Chapter 181: Shadows in the Night


The moon hung low in the sky, its pale light struggling to pierce through the thick veil of clouds.

Dabi sat on the edge of the rooftop of his house holding the letter in his hand, the wind brushing through his hair as he stared at the quiet city below.

Loira emerged from the shadows behind him, her presence almost imperceptible if not for the faint glimmer of her otherworldly aura.

She was the last of the dimension gatekeepers, bound to him by a contract forged a year ago, yet her enigmatic nature still managed to unsettle him at times.

Dabi tells loira, Oh you finally came out of the training room. It's been weeks since you entered there.

She thanks Dabi, for giving her two mana stone. She tells is was a long time I was absent huh!. But it's worth it Dabi.

I have finally able to heal fifty percent of my mana vain. Now I am only one step away from Grandmaster rank.