EDWINA"Ma'am, let me do it. I will handle it."I turned my head around to the owner of the voice, a tired smile plastered on my face. Saskia, the cook who had been in this house even before I was married to Kieran, had a bewildered look on her face. I supposed that she would never understand what joy I derived in baking late into the night as I was doing."Thank you, Saskia. I got it." I told her, dismissing her silently as I went back to cleaning up.After I returned from lunch with Harriet, I had been so restless to the point where I couldn't sit still. I supervised the maids and Saskia as they made dinner in the kitchen, a meal I knew Kieran wouldn't be around to eat. I didn't have the heart to tell them not to bother cooking as I wasn't also hungry but it gave me something to do other than pace around my room and so I didn't stop them.I knew Saskia still lingered at the doorway and I knew that she wouldn't leave even if I asked her to. After all, it couldn't make sense to the cook of Kieran White that his wife had bothered to wipe down the table she had baked cookies on because she was restless.I said nothing to her until the kitchen was spotless, cleaned to my desire. I walked past a moping Saskia to grab a bottle of wine which I poured into a glass for myself. Saskia still lingered, watching me to see if I was alright.I only managed to take a sip of the wine before the tears I didn't think would spring on me came out of nowhere and had me sobbing loudly. One second, I was sipping the flavored wine and the very next, I was on my knees sobbing like a racoon.Saskia who was probably shocked to my bones moved closer to console me, the older woman unsure what to do. She first attempted to wipe my tears and then tried to hold me but I shrugged her hands off. As if I wasn't embarrassing myself enough by sobbing like that."I-I will retire to my room." She mumbled after I'd once again dismissed her. I knew that the last thing she wanted to do was leave me in this state but she left anyway.I didn't even raise my head to wipe my tears till all the tears were out of me. Till I could sit in silence and drink my wine in peace.I'd fallen in love with Kieran before he had even chosen me as his wife. He would sometimes frequent the bar I worked at and I would watch from the sidelines the plethora of women that threw themselves at him knowing I would never ever have the chance to measure up to those women.That was until Kieran's ex-fiancee, the woman he loved with all his heart had humiliated him publicly by refusing to get married to him. That night when he came to the bar, I knew things were different with him.And I knew better when he had told me that I was pretty. I had served his drinks a million times before that time but it wasn't until that night when he had really looked at me that he had told me that I was pretty. And I was so overjoyed that I couldn't stop myself from swooning."Would you like to come with me to my place?" He'd asked after my shift ended and I was on my way back to the measly apartment I shared with someone else downtown.I knew what he had been looking for was a rebound and yet I'd nodded, willing to take whatever he would give me. I wondered when that began to change. That night altered the course of my life forever.From a one night stand with Kieran White to become his lawfully contracted wife for a period of five years. The reason for my marriage to him is not far-fetched, a means for him to fulfill the clause in his grandfather's will about taking over the family business that had been willed to him.His grandfather had asked him for him to be happily married for a period of five years before he could assume the role of a CEO. I glanced at the wall clock and noted that it was a few minutes before twelve.And then, it would be official.The clock struck when I heard my husband's car drive into the house. Startled by the noise, I flinched and rose to my feet. I couldn't let him see me crying like that and I was sure that I probably looked miserable. Putting the glass away, I raced up the stairs to change into one of my sexy night-wear and clean my face.Even if things were not right, I was still married and it was our anniversary. I would do anything to make it special.By the time Kieran walked into the room, I was already waiting for him with his present. Kieran stopped at the sight of me in the flimsy excuse of a night dress and a carefully wrapped present."Happy anniversary," I beamed at him as I walked up to him to take his briefcase. There was no need asking him if he had been working so late once again. It wasn't in my place."Oh," he mumbled, no trace of humor in his eyes. Still, I didn't stop smiking as I traded his briefcase for my wrapped prrsent."Open it," I nudged him as I went to put his briefcase in place.Watching him unwrap the present I had gotten him, I stared at the face of the man I had fallen in love with. He was handsome as always, his green eyes always with an electric feel. Even with the suit he was donning, he looked completely ravishing that I almost couldn't keep my eyes away from him."Thank you," he smiled, holding up a bottle of his favorite perfume that I had gotten him. I only nodded while I watched him walk up to his briefcase, expectant. "Listen, I have something for you.""Oh," I couldn't help the smile on my face from blooming but as Kieran returned to me with the folder I very much already knew decided my fate, my smile vanished."Our marriage is five years already," he said as he handed me the folder. When I flipped it open, I wasn't shocked about what I'd seen.Divorce papers.I should take it in good stride especially as I knew that it had been coming yet I could feel the weight of the dagger stabbing my chest, digging deeper and deeper."Edwina, are you okay?" Kieran asked when a tear slid down my face.Of course, I wasn't okay. How could I ever be okay with this?Still, I nodded without bothering to meet his gaze."It's been a good five years but our contract has come to an end as you already know. By the weekend, I would be announced as the CEO. I've already started to receive some congratulatory calls." He explained. Once again, I nodded."Thank you for a good five years. As agreed, I would keep to my end of the deal and give you what we had agreed on. You can sign the papers but I will plead with you to wait till after the party on the weekend before leaving.""Of course," I nodded.He opened his mouth to say something else as I settled down on our bed but his ringing phone cut him off."Let me get this. I will be right back," he muttered before he walked out of the room.Yet he never made it back that night.