he bought some rare item which is unlike any other, the butler of the auction house inform the elder about it. Later Chen Velin was greeted by Elder Joren, an older man with silver hair and sharp eyes. Joren was one of the longest-serving elders of the auction house, a master at identifying and appraising rare items.

"The auction house is the main headquarter of all the auction houses. It's located is capital city which is full of Nobel and wealthy people."

"Ah, Master Velin," Joren said with a bow. "It's been a long time since your family brought something to auction. Come, let's talk in the VIP room."

They made their way to a lavishly decorated private room. The walls were lined with portraits of legendary auctions from centuries past, while a single glass table stood in the middle. Both men sat down, the air filled with a quiet tension.

Joren leaned forward slightly, his gaze sharp. "I hear you've brought quite the collection with you today. Rare items, difficult to find in the best of times. Where did you manage to get such treasures?"

Chen Velin smiled subtly. "These are part of our family inheritance, what's left behind by my ancestors. We've held onto them for generations, but as you know years ago the Velin family has fallen on hard times. Now we are prepared to make some changes, So we need funds to rebuild our power. These items are no use to us unless we regain our previous status."

Joren raised an eyebrow. "You are certain you want to sell all of them? Once they're gone, they can't be recovered."

Chen nodded firmly. "Yes, I am sure. It's time for us to let go of the past to secure our future."

Joren remained silent for a moment before nodding. He called for one of the auction house's top scholars, a man named Borin, to appraise the items. When Borin entered the room, Chen carefully placed each item on the table one by one. The air around them seemed to thicken with the weight of the treasures now displayed before them.

Borin's eyes widened as he saw the items, particularly the two armors, the ring, the necklace, and the skill book. He took a moment, carefully examining each piece with magical tools and runes, before finally speaking.

"These items…" Borin hesitated, clearly impressed. "Four of these are ranked as unique items: the Wolf Armor, Death Armor, the Ring of Eternal Flame, and the Necklace of Fallen Stars. However," he paused, lifting the skill book and inspecting it closer, "this skill book is even rarer. It is ranked as Unique+."

Joren glanced at Chen, his eyes narrowing. "Are you sure you want to auction this skill book, Master Velin? Unique+ skill books are nearly impossible to find, let alone auction."

Chen nodded again. "Yes, the decision has been made. The Velin family must rebuild, and we're hoping this auction will fetch a high price."

Joren sat back, impressed. "Very well. The auction will take place two days from now, on Friday afternoon. We'll handle the marketing, and we'll take 5% of the profits as our handling fee. The rest will be yours."

Chen stood up, offering his hand to Joren. "Thank you. I look forward to seeing the results."

As Chen left the auction house, he couldn't help but smile. It had been years since such valuable items were auctioned together. He knew it would cause a sensation.


Later that evening, Chen Velin met with Dabi and gave him the details about the auction.

"The auction is set for two days from now," Chen said, his tone confident. "Zen and I will be there, and I suggest you attend as well. It will be quite the event."

Dabi nodded, deep in thought. "I'll be there."


Two days later, the grand auction hall was packed with nobles, merchants, and wealthy adventurers from across the empire. The anticipation in the air was palpable, as word of the rare items had spread like wildfire. Dabi, along with Zen and Chen, sat in one of the VIP balconies overlooking the stage.

As the auction began, a few lower-tier items were sold first, warming up the crowd. But as soon as the first unique item was brought out—a shimmering set of Wolf Armor—the atmosphere in the room shifted.

"This is a rare piece of armor crafted with the essence of a Unique wolf beast," the auctioneer announced. "Starting bid at 50 million gold."

Hands shot up across the room as the bidding began. Within minutes, the price soared past 100 million gold, eventually selling for 120 million.

Next was the Death Armor, a sleek black set imbued with the energy of death itself. The bidding was even fiercer, with the final price reaching 135 million gold.

One by one, the rare items were sold, each fetching an extraordinary price. The Ring of Eternal Flame sold for 90 million gold, while the Necklace of Fallen Stars went for 105 million. But the true spectacle came when the skill book was presented.

"This is a Unique+ ranked skill book," the auctioneer said, his voice filled with excitement. "Skills contained within this book are lost to time and can only be learned by those worthy enough. Starting bid at 200 million gold."

The room erupted into a frenzy. Nobles and high-ranking adventurers alike were shouting over each other, desperate to win the skill book. The final bid was a staggering 300 million gold.


As the auction continued, Dabi's attention was drawn to a strange, black rock that appeared to be out of place among the other items. It was about two meters in size and had no discernible features. The auctioneer struggled to describe it.

"This… unknown object has been found in the ruins of a dimension gate by a master rank. Its properties are unknown, but it's believed to have some magical significance."

Dabi felt a strange pull toward the rock. He use the appraisal skills and His system identified it as an "unknown object," but gave no further information. Dabi think there are not that much item the system can identify,I only seen unknown two time in the system. It must be something very important and powerful. With my current level I can assess the information. This item must be something of a void breaker or saint rank.I must obtain the item. I have a felling it will be useful to me in future. Dabi decided to bid. The item starting bid was 1 million gold coin. No one is bidding for the stone. Everyone thinks it's a useless piece of rock. Dabi think is good I can buy it in cheap price.

"I'll offer 1.2 million gold," he announced.

There was no competition, and the rock was sold to him at that price. Dabi takes the rock and feel very happy and sorry for others, cause he had obtained something is more valuable than anything in the auctions house without any competition.


After the auction concluded, Chen Velin approached Dabi with a sealed chest. "Here's your share, Dabi. After the auction house took their 5% and we took our 10%, the rest is yours. You've earned 382.5 million gold."

Dabi nodded, pleased with the outcome. "Thank you, Uncle Chen."

Chen smiled. "You've done well, Dabi. Our partnership is just beginning." the rest 4 item I will auction them later, and the sprit egg was directed bought by the auction house for 50 million gold. That money will be given you later.

As Dabi took the chest and the black rock back to his quarters, he couldn't shake the feeling that the rock held some secret. He resolved to investigate it further, knowing that whatever it was, it might be more valuable than any gold.

-- Dabi put all the money into the system account. After putting all the money dabi checks his balance 732.5 million gold. The 50 million gold from the sprit egg has also covered. Dabi think he is very close to 1 billion gold coin, and he earn more than he thinks he could. Dabi only spent 100 million on ten item from the system shop. He thought he will earn 300 million gold but only selling 6 item 432.5 million gold. He still has 4 more item which will be auction later.

Dabi was happy but he think about the battle with zarek and think Loira need to heal quickly. Let's spend some money I can earn more money later. She only heal 10% of her injured mana vain with one mana stone. So I will at least need 9 more to fully heal her. Let's buy 2 mana stone for now, with that she can at least show the power of a master rank. It will be very nice if a master rank always keep eyes on Eli and Mira. He bought 2 mans stone for 200 million gold. Now dabi balance is 532.5 million gold. He is half way from his gola 1 billion gold. He think I don't have rush I know after I use the 1000x experience card I will surely jump ranks. It will very hard to explain it people. I will use it when I need it the most. Maybe when I graduate. So still have 1 years for that. With in ove year I earn a lot of money.

With that though in his mind he goes back to house. His siblings and loira and had dinner together dabi goes to his room lying on the bed Dabi think Tomorrow I am going to clear a high-mid level dimension gate. Dabi fall asleep.....zzzzzzz.
