Chapter 162: A Party of Connections


The next morning Dabi wakes up received a massage from Althea Illyrian.

She says, at evening she will send someone to pick up Dabi for the party.

Tells Dabi to meet / receive the man who will be send at his home at afternoon.

The day went very peacefully. In morning Dabi prepared breakfast pack lunch for his siblings Eli and Mira. After breakfast Dabi sent the to school with nanny kora.

Rest of the day Dabi was doing some random work. Like clearing, reading book, organising his siblings toys.

Scrolling the system shop checking different item, etc. Soon the day just end.

At afternoon...

A butler comes from Illyrian family and knock of Dabi house. Dabi says the man to wait for five minutes. He will leave after his siblings come back from the school.

Eli and Mira comes back asked Dabi why he dressed up like that. Where is he going ?